
Viewing 341 - 360 of 674 results

One year · 11:07pm Aug 6th, 2016

A year ago today I decided take a leap of faith and publish my first chapter of The Right that Returns. As the year moved forward I was astounded by the level support. let it be from coments saying great chapter to the PM's that of helpful tips and corrections. All of this made want to continue onward and make my story better, that's why I've been rewriting the chapters 1-6.

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Only 6 Upvotes Away From 200! · 6:32am Aug 27th, 2016

Thanks to everyone for making this possible! I hope we can reach this goal as soon as we can!


Writer's 2nd Milestone · 10:14pm Nov 25th, 2015

Hello everyone,

I'd like to announce that the story has reached 100+ likes as well as 2000+ views. I'm both surprised and happy at this because of the success and the support you've all given it. I've seen so many comments and PMs from others saying how they like the story and how they ask for more, thus furthering my motivation to write. :twilightsmile:

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Happy Holidays and Birthday · 6:02pm Dec 27th, 2015

Looks like I've made another trip around the sun, surviving another happy year on our little blue marble. I hope everyone has been having an enjoyable holiday seasons with friends, family, and as few headaches and heartaches as possible. I've had an enjoyable year working into the video game industry and writing my stories, and hopefully the coming year can be just as enjoyable and stable. Stability is a blessing in and off itself, and I greatly appreciate having calm waters in my life.

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Thank you, new supporters! · 12:45am Jul 10th, 2015

I just want to take a moment to thank my new patrons on Patreon.

I'm totally blown away by how generous they've been -- to the point where my first goal was met on the very first day: now that they're giving more than $10 per 10k words, I'm committed to writing at least an hour a day, no matter what. It's gonna be interesting.

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400 followers. Let the Voting commence. · 4:18pm Jul 10th, 2015

Thank you all for helping me reach this milestone.

As promised, I will now let you all decided which of these two fics will get their long awaited update after My Mortal Big Brother Chapter 17

EqG: Equine Inferno -0


Putting Her Heads Together -2

King Harkinan Goes to Equestia: 1


I'm Moving On. · 4:41am Dec 7th, 2016

It's over. It's finally over. After five years of dealing with anxiety depression and suffering mental stress, I'm here to announce that I have finally moved on with my life. That means I can now put my past behind and start focusing more into the future of my career and life. But does this mean that I'l leave the fandom and stop watching MLP? Guess what- I won't. And do you want to know why? Because I can see what I did wrong. Everything that I've been told of being a faliure and a nobody made

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Hahaha... Wow. · 6:28pm Aug 19th, 2017

I know I already thanked you all, but again... Thank you! I truly appreciate that support and concern I got over the fics disappearance, but I also appreciate it that it's back up screaming at everyone from the front page and spreading joy... Mostly joy... some despair. :rainbowlaugh:

But really, you guys are the best.

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1000 views!!! Long Live the Queen. · 4:24am Dec 3rd, 2016

A dream has been fulfilled this day, Long Live the Queen has reached 1000 views! I want to thank all of you who have been curious enough to take a look, even if you didn't read to the end at least you found my story sounding interesting enough to click on. You all are the best!

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Random Ramblings CCXLIV · 7:45am Mar 29th, 2018

I have a habit of being always wrong. I assumed AMDQ would land with a soft thud because of its weird upload time and being 9,500 words long. Instead, you nutcases sent it straight to the Featured Box, making it my first story to be Featured even with "View Mature" turned on. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! More past the jump.

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Thank you to everyone who read Ember-acing the Dragon! · 2:33am Jul 13th, 2018

It was a lovely delight to see it get featured! I honestly didn't expect it to get much attention, given the somewhat weird premise behind it, but I'm glad to know how many people enjoyed it!

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The 2nd Human Update #5 & #6 · 10:25pm Dec 23rd, 2016

Just thought I'd blog to let ya'll know... :rainbowhuh:

The newest chapter of "The 2nd Human" is currently being edited, :pinkiegasp:

And I'm re-doing the Prologue. It'll be completely different than before by the time I'm done. :unsuresweetie:

Another little tidbit: I'll be changing the sequence of chapter numbers just a little. The new Prologue will be Chapter One, Chapter One will be Chapter Two, and so on. :derpyderp2:

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I can't tell you how happy I am to receive feedback. · 6:52am Sep 24th, 2015

Even if it's just a reoccurring few.

Thank you those who read, liked, and enjoyed Nature of The Experiment.

As for those who disliked, I won't hold you to it. You have your own reasons.

Thank you, truly.



Return and Open Comissions. · 10:13pm Nov 10th, 2018

Hello everyone, good to see you all. I have been gone for a really, really long time, and I have a lot to say as well as a lot to do. Even now I'm not entirely certain of myself as I post this, but in the pits of my being, I know this is the course of action I wish to take above all else--frightful though it may be. In time I hope to explain more to you in other posts in the future; though for now I hope you'll understand the adjustment process I'm currently trying to deal with and will grant

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Well... This was Unexpected... · 4:39pm Oct 20th, 2018

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Okay now, let's see what's going on today.

(Sees resent story on feature page and the 500 followers.)

Holy Hell!

I uh... wow... It happened again. With the story only just beginning and it's currently still up there. Not only that, but I now have reached half a thousand followers.

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Wow..... 200 · 12:08pm Dec 23rd, 2017

Just hit 200 followers... and yeah I know that it's small potatos even for this site, but it's still an amazingly larger amount then I ever thought I'd get, just wanted to give all of you a quick thank you, and also put up a kind of 'I'm not dead' announcement given my lack of activity lately. Anyway, I'm not dead, and I'm still working on stuff, just slowly.... this time of year is a massive drain on energy for me and been hard to find time to really do much, but do have a few things in the

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A Big Post – News and News · 9:30pm Oct 23rd, 2020

Full post here!
I know I’ve been pretty quiet this week. I’ve been focused.

But before I say anything else. Before I talk about book news or any of the other tidbits I want to touch on today, I want to say one thing.

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Holy Sh**... · 10:46pm Sep 10th, 2018

This really sneaks up on you. With xombiekilla's watch, that now puts me up to 199 followers. With that said, I've got no idea what the heck to do as a special "Thank You" for when I hit follower number 200. :raritycry: I thought about doing a Q&A live stream on Twitch but since my chat is always full of crickets, that's not gonna happen.

So... any ideas? I really don't want to do another story as I'm currently backlogged enough.


Here's to You, FiM (Part 1) · 5:33am Oct 15th, 2019

Nine years. Has it been that long, already? It feels like just yesterday the fact season three only had thirteen episodes caused some stir because it differed from the first two. Sixty-five episodes? No way they'd end things that soon, and thankfully they didn't. Twilight becoming an alicorn, Starlight making a Mane 7 (kinda), villains both minor and major, so many redemptions, fan theories confirmed/debunked, memes galore and so much more.

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Merry Christmas! We're *mostly* out of the hiatus. · 5:22pm Dec 25th, 2022

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday and if you're not celebrating I hope your weekend is going well. As some of you may have noticed, the updates to The Equestria Chronicles. In fact most of the most was dedicated to the fanfiction. Now life itself is very inconsistent, but I hope that I can provide you somewhat consistent and quality content. Keep in mind, my co-author and I are both busy people and this might change at the drop of a hat, but until then. Season's

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Viewing 341 - 360 of 674 results