
Viewing 341 - 360 of 847 results

Blog Entry #39- Change/Improving · 6:18am Jan 23rd, 2019

Well, this was a long time coming... *Clears throat* Hey everyone. I know it's been awhile since I've done... well, anything to be honest. Part of it is because I am/was busy. However, another reason for my lack of content is because ive been waiting ages for editors and whatnot.

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Blog Entry #40-Losing Followers? · 9:04am Feb 15th, 2019

Maybe I'm just overthinking things but I had 178 followers today and now I have 175. I cant tell if this is a glitch or something but I just thought I bring it up. Hope you guys are having a good day.


Blog Entry #45-Still Trying to Get More(Active) Followers · 8:12pm May 11th, 2019

Welp, I've been on this site for about 4 years(give or take) and Unfortunately, I have very little to show for it. Don't get me wrong. This has nothing to do with being "Horse Famous". That's the least of my problems.

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Coming Soon... · 4:45am Feb 9th, 2019 a, um, well, here. As I am fortunate enough to be creeping closer to 250 followers, I will be doing an AMA once I hit that particular milestone.

Also, I'm going to attempt to draw (by hand) one of my stories as a comic after Valentine's Day. Which one, however, I have no idea. I did narrow down the list, though and I'd like to have y'all's input/opinion.

The choices are:

TSunset's Day
I got caught passing notes and it changed my life.
pabrony · 3.1k words  ·  176  13 · 5k views

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Getting There... · 8:30pm Aug 8th, 2018

Wow. Just a little over a year and a half and I've almost got 200 followers. Honestly, I haven't been this excited since Spring Break hit the popular list (for only about 45 minutes but it still counts). I never thought that I would hit 100 followers last year, let alone get anywhere near 3k+ views on any of my stories. So thank you, everyone, that has read, liked, commented, and followed me and my stories.

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Report pabrony · 220 views · #Thank you #200 follows

Blog entry#21- A New Continuity Story/Stoires · 11:38pm Aug 21st, 2017

So, a few weeks ago I decided to write a story with continuity similar to the user's blog. Of course, it won't connected with his stuff and it's based on a comment driven story. More details will be out once it's done but I promise it will be fun. I would give a trailer for it but it's not done yet nor does it have anything to put out yet. All I can say is it revolves around comedy(truth or dare) and it's set in

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Why Do Dislike Exist? · 10:12pm Jun 22nd, 2020

...Maybe I should rephrase that. Why do dislikes exist when it comes to comments. Stories I understand. Everyone is entitled to their option and it to show that the stories are either good, bad, eta(although sometimes they can be abuse but that's an entirety different subject). But why comments?

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Report SunTwi06 · 270 views · #Freinds #Followers #Eta

Blog #12-HAPPY NEW YEAR · 7:04am Jan 1st, 2017

To my followers/friends and everyone alike. I hope you guys have a good year:ajsmug::yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::scootangel::raritywink::twilightsheepish::trollestia:


For Those Who Just Follow the Story Rather Than Me... · 11:29pm Mar 4th, 2019

First of all, how could you you horrible people?

Second, I'm planning a rewrite of A Heart Eclipsed. Details here. Would y'all rather I start a new story - A Heart Eclipsed Mk. II - entirely and mark A Heart Eclipsed as "canceled," or would you rather I just mark the current chapters as "alt. continuity?"

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Blog entry#22- Promoting a story · 5:23am Aug 28th, 2017

Hey everyone, I want you all to know that there is a story called Fullmetal Pony which is so far a pretty good fic. So if your interested in it, check it out and if you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up and follow the author.


500 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D · 12:45am Jun 2nd, 2020

You read that right! :D I now, as of on my FIMFiction Account, have 500 FOLLOWERS!!!!! :D :D :yay: :yay: :pinkiehappy:

So, as tradition for this milestone, time for some music, with the music of choice being....... Pokémon Champion Music! :D

Enjoy! And thanks again for 500 followers! :3

Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow Champion Music (Generation I):

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Champion/Red Music (Generation II):

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So, About My 100th Friend/Follower Story... · 8:01pm Jun 26th, 2020

So, I know I said I'd have that story out soon but due to some delays and I want the story to be as "flawless" as possible, I'm pushing that story back for an extended time. Currently, my editor is in th process of the first arc and we will be working on the second arc as soon as the first arc is finished.

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Report SunTwi06 · 179 views · #Friends #Followers #eta

Milestone!!!! · 10:33pm Sep 20th, 2019

Guys, we've hit 50 followers on this account, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for helping me make it this far. I'm honoured that with a measly two stories, you guys have warmed up to the lovely Pinkie Pie and Mena so much. I'm gonna tell Mena and Pinkie how grateful I am to all of you, and maybe, just maybe, they'll put out a special chapter just for you.

Thank you so much once again, and I look forward to showing you their adventures for a long time yet.


So, · 3:36pm Jul 14th, 2019

First blog post, don’t judge me, here we go.

So there’s a user I follow name do taddy1012, and he/she (haven’t figured that out yet.) is trying to get to 200 followers, now, normally I don’t do this sort of thing, but I think they deserve it, if you could check out their page, hopefully follow, I’d appreciate it, they probably would too but i’m not supposed to speak for other people.... so, pretty please? :fluttershysad:


25 followers! · 9:35pm Nov 19th, 2018

Hey! 25 followers! Nice. Thank you everyone who hit that follow button. I really appreciate it. Tomorrow after I go to the dentist I’m gonna be writing and making a backlog of stuff. So you FE fans look forward to a post sometime in the next few weeks!

40 years fans, once faithful student hits 200 likes there will be a mega post of not two, but (hopefully) three chapters at once! So hit that like button on that old fic if you haven’t! And for all the stories, don’t forget to comment.

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I've Come To Make An Announcement · 7:50pm Sep 26th, 2020

Shadow the Hedgehog is a- oh wait, wrong announcement. *scrambles though papers* Oh, here it is! *clears throat* I have plans for the entire month of October for a special story to come out witch will have a chapter come out every day for the entire month. In addition, there'll be two stories coming out as well although they aren't as high on the list. I hope you'll give your support and enjoy the month of Horror:heart:

Report SunTwi06 · 180 views · #Friends #Followers #Eta #Horror

Urgent News (Update) · 7:21pm Apr 13th, 2021

I first want to apolgize to anyone I may have caused to be concerned but the good news is I can see again. However, I can't have any bright lights hit said eye for some time due to the damage. With that said, I'm happy to inform I'll be writing again (albeit, slower since I've been on pain killers the past few days:facehoof:). Again, I'm sorry for worry everyone. What I did was risky but I knew in good faith I couldn't let what happened slide. I hope none of you are angry with me and I promise

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Report SunTwi06 · 257 views · #Update #Friends #Followers

Which is your favorite? · 6:47am Apr 22nd, 2021

Heya Peeps I am curious on something.

Which fic is your favorite or got you into following my work?

Wanna know for reasons just comment in this blog.

Magma out.


100th Friend/Follower · 7:48pm Jun 21st, 2020

I want to thank everyone for the follow/wanting to be my friend. It means a lot that you place your trust in me and love my stories. I have something planned for my 100th friend/follower story. It'll take a bit to come out but I promise It'll be worth every bit of it. I only hope I don't disappoint you guys/girls. If any of you need to talk/chat with me, I'm all ears. Again, thank you so much and I hope to keep you guys happy:heart:

Report SunTwi06 · 161 views · #Friends #Followers #eta

I need some help. · 2:30am Jan 25th, 2020

I currently have 46 followers, which is a great thing. However, I am planning on doing a 50 follower special soon, and can´t really do that right now. Will you guys please help me with that? I´ll only give two clues for the special thing.
1. Only people who choose to follow me can participate (for those who haven´t, it isn´t too late).
2. It will be a contest-of sorts.
If you guys help me reach that goal, it would be really special to me. A thank you to all who choose to help!

Viewing 341 - 360 of 847 results