
Viewing 3641 - 3660 of 3,991 results

Sneaky Jules Writes a Blog at Midnight To Skew the Results to a Question · 4:28am Aug 24th, 2016

First the old business: For the fifteenth or so time "I am back and writing and etc." but we'll see. I am writing Masks in another tab right now, but this chapter hasn't really done it for my motivation in the past. Maybe now that I've changed its role in the overarching plot (which I assure you, is a real thing) I'll do it.

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Friendship is Card Games: Better Together Part 6 and Friends Forever #38 · 12:40pm Nov 11th, 2018

Bit of a mop-up operation this week. Given four Equestria Girls shorts and one Friends Forever comic unaccounted for, I’m going to bring both to a close in one fell swoop. As always, links are provided for the shorts. Let’s get started:

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Cat and Kitten Update · 4:14pm Aug 16th, 2017

Cat and Kitten Update

Well! It turns out that the cat we adopted is a silver Bengal and she mated with a Savannah Cat; which means that the kittens are half Bengal Cat and half Savannah Cat!

In case you don't know what a Savannah cat looks like,'s a picture.

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I Like To Visit Cemeteries · 2:06pm Jul 25th, 2017

I Like To Visit Cemeteries

Well, this will probably make me sound like sort of a weirdo, but I actually like cemeteries a great deal. I like visiting cemeteries in different cities and even various cemeteries in the city I live in.

There is just something very peaceful about cemeteries (to me). And it is kind of fun to imagine what the people there used to be like. Especially the people from the 1900s or earlier.

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An Update On My Mom's Condition · 9:09pm Aug 20th, 2017

An Update On My Mom's Condition

As many of you know, my mom had a very bad injury at her job a few months back, which led to the activation of a recessive genetic disorder know as Vikings Disease, which unfortunately has no cure.

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Dream Journal · 4:52pm Oct 15th, 2017

Dream Journal

I keep a journal where I record my dreams since I usually have very vivid dreams that play out like watching full television shows or movies.

Sometimes I turn these dreams into stories, poems, or other types of writing later.

I actually have four or five dream journals laying around since I've been recording my dreams since elementary school.

Now I record my dreams in a Microsoft document because they are easier to keep track of that way.

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Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks · 3:24pm Sep 29th, 2017

Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks

Here are some of my favorite foods and drinks in no specific order.

1. Potatoes in any form. They can be boiled, stuffed, put in a soup, turned into potato chips; whatever form a potato takes it will be my favorite dish.

2. Any food from India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, and other parts of Asia. I am a big fan of Asian food from all parts of the world.

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Two Amazing People · 1:30am Apr 17th, 2016

As many people know, I have been going through a really hard time right now. You can learn more about my current situation here.

I just wanted to take some time to thank two really awesome people who have helped me out in my time of need.

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I Found Some Interesting Graffiti · 2:25pm Aug 21st, 2017

While my mom and I were walking on a trail that follows the water canal system that winds through the city, I found some interesting graffiti on a wall.

Here's a picture I took of it.

I have always found graffiti (especially street graffiti) to be very interesting. So I was glad that I found this.

I wonder if this is a quote from something or if someone just made it up?

If anyone happens to know, feel free to fill me in.


My Mom and I Went On An Adventure · 2:03pm Aug 22nd, 2017

My Mom and I Went On An Adventure

Yesterday after watching the eclipse, my mom and I went to a bunch of shopping centers and looked around the various stores.

We found this neat costume store while looking at a bunch of stores in a particular shopping center and we tried on a bunch of costumes.

Here are some pictures of us being weirdos like usual. :P

(By the way, I gained some weight over the summer. I'm walking every day to take off the weight. So don't judge meh. <_<)

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Aural Spooks · 9:05pm Oct 29th, 2019


Arizona Tea Goop · 2:52pm Aug 18th, 2017

Yesterday I was drinking some Arizona tea. When I took the third sip, some brown goopy stuff slid into my mouth and I swallowed it. I ended up dumping out the rest of the contents of the can into the sink and all of this brown goopy stuff the consistency of snot came pouring out of the can.

I immediately rinsed my mouth out like a million times. I couldn't do anything about the stuff I swallowed though. :L

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August 28th Second Update!: Blog Images Fixed! · 3:53am Aug 28th, 2016

Just a quick update before I get back to work:

-Fixed Blog Image for "Petrify" Teaser
-Fixed Blog Image for "Dear Friends" Release Teaser
-Added Teaser Image for "Petrify" to Deviantart Roster
-Added Release Image for "Dear Friends" to Deviantart Roster

I made a mistake by going with Imgur instead of DeviantArt like all my other images. Thus, they weren't visible unless clicking on them. They have been updated to meet criteria.


CCC: cleverpun's Critique Corner #43 — The Heart Beats Still · 5:40am Apr 8th, 2020

I’m continuing my critiques of the entrants into the Imposing Sovereigns II contest. We continue down my list of “finalists”: stories which I considered awarding points to. I would like to stress, however, that I only ranked them because FanOfMostEverything made me; they are all excellent.

I must also point out, I never read the comic involving Princess Amore.

Title: The Heart Beats Still

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50 followers! (And to New York I go!) · 7:27pm Jun 22nd, 2015

So, I made it. Thanks guys for being supportive. So, I'm making my own practice beat, and as soon as SoundCloud finishes downloading (yes, I'm on a shiny new tablet, thanks dad! :twilightsmile:), I'll link it to you guys. In the meantime, ask your friendly neighborhood Martian whatever your heart desires.


Audience Demographics · 3:30am Sep 15th, 2020

Because I have over 800 followers and no idea if I have a consistent demographic beyond my readers being mostly American. Enjoy some straw polls.

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Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Week 5 · 12:14pm Sep 20th, 2020

And we’re back to G4.5 and the horrible web of lies that keeps Fluttershy thinking she’s involved in something intended for a much younger age group.

Let’s not think too hard about potential connections there.

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Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Week 6 · 11:46am Sep 27th, 2020

I return from my latest foray into Zendikar with… middling success. Zagras only gets you so far when the rest of your Sealed pool is largely mediocre.

In any case, I thought I’d be looking at the IDW comics this week, but it turns out that when they say “available September 2020,” they mean “available one or more seconds before October.” So, more Pony Life it is. Let’s close out the Flutterarc.

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Friendship is Card Games: The Return of Queen Chrysalis · 11:27am Jun 19th, 2016

Hello, all, and welcome to the first of my IDW card blogs. According to the majority of those who answered my earlier input request, going through these chronologically would make the most sense, and I’m inclined to agree. Thus, we begin with the first four issues of the comic and a storyline that might just get invalidated by the Season 6 finale. Of course, that’s just speculation. Let’s proceed to what we know for sure.

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Back to Writing · 9:19pm Sep 8th, 2015

Alright, in my last post I mentioned not having as much time to write. Well, I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this school, and I figured I would be spending every waking moment buried in my homework. I was fortunately mistaken, and since my parents wouldn't let me bring my xbox, I also have less distractions keeping me from writing. Again, none of you care about the personal stuff, so I'll be skipping to the fun part.

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Viewing 3641 - 3660 of 3,991 results