
Viewing 321 - 340 of 641 results

Power Outage Followup · 12:08am Jul 25th, 2022

I promised a second blog with more pictures, and this time you're not gonna have to wait a month or two to get it!

There'll even be a video which isn't exciting but it does have pretty flashing lights.


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Updates on Final Fantasy Aleph Null and the New Transcendental Sequence · 2:13pm Jun 6th, 2022

Hey guys. Did you think I was gone? Heh, nah, I'm still around. Have some updates.

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Hmm... · 4:56am Sep 21st, 2019

Celestia and Luna take a "bucket-list" sister vacation while Twilight and her friends struggle to cover the princesses' many royal duties alone.

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria.

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Chapter 8 Update · 4:08pm Mar 23rd, 2021

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that Chapter 8 isn’t ready just yet. Things have been very hectic over here so I’ve had to prioritize my projects. Hopefully I’ll have something in early April at the latest!

Aside from that, I’m still sporadically streaming (though that too has declined for the same reason as above) so if you want to keep up to date with what I’m doing and working on, follow me on Twitter, @Cornutt101.

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State of the Scribe: June 2024 · 10:39pm June 1st

Another month has arrived, and it's time for an update. Will I be brief or ramble this time? Find out soon!

New stuff first, since I know that's going to be the most interesting to most people. We'll start with Accidental Sunshine, there at the bottom.

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Released new chapter · 4:04am Mar 21st, 2022

Is it perfect? No. That's impossible. Perfection is an unreachable standard.

Is it at least a new chapter that I have partially cobbled together from ideas I had for like six months and at least attempts to push some stuff slightly forward into a new kind of normal? I mean probably.

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A Eulogy for a Friend · 7:01pm Dec 24th, 2023

It's okay now.
You can close your eyes.
You're safe now.
No more pain.
No more pinpricks and needles to deliver cold shots of insulin, day after day.
No more half-blindly running into chairs.
No more needing to stay still and calm, unable to even play with the toys you once threw around.
Last night, you came to me in a dream, watching me silently as I relived your final moments, easing out your final gasps on the carpet upstairs.
And you were okay then.

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Super Mario RPG - Is Smithy Still Alive? | SwankyBox · 12:29pm Jun 22nd, 2016


[Video] It's SCARY How Well These Matched... · 8:08am Oct 11th, 2015

Okay guys I know I'm supposed to be writing FMP (and the first draft of the next chapter is awaiting notes from my proofreader so settle down) but last night I was taking a break and exploring the features of some of my software and long story short I came up with this:

Long story:

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The Return! · 4:50pm Jul 26th, 2015

Yes, to all who are not yet aware, I am back home early, and I have much to discuss. (This is your one and only wall of text warning, I guess.)

Recalling the first line of the USAF song, I realized several days ago that I was Icarus with my entire life situation for the past year and a half, outside of my ever-nascent writing and editing world, which is still going strong and will be going stronger than ever in the months and years to come.

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Would anyone like to proofread a fic? · 10:07pm Jun 19th, 2015

Next Gen. :pinkiesmile: Sunset Shimmer. :twilightsmile: Subtle references to Kesha's music. :trollestia: Is anyone up for it?


Cuteness Overload! # 5 - Derpy · 5:33am Apr 10th, 2017

Hey, guys. Told you I'd get this up today, didn't I? Anyways, this time I'm doing Derpy. I don't think this will be too hard. :rainbowlaugh: Just grab every single picture of Derpy on DA and DB, and I'm all set to go! Only problem with that would be linking all of that up... That'd take hours. So instead, I'll just showcase all of these.

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"Death Metal" - "The Iron Horse" Fan-Shipping (Featuring 002!) · 3:05am Feb 9th, 2017

Hey folks! Thought maybe you could all use some levity/weirdness amid all the tragic backstory stuff. Luckily, longtime reader and stream-follower Obsi (aka Shetland) wrote a strange little ship-fic between everyone's favorite robotic psychopath pony, Turing's elder sister Unit 002 and... a zombie?!

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The latest chapter of My Little Dynamite: Book 2 is Live! · 8:25pm Dec 15th, 2016

And with this chapter, all of the content I wrote back in the Twidance Collab days is now out. From here on, it's all new stuff.

Did I plan this to coincide with the new year?

It just worked out that way.

Stay frosty.


This is important and you should read it even though I hate that this has to be the 101th blog even though it is very important and just how many times do I have to sate that? · 5:34pm Jun 26th, 2016

Hi guys, it's Ice and unlike some of my other blog posts which center around silly .gifs and notifications of new stories, I have something else to say that is becoming more and more important now that there are almost 150 of you.

I don't know why every single one of you guys followed me. Some because I'm cool or something but I know that most of you are here for my writing. It's rather obvious.

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When you pop another funny XD · 1:00pm Jul 7th, 2016


Update (Got Distracted By Erased Edition) · 11:20pm Mar 28th, 2016

Got around to watching the last episode of Erased and was disappointed not to find fic of my favorite ship Angst X Amnesia X Time Fuckery and I'm gonna get in on that. With tongue. So much tongue.

In the meantime, I'm gonna talk about pony plans.

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Murry Chrasler! · 12:37am Dec 25th, 2015

And as I look through the 'christmas' tag of derpibooru, I can see that a lot of ponies this year are going to be on Kris Kringle's naughty list. The holidays sure do bring out a lot of clop.

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A wild fic reading appears! · 6:30am Sep 26th, 2017

Cool duder and all-around sexy throated ficreader, ScarlettBlade/CaptainSand put this out earlier. Heckin' fast, if you ask me. Give a listen and let someone other than me shove Sunset's horsedong into your metaphorical face.

Oh, chapter 2 is already starting to shape up.

Stay classy.


Belated Halloween-ish story bump! "DeathMetal" by Obsi · 3:24am Nov 2nd, 2017

So, it slipped my mind but yesterday I planned to share a bizarre little story by one of my readers, Obsi (aka Shetland, aka the German kid who haunts Greenfinger’s live streams 😁). This story is about Unit 002 from The Iron Horse and her defrosting relationship with a zombie pony named Hollow. It’s certainly weird, but I’ve read it and rather enjoyed it, and it could use some love, so check it out for some post-Halloween robot x zombie fun. 🎃

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 641 results