
Viewing 361 - 380 of 700 results

Shadow Five Headcanons · 7:31am Jan 15th, 2021

Just recording these thoughts before I call it a night... thought I’d share these for kicks and giggles:

Sunny Flare

  • Physically the second-smallest of the Shadow Five.
  • Principal Cinch’s niece.
  • A bit of a germaphobe.
  • For some reason, I imagine her being of Italian descent (I have her cheer "bravissima!" in one story).

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In Her Shadow, a new short story in the WWB verse · 7:49pm Aug 18th, 2021

I've got something that I've actually been sitting on for months, but I only just now was able to get cover art for it. It's a bonus story to Thicker Than Water, and unlike other recent WWB fics, this one's written by me. It's around 3k long, and it'll come out on Friday so I have time to go through it and edit once more (since it's just been sitting for a few months). Details and cover below the break!

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MLP villain rankings: Stygian/The Pony of Shadows · 7:46pm Feb 22nd, 2019

0/10 - AWFUL (unsalvageable, never should have been made, wouldn't recommend to anyone)
1/10 - HORRIBLE/BORING (tedious, hurts to watch, a bore, no reason to watch him/her, whatever positive things about him/her are tiny and not enough)
2/10 - VERY BAD (slightly less terrible, maybe there were one or two things you liked kept him/her from being a 1 but still very painful)

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Synopsis of first comic of Season 10 · 1:14am Jan 28th, 2020

Read all about it in EQD's news article. And yes, we'll get to see Tempest Shadow again and finally, Zecora's homeland.


Shadow of an Empire: The Paperback Price Poll · 10:40pm Oct 7th, 2021

Hello readers! I come to you today with news! And also, with a question.

The news, first. But those of you tempted to skip it, don’t. The question is tied deeply into it, and I would prefer feedback from you, the readers.

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And now a taste of things to come · 9:29pm Jul 4th, 2023

The brightest light casts the deepest shadow.

“We've got to get word back to Canterlot!”
“There’s no time. We'll have to deal with this ourselves.”

“Your fighting style is a long-forgotten art, but I understand it now.”

“Soon, this bloated and corrupt kingdom will be brought down.”

The downfall of Equestria has begun.


Pokémon spinoff game idea · 7:40pm Mar 7th, 2022

I had a pretty fun chat with a friend, but we more or less just thought of a Shadow of the Colossus-like game involving the Gigantimax Pokémon.

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When Is a Sale Not a Sale? · 7:13pm Sep 27th, 2018

When it doesn’t sell anything, clearly.

Okay, this needs a bit of explanation, but it’s an odd one. So things have been going pretty well sales-wise lately. Colony and Shadow of an Empire just keep ticking away copies, finally moving my book income from “Spare change” to “rent payment.” Or at least, they were, save for this last week.

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I saw the MLP movie · 1:34am Oct 6th, 2017

I just got out of the theater. Actually not kidding, that was probably the best movie I've seen in four or five years.

Emily Blunt in particular did a S P E C T A C U L A R job with Tempest Shadow's voice acting. Literally, perfection. New ironic pone waifu?

...Maybe. Time will tell. In the mean time, you scrublords better go see the movie.


A Little Late... · 2:54am Dec 4th, 2017

...but I got thinking after watching the season seven finale (finally got around to it :twilightblush:). Did the Pony of Shadows get sent to the human realm like the Sirens? :rainbowhuh: And if he did, will he be the next villain for the HuMane 7? :rainbowhuh: And then would Sunset have to drag Starswirl's arrogant ass across dimensions to finally defeat it? :rainbowhuh:


A new story. · 4:33pm Jun 8th, 2017

So, here's a news flash. Inspired by Japanese myth, and coming in with a bang, I present to you...

Storms and Shadows.

The Cutie Map has a new request from Twilight, and the rest of the Elements. A land deal in Neighpon has gone sour, and the Elements must fix it. Only, it's not that simple. What originally starts as a friendship problem turns into a adventure spanning the realm of mortals and spirits alike. Plus...Ninjas.

Lots and lots of ninjas.

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Some ideas · 7:47am Oct 26th, 2017

First off, I've been thinking about making a One Piece and My Little Pony crossover. Something of an AU where Luffy and his crew live in Equestria.

Second, I wanna do a Tempest-centric story that takes places after the movie. Nothing too big, just a one-shot.

What do you guys think?


Almost at level 99 in Shadow Hearts. · 6:06pm Apr 29th, 2018

17 years ago, a legendary JRPG flew under the radar. I first played my brother's copy in 2004, and eventually got my own just a couple years ago. Today is the first time I will reach level 99.


Silent Shadows: Alone · 8:52pm Nov 4th, 2017


A Review for Mrs. Robinson's Stand · 10:01pm Dec 27th, 2017

Noted reviewer PresentPerfect offered up some of his time to share his thoughts on something of mine again - this time it's Mrs. Robinson's Stand. If you'd like, you can find it here.

Thanks again, glad you had a good time! :heart:


Luna fans when Starlight "Josh Haber's Favourite Pony" Glimmer is the one to suggest talking to the Pony of Shadows instead of Luna herself · 10:32pm Dec 20th, 2020

As much as I like season 7, I won't deny Shadow Play left a hella lot to be desired. Seriously, watch this video and you will agree with me:


A Ghost Story! · 12:12am Dec 20th, 2021

I FINALLY got a chance to see "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", and it was pretty good! Not PERFECT, but then nothing not made by me ever could be! :trixieshiftright:

This is how you do passing the torch RIGHT. Nobody got crapped on, and the newbs weren't elevated into these perfect people who could do no wrong. It really felt like a fusion of "Ghostbusters" and "The Monster Squad", which really worked well.

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'Any Port in a Storm' Live Reading by Skijarama! · 3:39pm May 7th, 2022

Apparently this is just a live reading report blog now. :trollestia:

I commissioned Skijarama to do a reading of what I believe is one of my strongest stories to date. As always, he knocked it out of the park. He has a clear knack for drama and suspense storytelling. Please give it a listen!

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100TH BLOG AND SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! · 8:53pm Jun 26th, 2019

ALRIGHT! This is blog 100! That makes it special in it's own way. So, what am I up to?

Shaping Shadow
Book 4: Final Edits
Sagas of Shanyisa
Book 5: Writing

Dragon War
The Torch Mission

Non MLP Pieces
A Fantasy Series
A Science Fiction Series

That's 4 series I am working on. Plus a NEW ONE!

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Update on Last Star Wars/MLP: The Movie story. · 8:03am Dec 20th, 2019

Hey guys!

Wanted to give you all an update on the subject of the final story of the Star Wars/MLP: The Movie series. I won't be mentioning any names, but one or two people have been complaining about when it is going to come out. I will say that I do plan on making it, but I'm side-tracked with other things like creating videos for my YouTube channel, voice acting, and being sort of co-writer to a couple of stories.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 700 results