
Viewing 361 - 380 of 763 results

Who says friendship is limited to heroes? · 2:31pm Mar 15th, 2021

Is there any stories out there where they’re are a group of villains that utilize the elements of friendship. After all friendship can happen between anyone as evil is merely a view. The show dabbled in this but because they didnt accept it was friendship they failed. I think I might dabble in this soon.


Her Name Was Forgetful...And Today Is Her Birthday! · 1:09pm Oct 13th, 2021

Little Friday The 13th Reference There, lol.

Serious as cereal!

Today I'm finally 21!

And should feel like this...

But if we're being serious, I actually feel more like...

It's a mixture of emotions.

My sister and I made up.

I can see my nieces again, super awesome!

But dad's no longer here.

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Spent Time With My Best Friend Yesterday · 3:00pm Jan 30th, 2023

Yesterday, my best friend came over and hung out with me and my brother! We did a lot of fun things, and he even brought up the topic of Tabletop RPGs, so I had an idea for a one-shot story, inspired by “Mushrooms & Morons” from SMG4…

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So, I Wrote a Reprise for a FIM Song... · 1:29am Jun 6th, 2022

I've had "A True True Friend" stuck in my head for days now. Out of inspiration (and a love for Equestria Girls), I wrote the lyrics for an EQ-focused reprise of the song.

Now, the earworm is even worse!

Jokes about me requesting assistance aside, I'm left to wonder:

Should I post that reprise on this site (while making sure it fits with the rules and guidelines)?

I welcome your thoughts on this matter, and hey, first blog post, baybee!

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My Little Pony: Starring 3000 lbs of Weed [Spoilers] · 8:24pm May 16th, 2015

Princess Celestia: Can you imagine how BORING it would have been if I hadn't invited Discord?
Twilight: Well, then, what did you do to spice up the party while he was trapped in stone?
*Princess Celestia stares blankly into Twilight's eyes while faint screams of terror and the sound of glass shattering echo around her, the reflections of flames dancing in her pupils*
Princess Celestia: I'd usually just brighten up everypony's night.

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Signal Boosting For Xjuggernaughtx · 3:32pm Sep 29th, 2015

Would you kindly consider helping out a friend? xjuggernaughtx has a story in the running for being featured in the Royal Canterlot Library for their second anniversary, and I'd love to see him win for his story. It's for a story he wrote called The New Crop, which he put a lot of time and effort in to, but just sadly didn't take off much in the way of views, despite being a very interesting tale. If he gets the spot, that might

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big new! · 12:11am Sep 15th, 2015

So I got a lot going on, some it involves pre-reading opportunities :D

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Comic Review - Friends Forever #21 · 4:43pm Oct 7th, 2015

Three things. First, I don't really care about Zecora. Nothing against her, she's fine, but it's like Cheerilee, she's never much done anything in the show to make me take an interest in her, but at the same time hasn't done anything to make me dislike her, either. Second, just gonna quote my own fanfic here because the very premise of the comic made me snicker:

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Friends Forever 25: Twilight and Rainbow Dash · 1:39am Feb 4th, 2016

Friends Forever 25: Twilight and Rainbow Dash (isn't the point supposed to be match ups we DON'T get in the cartoon?).

Rainbow Dash wakes up, WITH HER WINGS MISSING, and a dotted link where they connected to her body before. (RD's reaction is.... pretty much natural and puts her freak out with Discord taking them to shame).

Ironically, no one thinks Discord is up to his old tricks.

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It Christmas · 8:21pm Dec 25th, 2016

Merr Christmas

Or whatever holiday you're celebrating, I hope you enjoy it!

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Comic Review - Friends Forever #29 · 1:37pm Jun 9th, 2016

Rarity and Maud? On the same day I review the main series Rarity and Pinkie comic? Weird.

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Other Updates 2 · 12:16am Jun 11th, 2016

In case some of you didn't notice, last night, posted a new chapter, which I proofread, to Applejack's Stetson Hat. I suggest you check it out. It seems like quite a story, although I've only gotten to read the chapter I proofread for. :twilightblush:

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Friend's problem. · 12:36am Jun 7th, 2017

A friend of mine is having a hard time on this website. He's been a member for a while, but he's experiencing a problem, but I'm not sure if it's his computer or not. (He's told me that). Apparently, everytime he tries to PM or comment a message pops saying:

Signature is expired, the time on your computer or device is Lilly incorrect. The difference is 2474 weeks.

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Here we go again! · 7:10pm Jul 1st, 2018

First off, Happy Canada Day to everyone! I was late to loving my country but I really do love living here. Also, to my American friends, Happy 4th of July, early one that is :) I've yet to find a video that better describes the relationship between our two nations better than this one from the 2010 Winter Olympics..

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End of Year, Story Idea Poll, and Signal Boost · 4:34pm Dec 20th, 2017

Geez, 2017 snuck by me, and the fact I haven't posted a story here in months is starting to bother me like a bad itch. Oh, there have been attempts, but the stories haven't really manifested as well as I would have hoped after the writing process began. That and work and real life just being as busy as they are... still, c'est la vie.

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I Have This Friend reading! · 10:55pm Aug 3rd, 2017

I found out that I Have This Friend got a fanfic reading by Winged T. Spears a few days ago.

Thanks muchly, Mr. Spears!


Chrysalis: Saviour of Time Chapter 16 · 5:10am Feb 21st, 2020

Title "Cheating Heart". Discussion after the page break.

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New on FIMfiction · 7:32am Mar 25th, 2016

So yes as the title says i am new on FIMfiction. I am used to how submissions and stuff run on deviant art and such but I am learning. If anyone would like to give advice or has any questions about my writings, other books, or even about hagurashi books its self. Please don't hesitate to ask away. I am a fairly open person.

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To My ABDL/Ageplay Brony Friends · 7:36am Jan 7th, 2019

Hey guys!

So as you all know by now if you read my stuff, I am a huge advocate for the ABDL and Ageplay community. And as much as I like to think I do a lot for the community, a friend of mine is doing a hell of a lot more.

My friend Travis Godfrey is the founder and owner of ABDL Truth, which is dedicated to spreading awareness of the community and eliminating the stigmas involved. He's done way more to try and help the community than I probably have in my entire life.

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How I imagine Spero's friends · 8:40am Nov 23rd, 2019

I hope I can get an artist to draw them up at some point, make them original, but at this point, this is how I imagine the new group of friends looking. ^^


Brave Star

Rainbow Dawn

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 763 results