
Viewing 3681 - 3700 of 3,989 results

A Miracle · 7:33pm Oct 2nd, 2016

My mom and I somehow were able to find the $400.00 we needed to pay the rent for the month of October so we won't be homeless.

A long time friend who saw my mom's post on her Facebook wall about the hard times we have been going through sent her the exact amount we need to cover the rest of the rent.

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Some Bad News · 10:05pm Sep 26th, 2016

People who have been reading my blog know that I've been going through some hard things in my life, and my mom and I might be homeless in six days. You can read more about this in my blog entry here.

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People Keep Rage Quitting The Site · 10:57pm Mar 8th, 2017

And the majority of them are rage quitting because they aren't 'horse famous'. <_<

Who cares whether you are horse famous or not? Why not just write for fun? Or for practice? Or both? :I

I really don't get this mentality. But there you have it. By 2018 no one will be left on the site because they aren't horse famous yet.

I will be the only person left along with a goldfish and a cockroach because, you know, nothing can destroy those things. :I


Dream Commercials · 8:05pm Apr 25th, 2017

When I dream, sometimes my dreams have a commercial. And I dont mean a replay of a familiar advertisement on TV or something. My brain makes up its own commercials. For example, last night I was having this dream about being on a reality television show and the dream literally paused. Then a weird commercial about a product called Cosmic Malt Flakes played and then my dream went back to finishing up the plot about me being on a reality television show.

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I Found Patterns To make Working, Paper Legos · 11:59pm May 26th, 2017


My Current Situation · 12:06am Apr 14th, 2016

Lately I've been going through a really hard time.

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Happy New Year Everyone! · 12:49am Jan 1st, 2016


We Found Some Money! · 9:53pm Aug 19th, 2017

My mom and I found a 20 dollar bill when we went walking this morning!

It was just laying on a sidewalk in front of the apartment's front office building. We both spotted it at the same time and my mom picked it up!

So I took it to the 99 Cents Only Store around noon and bought most of our groceries for the week. XD

It was a really cool find.

My mom and I usually find a bunch of change when we go walking.

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Fanfiction Reading Update #171 · 10:06am Jul 10th, 2016

Advisory: contains unmarked spoilers for Winter Storm and Carousel.

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Need asks · 5:08pm Nov 16th, 2016

Hey, I'm on a bit more and need more asks for my 'Ask Crimson Fang' story. I'm also working on my other stories along with a new one. Any requests for which one should be continued first?


Future Plans For This Site · 12:08am Mar 15th, 2017

I typically upload writing exercises that I turn into stories. This has worked well for me for a while, but now I want to start uploading some more serious writing projects. I don't want people to think that my writing exercise type of stories is the usual quality of my writing, because they aren't. They are just that; writing exercises that I have turned into stories. They typically get pretty high ratings and reviews. But there are also people who don't seem to appreciate that most of my

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Projects to Come #2 · 2:22pm Oct 30th, 2015

Hello again my fellow fic writers and readers. Before I begin on the progress of the projects, I would like to adress two things. First, I’d like to thank those of you who took a look at Always and Forever. I really appreciate that my first work was so well received, even if it’s not the best story I’ve written. However, I do hope to make more progress with my work while having some fun making them. Secondly, I was wondering if anyone or anypony might be capable or willing to be my

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Late Night Blog Post #4 · 5:32am Feb 1st, 2019

Haven't done one of these in a hot minute. Good to be back.

I've got this annoying as feeling where I've pretty much planned the whole story in my head, but I can't get the words to paper. It's less writer's block and more that I'm not satisfied with literally anything I've written. I get a few paragraphs in with some dialogue, a solid start to the chapter, but then I look at it and hate it all and in a fit of rage...

Ctrl+A, Backspace

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Just Won a Tumblr Art Raffle · 8:09pm Aug 18th, 2018

So I won Dinohorse’s Tumblr raffle. Either I’m going to go with my rational side and get a good full body reference for one of the OCs I don’t have one for yet (probably Valencia), or I’m going to request Nurse Redheart in a Little Red Riding Hood costume. The rational side doesn’t seem to be winning. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, the next Glitched Stitches should be out next week. Look forward to it!


i'm helping write a blog · 2:39pm Sep 13th, 2017


anyway it’s on a gdoc
whenever the original owner leaves for a minute imma rick roll him


MetaVerse Round up - April 7th 2019 · 4:05am Apr 8th, 2019

Greetings MetaVerse fans!

This week we've got Episode 14 "Collision Course" released! Check it out when you can and don't forget to leave us feedback good or bad! :D

We're still hard at work transferring the main website EquestrianCity.Com to a new webmaster, we hope to have it back up and maybe even some forums for you all! Stay tuned!

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Next Pony-Me chapter coming soon! · 8:25am Jan 16th, 2018

It's another dream sequence, but this time riddled with foreshadowing for what's to come.

It won't go up just yet though. I've found myself in the habit of doing the bulk of the writing late at night (Between 12: and 1:30 AM), and then doing the editing after school later on.

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The More Things Change: Author's Notes · 6:44pm Aug 16th, 2019

So, this has been a work years in the making. I was going to wait until chapter 2 was completely finished before publishing this, but then I got a nice comment from FanOfMostAnything of all people asking if there was more, and I guess that motivated me to go ahead and put it up. Thanks Fan!

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MetaVerse News - Week of 01/26/20 · 9:06pm Jan 28th, 2020

Hello MetaVerse fans!

This is just a quick note to let everyone know what's coming up next!

As many of you know, Eye of the Hurricane posted recently. Inside we saw how Tempest Shadow got her beginnings in the MetaVerse from a simple revenge seeking self obsessed sociopath (so she didn't change much from the movie ;)) to the cybernetic warlord leading King Sombras ground forces.

As some have made known, the Eastern Empire is in high demand for more backstory.

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The Open Road hype blog! · 3:41pm Jul 31st, 2020

Since it’s coming in a few days, it’s time to hype The Open Road! Thing is I’ve always sucked at hyping stuff lmao, but dammit I’ll try. I’ve shown it off before, but I’ll throw the cover art in here again, as well as the description, an excerpt from the first chapter, and a thematically appropriate song that you’ll likely ignore.

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Viewing 3681 - 3700 of 3,989 results