
Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,613 results

Riiight, sooo... · 12:44am Sep 22nd, 2015



I'll just be getting to that next chapter now...


Forced Happiness · 1:07am Mar 4th, 2017

I don't smile very much. It's just the way I am. I have whatever is the male equivalent of Resting Bitch Face. So, at the best of times, I look like I want to stab whoever I'm talking to.

I had a not great day today, so I actually am in a bad mood. If, at rest, I look pissed at the world, you can only imagine how I look when I am indeed not feeling the best.

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Net Neutrality Was Ended; What happens to this Site Now? · 6:50pm Dec 14th, 2017

If you're following the news, you've heard how the FCC chairman just destroyed internet protection laws that prevent ISPs from throttling websites and startups online. 83% of Americans supported Net Neutrality, but today, the chairman sold us out for cable companies. The good news is that the backlash against his misinformed decision will be massive and relentless. When he's taken to court, he's going to have a difficult time defending his horrendous choice. Until then, it looks like America

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A Monumental Task · 1:32am Jan 5th, 2018

So... where to begin.

Okay, so this blog is for one of my bigger works that's currently published. What it Means, a self-insert revolving around the hero, Dee, and his adventures outside of Equestria. It was something I was quite proud to have published and I'm happy with the positive reception it's gotten and how far it's come.

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New Entry into the Beanis Cinematic Universe! · 2:05am Jan 7th, 2018

I’m guessing a good portion of you have already read it, but for those who haven’t, I have a new story set in the Beanisverse that I think people might enjoy without having to do previous fic research. Either way, I think you guys will like it.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Also I think I broke Fuzzy’s brain with this story. Along with several other brains. Anyway, if you like sexual humor, you might enjoy this fic.


All good things.. · 7:05pm Oct 12th, 2019

Well, today we say goodbye to G4 of MLP.

Can't say I'm that surprised, or sad to see it go. I mean, I stopped watching around Season 4, mostly due to my personality and interests changing.

But I still owe it to the show for getting me into my creative writing career for this fandom and even more such as Sword Art Online, Clone Wars, Snow White with the Red Hair, and more.

So, a salute from me and a fond farewell to Friendship is Magic, Generation 4.

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Bun Noises · 10:11pm Mar 16th, 2020

Howdy, y’all. So a long time ago I made an audiobook for Looking Glass. I finally got around to cleaning it up, and I posted the whole thing on YouTube so people don’t need to download it or listen to it off Google Drive. And there’s a lot more coming up as well.

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So, I got around to watching Pony Life. · 12:01am Jun 25th, 2020

And it sucks. I don't get why people keep comparing it to Teen Titans Go, though. That show can actually be pretty funny on occasion. But this? This is cringe incarnate. The only reason it's even worth mentioning, at least for me, is that we now have a televised version of Fluttershy who can change her own size at will. There could certainly be a story for an older demographic in there, if you catch my drift.


Some Serious Announcements · 2:21am Apr 2nd, 2020

So, I realize that I’ve been slacking off on my stories. I think I know why; I just don’t watch MLP anymore. I can’t get the creative juices flowing when there isn’t something to inspire me.

I totally do not have a Google Doc that has the next chapter of Fallout Equestria: 21st Century Breakdown in development. I totally do not absolutely love that story and where it’s going. So, I’m going to have to say this while meaning all well and with a heavy heart...

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Fic Illustrations, Open for Scene Suggestion · 4:26pm Jun 17th, 2022

Hey, long time no post! Okay, maybe not that long, but it has been a few months since I've posted anything. I don't really have an excuse for that, I just sorta... Stopped writing? The next Shadow of a Doubt chapter's been nearly done for months, though the chapter after that has been a bit difficult to plan out.


Anyway! Onto the topic of the blog title!

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What is Local58? · 10:52pm Aug 19th, 2018


Hey! Zx exist too · 3:22am Dec 10th, 2021

I've seen crossover with megaman classic, x, zero and even nattle network

but what about zx?


Update 5-13-2019 Project: Ediolon #2 · 6:23am May 13th, 2019

Hey guys, still around and coming to you now with not only news of my progress, but also a title drop, description, and cover art! I've been working none stop, and so far I've got 7 chapters finished out of a total of 18. I've also been thinking about the release date, and I think I may release the story a little bit earlier than I originally planned, so, keep watching!

'A Nightmare in Eidolon'

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On Programs and Ponies · 6:42pm Jul 14th, 2021

If you’ve been waiting for PONY Legacy to be marked complete before reading, today’s your lucky day!

TPONY Legacy
Ten years after Celestia disappeared, Dash is accidentally transported to a strange world – and in her race to escape the System, she faces an enemy she never expected.
RBDash47 · 52k words  ·  409  5 · 1.8k views

Consider this something of a rambling afterword that you probably don’t want to read unless you’ve read the story or don’t care about spoilers.

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Traumatized (Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 4 Spoiler) · 9:28am Apr 9th, 2021

My reaction to that episode:

John, what have you done?

I am so traumatized by what happened in that episode.

If you watch that episode on Disney+, you get the idea.

Oh man.... I am speechless right now!


Filthy Rich is the Best Character in MLP · 11:37pm Jan 14th, 2021

There, I said it. I mean every word of it. Will I ever explain this perspective?

No Yes.

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Self promotion · 2:43am May 12th, 2019

Uhm, I'm not really good at self promotion ... or any promotion. Where can I go to ask people to look at my writing without being a royal pain in the a ... butt?
Have a good day.

Nevermind. Found it.


How I get my Military fix · 2:59pm Sep 12th, 2020

(If it starts automatically at 20min something I didn't do that on purpose xd)


Just an Update · 9:49am Jun 3rd, 2019

So, I've got some serious decision making to do and I became super busy, like I've wanted, plans have changed, alot, I could go on, but I'm not.

So what does this mean? Well, for starters, "the book" won't have an alpha version by December, I'm probably not going have time to drop by on here as often, less blog posts, and I'm still not going to be very active in general.

The good news? Uh, well, my other, currently secret projects, will speed up a little bit, I guess.

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zeroed · 1:56pm Aug 17th, 2023

So I know I've been gone a while. Been dealing with grief really bad. I may have downplayed what I went through when I lost the house and even neglected to mention what I went through after that. Maybe because of shame, I'm not sure. Maybe because it hurt too much to talk about it, still.

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 1,613 results