
Viewing 361 - 380 of 727 results

My Review of Rollercoaster of Friendship · 1:12am May 13th, 2021

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)
B- (a good episode with numerous flaws but still rewatchable)

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My Review of The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning · 12:39am Apr 14th, 2021

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding

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Random Ramblings CDIX · 2:15am Nov 26th, 2020

Here in Flyover Country, it's Thanksgiving Eve. No gatherings obviously, but turkey's roasted. Enjoy music.

So, no real lead-in. Just please follow me past the "Continue Reading" prompt.

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Six Analysis · 10:29pm Apr 12th, 2023

After watching her BBC montage, Theresa wonders if anything can go right in this world (while we wonder if anything can go right in this story). Apparently she has a ‘trademarked’ funny face, because her shopping assistant, Nancy, begins to laugh at how an eighteen year old with no experience in anything is supposed to take on such big responsibility. 

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Weapons · 2:31am Jan 13th, 2017

To be honest, one of my favorite things is the weapons, to the ones in video games, to the ones in real life, the oversized swords that no one could wield, to the small daggers that blur in the wind, so I made this blog to talk about weapons, if it's just some you like, or ones your characters use, so all you weapon fanatics let's start off the weapons with a some dagger.

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A non-pony recommendation: Jo Walton's Thessaly · 4:06am Oct 25th, 2016

Note: collateral to the story discussed here, I was drawn into some of the online offerings of historian Ada Palmer. Consider this also a recommendation of her stuff, staring with her series on what led to Machiavelli writing The Prince and in the process inventing modern political science and consequentialist ethics, her "Sketches of a History of Historical Skepticism," and her

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Probably a bad idea but whatevs · 5:39am Oct 26th, 2016

Well season six is finally over and that means watching/reviewing the last half. I had planned on holding off until next week cuz I'm a sissy baby coward have stuff to do the next few days, but work has gotten me riled up and gave me a crazy idea for late night shenanigans to both relax and get this thing over with. I'm loaded down with red wine and a bottle of Guinness actually no that's for a special occasion to marathon my way through this silly horse show, see how many

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Need a little break. · 1:43am Dec 1st, 2016

You ever have an idea that's loads of fun in your head but for some reason it's just not as much fun trying to write it out?

That's, regrettably, the problem I'm having with Big Bad Mac right about now. For whatever reason I'm just having trouble finding the fun with writing this story despite it having so much stuff that I usually enjoy.

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Stream I'm going to be on starting in about an hour. · 10:40pm Feb 26th, 2016

Should be starting in about an hour, as the title says.
I already have my booze to enjoy, and am ready to answer any questions you might have. I'll be with the guys from The Good HiE list, including two guys apparently named Mike. I think.
I'm so confused.

Anyway, go here:

AAAAAAND it's live.


Important Reminder · 9:09pm Feb 14th, 2017

I think, on a day like today, it's important to remember a single word: sacrifice.

Today is a day that should be celebrated for many reasons, but the most important is that it's an opportunity to give thanks for the freedoms we have, which was bought and paid for with the blood of patriots.

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I live · 2:48am Aug 30th, 2015

Sorry I've been gone so long!

My computer room was occupied by my brother while he found a house and I need privacy when writing pony stuff :D

He was successful in his hunt and has moved in so I hope to write more soon.

Hope you guys have been having fun.

Like I said more to come!

More Bad Therapy!

More Stories!

More ponies being hypnotized!

More random product placement for Taco Bell!!!!!!!


Writing Advice: “How NOT to Write” 2 · 4:01am Dec 31st, 2015

A while ago, I posted a blog covering one of my unpublished stories; the ideas that spawned it, aspects of the writing process that did not work, and why I ultimately chose not to finish it.

Today, I hope to do the same with a different story. Each story presents its own challenges and eccentricities. Today’s story is different enough that I hope it will teach different lessons from the previous one.

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So, you're sitting at home, doing whatever, and you get a call on your phone... · 11:29pm Mar 17th, 2017

But the caller ID sign says 'No Caller ID'. You ignore it. The call comes again a few minutes later, so you ignore it. Another few minutes later, 'No Caller ID' calls again, you get annoyed, but you ignore it. Again, it calls, but this time, you answer it.

You would probably greet in a pretty annoyed tone.

A soft voice talks. "Oh? I don't want an attitude like that around Equestria."

You immediately recognize the voice.

It was Princess Celestia.

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Update · 7:09pm Jan 24th, 2018

As you may well not know, my Grandparents are getting divorced. My Grandfather, whom, is leaving our household for another woman. His old GF back in highschool after finding her again. Almost leaving us with nothing until a court date gave us a fixed income and the ability to do things that we couldn't do in the months prior. My grandmother, Sister, Dog and I all live in a moderatly sized home in one of the high selling areas in North-East Dallas. Anyways Enough of the bad news...

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So close!!! · 2:00pm Aug 17th, 2016

What's up guys? I have some cool news. We are one follower away from 20 Followers. That's pretty exciting. I may just think about writing a new story as well. I'm thinking of doing something special at 50 followers. It's a surprise. So at 20 followers I'll be writing a story. Also... next week is my last full week until school starts. :flutterrage::pinkiesad2::applecry: But don't worry stories will be coming more and more. So dont be sad. Anyways, have a good day, night, or afternoon wherever

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Gonna read a few terrible fics while shitfaced · 10:53pm Jun 25th, 2017

We're just gonna read some REALY bad stories, Including one by Crystal, which proves to be spectacularly bad. If you'd like, come watch us do shitfaced shitfics. We will be recording, probably for two hours or so.



My day... · 6:20am Jan 16th, 2018

is everyone has a bad day around the world? mine was bad of all the things that could happen the worst today was walking to work then home in temperatures of -2 with wind shield at -24 and I was walking into the wind the whole time with a light jacket and everything my whole body was basically numb once I got home (My hands had just started to hurt once I walked inside)


Making the Best of Bad, Emersion Breaking Story Telling Part 1. Dealer’s choice Patreon reward for TheGreatEater. · 4:39am May 1st, 2018

Heya readers! Welcome to part 2 of my ‘I messed up and failed to meet my blog responsibilities in March and will continue to mess up next month’ blog series which is actually part 1 of a sub-series! Yesterday I pinned most my troubles on allergies, which is still true from a writing perspective. I’m not going to bother to link yesterday’s blog. You should all know to get to it…

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The LTUE 2018 Report · 10:18pm Feb 16th, 2018

It's time for another LTUE (Life, The Universe, and Everything) report! And this time, not in place of Monday's Being a Better Writer post!

Why, you may ask? Okay, and you may be asking "What's LTUE?" as well. So, in reverse order then.

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Possibly dying (?) · 7:15pm May 14th, 2018

Over the last month, my health has gone worse. It started with the usual dizzyness I’ve had all my life reoccurringly. And now I can barely leave my bed without having to hold onto something to keep from fainting.
I still visit school though. The past weeks I’ve had one test after the other, so I didn’t have time to visit a doctor. Now my doc is on holidays, and the one representing doc (not sure if this is correctly translated) has deported me via call.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 727 results