
Viewing 321 - 340 of 674 results

Thank you · 9:04am Nov 30th, 2015

I also wanted to write one more blog post to thank all 170 of you. Just imagining that there are 170 people that are interested enough to my stories to follow me is honestly humbling to me. The support and the love you guys have shown me despite my long period of absence is more than I could ever ask for.

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Change of plans (350 follower special) · 7:20pm Jul 13th, 2015

So, since I'm only one follower away from 400 (ONE FOLLOWER!!!! AAAARRGH!!! :twilightangry2:), I thought I would do something a little different for my 350 follower blog post, and save the OC Q&A panel for my 400 follower post. Nothing's canceled or anything. Just rearranging things to make a little more sense.

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Oh. Hey. There's 200 of you. · 6:34pm Dec 22nd, 2015

So that's a thing.

Anyway, thanks for, you know, reading my stuff. I appreciate all of you taking the time to watch me and read what I've written, even when it's swill and even when it's ultraserious. You may not be my reason for writing, but you're certainly the reason I keep posting on this damned site.

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A Thank You and Responses · 9:21pm Sep 11th, 2018

So A Dire Situation has been knocked out of the featured box. First off, thank you all for supporting the story. I know I spend too much time on Twitch and I don't release stories as often as other prolific writers on this site. However hopefully the quality shows that when I have an idea for a story, especially a clopfic, I impress when I do release one.

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OVER HALF WAY THERE!!! Fundraiser Update (Latest Update 11/24) · 9:52am Nov 20th, 2018

If you would like to see the original post with info and light background, click here!!
HOLY SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS!!! We're already over half way there!!!!!

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50 Followers! · 7:36pm Jan 28th, 2017


And for your dedication to stick with me I am going to do two specials voted on by you (hopefully all).
Anyhow here is link if you want the chance for your epic story to be heard.
Thank you very much for your dedication and love.


Eternal Knights Coloured Study · 5:27pm Sep 18th, 2017

Well, I've finally got back to Bournemouth, my term starts next Wednesday, and I can continue using the university macs to practice my Photoshop Colouring.
So here, for 6samuelb, Whitewolf Stormrunner and Bronycommander, who have stuck by me all year, the Eternal Knights in colour.

It came out a bit brighter than intended, I might go over it later on when I have the chance.

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Stories on deck! · 4:44am Aug 4th, 2019

I know I know I said I would take a break but I just had these stories sitting in my "To be posted" folder and thought? Why the Hell not? You guys might like em and ask me for more chapters if I give you a taste of what I have been working on instead of just hording it and waiting for it to be perfect. I've been trying to be happy writing again and I think i've found my groove again. Keep up the support cause it really...really does help. Thank you all and I hope to keep entertaining you with

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50 Followers!!! Woot!!! · 2:00pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Hey everypony!

I’m pleased to announce that I now have.... 50 DAMN FOLLOWERS!!!

I reached a new milestone & it’s all thanks to you guys who supported me! Really, you guys deserve the credit.

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Interview With The Barcast! · 7:35pm Jul 6th, 2020

(Art by Petirep).

I have the honor of being the next guest on the lovely podcast, The Barcast! This means so much to me, as this was one of the goals on my fimfiction bucket list, and is like one of my dreams come true. I am so excited.

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Rough news · 2:39am May 1st, 2018

So recently I've been trying to force my way into working on this story, because I like it, but it's become difficult to work on it without being able to focus on it with the Air Force breathing down my neck. (I work on f-35s, being a crew chief) In order to give my self plenty of time to ensure quality of the story, I've set myself a goal of one chapter a month. This gives me plenty of time to pay the editors, work on the story, and maintain a healthy life while all the while maintaining

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After Birthday update · 11:12pm Sep 12th, 2019

Hey again all,

So wanted to say a thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I read it and am truly thankful for your wishes.

Also on a side note my work rate may slow down (I just got Fire Emblem Fates and I cannot stop playing it, please send help) but I am trying to push out more of Sweet Apple Romance with any luck I will have at least a chapter out by the end of this week.


One Last "Thank You" · 12:22am Aug 10th, 2023

Hey there everyone, been a while since I've... ever posted here. Over a year, so much has happened since I moved on from this site. But I drop by daily just to check on things, even if I'm not heavily into this fandom anymore, still holds an integral place in my memory. So! Getting past all that weird nonsense, "Why am I posting out of the blue in the middle of the night?". Simple.

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Good News, Bad News. · 6:34am Oct 25th, 2022

Hey everyone, firstly, the good news. I'd like to thank everyone for reading Case Closed. (Be sure to check out the newest chapter if you haven't.) And pushing it to being featured for a day. I really hope we can keep this bad boy up for at least another day. So aside from that we slightly had to push back on The Equestria Chronicles release because of the massive reception to Case Closed and for...personal reasons. (The current chapter is half-way done, so it'll be out soon, I promise!)

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Big Imagination, Small Exposure · 3:22am Feb 2nd, 2020

Hello, Everypony!

First, I just want to thank all of you for reading this. It means a lot to me to know that someone sat down and listened. That's all I really want. Someone to just gimme a chance, you know? Thank you. :twilightsmile:

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for the love of baud... · 8:34pm Apr 16th, 2020


Someone was really nice and made us some pictures of Baudy.

Here's our favorite one.

This inspired us to continue a story about Baudy. We'll be trying to update it every day if we can. Heh. Good luck, right?

Have a good day, everyone.

Report darf · 140 views · #Baudy #fan-art #clopfic #thank you

Early Thanks · 4:21pm Jan 16th, 2021

I know this is a bit unusual, making a "thank you" post so early on, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank everybody who's stopped to read Stallion of Tomorrow and for all the positive feedback I've gotten so far.

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My Personal History to Creating Stories & My Next Biggest Story Project · 10:01am May 26th, 2020

(I originally wrote down a lengthy blog but accidentally restarted the tab, deleting what I wrote down, so I'll make it a quick summary)

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The final chapter of "Pride of the Apples" is up! · 8:16pm Mar 26th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yes, the last chapter is up, and so ends an interesting ride on a different potential side of MLP. I'd like to thank all of you readers for helping it get this far, and to all of you who gave so many likes and commented so warmly and positively. I couldn't have finished it without all of you!

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:


What the f*SQUEE* is going on?! · 2:32am May 11th, 2016



Guys, what did you do? I made this in like ten seconds. Why is it everywhere? This was filler while I worked on other stuff. Now people are yelling at me for making it.

Really though I'm too grateful for mere words to ever fully describe. I'm gonna go back over it and clean it up sense it seems it's now going to be everywhere. Thank you so much.

Viewing 321 - 340 of 674 results