
Viewing 361 - 380 of 628 results

Second chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is done. · 6:44am Sep 5th, 2013

Yep, finally finished it. In the second chapter, The Doctor and Ditzy read the first chapter of Guardians of Magic by Shire Folk.

The second chapter of Guardians of Magic is 13,000 words. This could take awhile. I have made some progress on it, and I have most of what I want to do with the chapter already planned. I haven't really decided how many chapters of Guardians of Magic I want to do. We will have to see.


Fifth chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is done + New Cover Art! · 10:55pm Dec 11th, 2013

Hello again. It took a bit longer then expected, but the fifth chapter of DDST has been finished. This chapter has two chapters of Guardians of Magic, chapter four and five. This should be the last chapters of Guardians of Magic I am going for now. I really just want to move on to something else. To be honest, I am really tired of doing Guardians of Magic. I think I picked a decent chapter to end off on. If you have liked what you have read so far, continue on reading. I think the story gets

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Chapter 2 of Discord’s Funtastic Theater 3000 is done. · 6:48am Sep 1st, 2016

Hey again! Key Strix and I have finished the second chapter of Discord’s Funtastic Theater 3000. This time we will be riffing The Wedding is Off! (Rewrite) by xd77. I had so fun riffing this dumb dumb story. The idea behind it is actually solid. Too bad it blows the issue out of proportion to complete ludicrousness. Next time we will be riffing The

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Friendship is Card Games: For the Pony Who Has Everything and Friends Forever #32 · 10:55am Jul 15th, 2018

Be advised, there may be a new episode coming this Friday at 2 PM. It’s clear that Discovery Family’s “Summer Surprises” is code for “lol what’s regular, predictable scheduling.” On a similar note, today’s comic took me off-guard during my scheduling.

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Let's Talk About "The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon" (Chp 10-12) · 3:15am Apr 29th, 2017


My Cousin is a F*cking Senior!!! · 4:38pm Nov 29th, 2016

I hate my old 4th grade teacher!! I should be a senior too but because of her I'm in the wrong damn grade at the wrong fucking time!!! In the words of my boyfriend... "God fuckin' damn it all to hell and back!".... I should be graduating this year and out of the house with my hubby!! WHY DOES MY COUSIN GET TO GO BACK TO HER RIGHTFUL GRADE BUT I CAN'T COME WITH!?!? FUCK THE SCHOOL SYSTEM!!!! I wanna drop out so badly.... But I can't......... Cause education............ And needs of a good

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Episode 32 of Doctor And Ditzy's Science Theater is done. · 8:48am Oct 5th, 2018

Hey again. The second part for the riff for The Moon's Wrath by Dolphy Blue Drake is finished. You know, there are some ideas I really like in this fic. Particularly the relationship between Nightfall and Wishful. I like their father-daughter relationship. It's cute if a bit overdone. I wish the show did something like that with Twi and Spike, but it is a kids show I suppose. The only part I can't get over is changing everything for no reason. I've never been able to remember anyone's new name

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Faction Paradox · 2:42am Jul 29th, 2018

Every culture has its taboos. Death or sex might be familiar to most of you as examples. And of course, where there are taboos, there are those who venerate those despised subjects.

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new avatar who dis · 1:18am Apr 10th, 2020

New avatar courtesy of MayhemMoth! Let the reign of new Sombra begin!

still just as judgemental looking, now in a different gender


Taco Time? Nah, it's Teaser Time! · 8:08am Apr 15th, 2020

EThe Old Collector
Some things are saved, others are not. But not all that is kept, is left to be taught.
TheMajorTechie · 1.1k words  ·  17  4 · 511 views

What? It's a story that I already published? You betcha. There's something about that story that'll find its way into my next one. In fact, I'm pulling pieces of multiple past stories in. You'll just need to find 'em. :raritywink:


Internet Logic: · 6:06am Jul 9th, 2015

"Though I agree with your point, you are no older than 14, therefore I must call you a little bitch."



Upcoming Story Alert: Secondhand Laughter · 8:48pm Jul 23rd, 2021

Hi everyone! 

If you've been following me then you've probably noticed that today I published the last chapter of The Opening Act. In fact, chances are that you found this blog post through the Author's Note of that chapter. In any case, the way that chapter ends is the way I felt that story needed to end. However, it is only the beginning of what I had planned, the opening act, if you will.

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Real-talk, kids · 6:55pm Feb 24th, 2022


If you think Putin's invasion of Ukraine is just or right, or even kinda balanced because you think there's a good excuse, go fuck yourself.

If you're a fan of people who think so (Trump, Tucker Carlson), go fuck yourself.

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MAXIMAL BUNN · 6:20pm Nov 17th, 2023

Hey, y'all. I want to tell you a little story about how I became a wolpertinger goddess nbd. There's also some info about my fandom projects under the cut.

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Just a Few Thoughts. · 2:02am April 16th

I've discovered what this site is.

Sure, it's a place to get your daily fix of pony, but consider taking that part away. What's left?

Well, this is essentially just some sort of online book club. And you can even interact with the authors of the stories you're discussing with others as well.

I mean, this is probably pretty obvious, but I can't believe I didn't think about that.

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WTFIWWY-The Spybot Who Loved me · 9:02pm March 10th

Lessons we learned this week:

-If you're in the military or are working for the military and using a dating app, and they start asking for classified information, maybe alert your superiors.
-Having high school kids lick peanut butter off of your toes is a sex crime, not a fund raising activity. Also, WTF Oklahoma?!
-If you set your apartment on fire, they will arrest you.

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Permanent Daylight Savings Time Review · 7:44pm Mar 24th, 2022

So, the Senate says by a vote of 100 to 0, “We want permanent daylight savings time!!!!!” My response? “I AGREE 100%!!!!!!!!!!!”

The clocks changing is the most stupidest most pointless thing and I say that as someone with an ultra flexible sleep schedule, who doesn’t even notice the change. Statistics show that harm it does to too many people.

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The Life and Times of Amber Spark! · 11:32pm Apr 28th, 2023

Hello, my long-lost friends! 

So, you’re probably wondering what the flipping heck happened to me. After all, the last real post I did, aside from the money stuff and a Hearth’s Warming post, was apparently 82 weeks ago, in September of 2021. 

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Chapter 16 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finished! · 9:04am Feb 14th, 2015

Hello everyone! Chapter 16 is finally done! This time we will be reading Dax's Despair by Dark Angel AW. It's story about despair, really bad parenting, vague back-stories, and once again Celestia not being all that useful. It's an okay story. Not much else to say about it really. This is the first story that someone has requested me to do. Please give me more requests! That way, I don't have to seek out bad stories to do.

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The fourth chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is finished! Just in time for Halloween! (Almost) · 5:31am Nov 1st, 2013

Hello again! Another chapter of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is done. This is a special Halloween/Nightmare Night chapter, even if I'm not actually doing a horror story this time. I explained why in my opening notes. You can find it here. Hope you like it. I think I might do one or two more chapters of Guardians of Magic before doing something else. I already have some ideas.

Viewing 361 - 380 of 628 results