
Viewing 3661 - 3680 of 3,991 results

I wander- New story announcement! · 11:52pm Jun 20th, 2020

Do you like interesting new worlds? Do you like unsettling atmospheres? Do you like lamps? Get yourself checked if it's that last one; you may be a moth. But even if you are a moth, you may like this story!

EI wander
Beneath the City, where the sunlight never touches, I wander. Will you wander with me?
Silent Whisper · 2.2k words  ·  92  1 · 1.2k views

What are people saying about it?

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Chapter 39, "Screaming Shadows", Release Date · 4:00pm Nov 6th, 2019

Hey, everybody, I'm finally about ready to get Chapter 39 of The Wayfarers out the door. I'm sorry to say it's a bit on the short side compared to the last few chapters, and it's also veering a little bit from the cliffhanger of the last chapter. I'm still getting used to my new job and my new living arrangements. A smaller assignment was what I needed during this hectic time in my life.

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Friendship is Card Games: Princess Luna and the Winter Moon Festival · 12:21pm Feb 21st, 2023

Thank you for your patience. Philadelphia is hardly getting banished to the moon—heck, I didn’t even open Call Up Emrakul to Help during the Un-Known event—but it’s still kind of appropriate that a book starring Luna ended up getting delayed because I was out of town.

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Friendship is Card Games: Tell Your Tale, Pt. 4 · 11:23am Jul 3rd, 2022

We return once more to Maretime Bay. The shorts have been on a slow but steady upswing as the writers figure out the characters; let’s see if they can maintain that momentum.

Dumpster Diving

It’s kind of funny to have a pony named Neptune when, according to the founding myth of Athens, Poseidon created the first horse in a bid for the city’s naming rights.

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Friendship is Card Games: Princess Celestia and the Summer of Royal Waves · 11:40am Jul 10th, 2022

With the Daring Do trilogy complete, this week begins my look at the “Princess Collection,” a tetralogy of all the alicorns but Flurry Heart, each paired with a season. We begin with Celestia; let’s see how G. M. Berrow treats the sun queen:

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Friendship is Card Games: Tell Your Tale, Pt. 6 · 12:11pm Sep 4th, 2022

I’m in an interesting situation right now. There are six remaining Tell Your Tale shorts. The next IDW issue is out. We’d have a solid month of G5 content if the next installment of Make Your Mark didn’t premiere on a Monday for some unfathomable reason. Still, that’s four out of the next five card blogs involving Maretime Bay and environs. Time to start Sunnytember, I suppose.

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Best Princess · 11:10pm Dec 11th, 2015


Why I am here. · 6:15am Aug 3rd, 2015

For those of you that have taken the time to read my story, thank you.
As sort of a thank you, I figured it would be best if I explained why I started this project.

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General Update + Announcement · 8:21am Oct 6th, 2021

Hey there everyone. Hope you all are doing alright. I know the state of the world less than ideal right now with all that's been happening. :pinkiecrazy:

So I want to do a little update post giving you some info on the projects. :trollestia:

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A Thanksgiving Sneak Peek! · 3:09am Nov 23rd, 2018

A little late in the day, but meh. Good tidings are fine for anytime of the day. I hope everyone's had a great Thanksgiving. Hope you've eaten plenty of food, drank plenty of liquids, and shared at least a bit of love.

NOW! Allow me to spread a little bit of my love to you... with a SNEAK PEEK!

The Wayfarers- Chapter 24

The password is password

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Friendship is Card Games: Pony Life, Season 2, Week 2 · 11:38am May 9th, 2021

It’s funny. Because Treehouse rushed out the episodes over the course of about a month, I have access to all of Season 2 of Pony Life. Still going to rotate content while I have it to rotate, but I have quite the backlog for this. Let’s start digging into it.

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Friendship is Card Games: Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden · 11:58am May 28th, 2023

We now come to the novel I put off last week. It does present a truly rare opportunity: A chance to flesh out Cadence. We got the story of her ascension in the novels, after all. Let’s see what this one offers.

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August Update - Projects + Life · 8:09am Aug 27th, 2023

Hello everyone. I have had a lot of things have happened over the past month since my last update.

So first of all, I am sorry to say that I've had to say goodbye to my kitty, my baby boy and best friend Ninja. He was 15 years old, he lived a good life, but he reached an apex in his failing health near the end of July and we decided it was best to put him to rest. I love you buddy. :fluttercry:

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Well, that's Nice · 2:30pm Oct 13th, 2015


Writing For an Artist · 6:31pm Aug 18th, 2015

Those who are into weight gaining furries, you may have heard of LordStormCaller. Last night I sent him a note on DeviantArt saying that I will voluntarily write for his next comics. To which he replied,

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Lumie Invades Someone Else's Review Blog · 10:14pm Jun 23rd, 2015

Though I do my level best to try to make you all forget that blogs exist, I suppose it does behoove me to pretend I'm not a hermit. I actually do things on FiMFiction! Sometimes I talk to people. Real people! Sometimes said real people ask for things! Prane asked me to do a review and gab session with himself and Gulheru about Princess Spike!

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Cursed · 8:50pm Aug 7th, 2015

Whelp, I suppose I'm cursed! A few days ago I made the foolish choice to listen to the story of Kashima Reiko, a Japanese girl who died and is said to wonder the world in search of her legs. Now the story goes to say in the end, whoever listens or learns of the story will be cursed and Kashima will visit you in about a month. She'll ask me two questions, 1) Where are my legs? and 2) What's my name? And dammit I know I'll die from this but if I can't remember her name I'll be all like,

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I've come to realize · 1:08am Mar 10th, 2016

I can never really feel like I'm 'at home' with any group of people anymore. I have a lot of friends, both online and offline, but after a recent 'incident' in which I made absolutely no efforts to communicate with those friends, I find it harder and harder to fit myself into those same group of friends anymore.

Mostly because I go on those damned weeks-month long 'hiatus' of sorts in which i cut myself off from all forms of contact with everyone I know and love.

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Boots The Cat · 1:48am Dec 30th, 2016

My mom and I found a little stray cay with white sock markings on its feet that we have been feeding table scraps. It is a grey cat with dark grey tiger stripes, a white underbelly, and white sock like markings on its feet. We've decided to call it Boots for this reason.

We found two local resources that provide free cat food; The Salvation Army and The Humane Society. So my mom and I are going to swing by so we can pick up some bags of catfood to feed the stray with.

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I Am Working On Conquering My Fears · 2:54pm Jan 26th, 2017

As many people know I have social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, PTSD, OCD and other emotional/ physical disorders as the result of genetics but also growing up in a highly abusive household, being abused at school, and also being abused in the workplace.

I've been trying to think of ways to conquer my fears of leaving the house but I haven't thought of any solid plans.

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Viewing 3661 - 3680 of 3,991 results