
Viewing 3601 - 3620 of 3,991 results

Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Week 4 · 11:33am Sep 6th, 2020

Time to resume the Pony Life catch-up. Week 4 marks a transition point in the series. Where before each half-hour of G4.5 content consisted of two roughly eleven-minute episodes, now it’s four five- or six-minute ones. This will be interesting, but doable. If I can work with EqG shorts, I can work with these.

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Friendship is Card Games: How Applejack Got Her Hat Back & Cute-pocalypse Meow · 12:24pm Jul 26th, 2020

I admit, I haven’t been keeping up with Pony Life. It doesn’t help that it still isn’t airing in the States. Still, it is happening, it is pony-related, and there is enough to work with. Bearing all that in mind, let’s see what I can do with the next two episodes.

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Chapter Update! · 10:40pm Aug 3rd, 2020

Hi guys! I know it’s been rather long since another chapter came out, but I'm working on that, I’ve currently got two chapters on the go, ones nearing completion, if I don’t get one done tonight you should probably expect it tomorrow. And if I don’t manage to do that you have free reign on ddossing my house to oblivion.

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Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Season 2, Week 4 · 11:34am Jun 27th, 2021

This week, we return to the fever dream of Pony Life, which proved more pyretic than usual last week given the misadventures in time and probability space. Let’s see how delirious this assortment gets.

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Meet The Mares: Lily Blossom · 3:29pm Sep 12th, 2021

There’s only so much that can go into a story, especially one with as many characters as 16 has. So I’m opening the floor to asking these characters questions. Post your reply with any questions you have and Lily Blossom will be happy to answer them (I’ll be editing this blog to add those questions). I’ll be posting the other characters in the coming weeks (up through Snowcatcher; the rest will come after their chapters are posted).

Interview subject #8: Lily Blossom

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I wonder how many views this post will get · 9:28pm Feb 20th, 2022


Friendship is Card Games: Rainbow Dash Presents: My Little Dashie · 12:20pm Mar 13th, 2022

This one feels… odd. I’ve met ROBCakeran53 in person, and I know well how much he doesn’t want to be associated with this story. Though, to be fair, you could hardly say that's what we'll be discussing...

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Sneak Peak at Chapter 34 "Temper Your Temper" · 6:06pm Jun 22nd, 2019

Hey, just dropping by to give anyone who wants it a brief look at the next chapter. It'll be dropping at the end of the month. Sorry for the wait, just been swamped lately. Trying to make this one a little longer to make up for time. Hope you enjoy it!

The password is password

Chapter 34: Temper Your Temper


Friendship is Card Games: Rainbow Dash Presents: Bittersweet · 11:19am Apr 17th, 2022

Looks like that initial burst of Tell Your Tale shorts was just to set the tone, and they’ve pulled back to a one-per-week schedule. Given that, let’s look at what was going to go up last week, wherein reality ensues for a particular pink pony’s pancreas.

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After thousands of years... · 6:01pm Jul 26th, 2022

After a lot of time reading and occasionally commenting I finally decided to put up a blog.

But I still don't have much to say so "Hello Person-staring-at-the-screen, it's great that you stopped by.":twilightsmile:


Chapter 38 release date, with some other news! · 12:49am Oct 19th, 2019

Hello! To any constant readers, just dropping by to let you know that Chapter 38 of The Wayfarers, Warpath, will be going up this Sunday (10/20/19). Not sure what time I'll have it out, but it will be there. Hope you're looking forward to it, cause things are about to get spicy!


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Chapter 24: A Loving Sin · 6:06pm Dec 24th, 2018

I want to start off this blog by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Hopefully, you're surrounded by people who make you happy. And if not, I hope you have plenty of comfort food that helps you not to think about that.

So, there's a new(ish) chapter of The Wayfarers out. If you haven't checked it out yet, I hope you will. Things are getting pretty heated. Soon, we'll be seeing if I can handle jam packed action. God, I hope so. The next chapter is fucking full of that violent shit.

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Friendship is Card Games: Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla · 1:29pm Jan 16th, 2022

This week, we’re putting ourselves four degrees away from the source material. It’s a card blog based on a video based on a story based on a song based on FiM. Let’s get going.

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Friendship is Card Games: Tell Your Tale, Pt. 16 · 12:11pm Oct 29th, 2023

With Chapter 5 reviewed and Secrets of Starlight still about a month away, I can start addressing the accumulated backlog elsewhere. This week, that means Tell Your Tale shorts. Let’s see what we’re working with.

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Friendship is Card Games: Rainbow Dash Presents: Bubbles · 11:58am Sep 5th, 2021

The Mentally Advanced Series can be thought of as the Pepsi to Friendship is Witchcraft’s Coke; same concept, different execution, each with their supporters. I personally prefer FiW; MAS gets unpalatably cruel over time, especially once it’s no longer shackled to FiM’s visuals. But there is one offshoot, the Schweppes ginger ale of this analogy, where my tastes shift.

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Friendship is Card Games: Tell Your Tale, Pt. 7 · 12:10pm Sep 18th, 2022

So. It turns out there are going to be seventy of these things. And an eight-episode series of full-length 3D episodes. When it rains G5 content, it pours. Time to stick my face back in the firehose.

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You want Change-- Pay for it! · 9:45pm Oct 7th, 2021

And it's NOT a mental breakdown...

I don't believe in Win-Win Scenarios, and don't really like them all the time either.

And I don't believe "Free" or "Bargains"

I believe in THE CATCH.

I believe in "Everything comes with a Price" They usually do.

Like getting SUPER POWERS, and Becoming a Hero/Villain.

-It comes at a price.

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Feathered Hearts - Eros: Introduction · 1:38pm May 31st, 2021

Greetings to all readers, both new and returning! Welcome to Feathered Hearts - Eros. It's become of a bit of a habit for me to write introductory blogs for new stories, especially ones I worry might cause some eyebrows to raise for one reason or another. This is very much one of them, given it's based on what was originally another author's story.

Who is the author and what is the story?

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Sussy Baka · 7:26pm Nov 27th, 2022


ideas for what if 2 · 4:07am Dec 4th, 2023

should i...

  1. post What If 2 on the same day What If was published (January 5th)
  2. post What If 2 on a carefully-selected day using a matching numerical story ID that would be funny

option 1 means that what if 2 is just a little over a month away
option 2 means that what if 2 might be a whole freakin' year and 5 months away (thinking may 5th 2025 because that's a lotta fives)

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Viewing 3601 - 3620 of 3,991 results