
Viewing 361 - 380 of 633 results

No budget means no degree for me · 2:12am Nov 3rd, 2015

So I might not be to finish my degree if Rauner gets his way...

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texas weather at its finest · 12:31am Dec 28th, 2015


Sorry for no updates lately · 10:07am Jan 14th, 2017

Aside from the whole time consuming monster that is the Christmas holidays taking both mine and grey's time, my job has been making me work six days a week for the last month and well, me and Grey work opposite shifts so we've only been able to write on the weekends or right before I'm about to go to sleep for the day :rainbowderp:
he may have the bat ponysona but I'm more of a bat than he is:trollestia:

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Mulder and skully are close at hand · 8:07pm Feb 20th, 2016

The chapter is being worked on once again

Without missing a beat, Matt sprang into action. Quickly getting his shoes on, he was soon out of his bedroom and heading for the door. Pausing for a moment, he stopped by the doorway into the kitchen and poked his head inside. Inside was his mom, cooking up something, her back to him as she worked over the stove.

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Clowns · 11:06pm Oct 16th, 2016


Well, looks like it's going to be a bloody winter · 3:00am Aug 26th, 2016

All aboard the hype train:rainbowkiss:


bluey has too many ideas · 4:34am Dec 9th, 2015

I have been getting far too many ideas for stories as of late and my inability to work on any of them due to my job is driving me mad:ajbemused:

Now if you excuse me, i gotta down seven cups of coffee and prepare for work


Hello stress, nice to see you again after such a nice short break! :D · 5:16pm Nov 9th, 2015

Parents, parents, parents. Mothers in particular. Have absolutely no idea the effort and work that goes into a hobby like writing childrens stories. It’s almost cute…
Until they commission you.
“Can you write little [insert neighbours child here] a story and make a hardback of it?”
“Erm, sure, I think I can do that.”
“Can you have it done before christmas?”

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Watch the Earth, for when it quakes, death is soon to come. · 4:23pm May 8th, 2017

No way is this connected to a future story of mine....just kidding, it is.

So, I saw some Let's plays of the game MERC the other day, a sort of XCOM-style game where you command a Mercenary company in a dying Earth. I got somewhat inspired. Enough to get myself thinking. Plus, my replaying of the flash game Armor Mayhem may have had something to do with it. And maybe Gears of War, too. Ah, hell, here's the description.

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I mean, I love my friends, but.... · 12:01am Dec 27th, 2017

What are you people doing? No. Stahp. Why.... why have you... what have you...
Well, I need a scotch now.

I'm so ashamed/proud of you. Good job.


P.S. apparently Priest was so confident that this story would do poorly, that he said he'd do a six hour slave stream where he does whatever people tell him to if it hit the box. So... fingers crossed on that.

Report anonpencil · 318 views · #story #shit #troll #silly #funny #fun #wtf #why

So There Was A Message. · 4:57am May 29th, 2018

I recently got a message (Somewhat recently, I should say) from a fan of Road to Redemption asking for my blessing in building their own world within my AU. Now, I myself have wanted to collaborate with other authors because I fucking love the idea of writing with someone else and blending our styles together, but that's not what's happening here.

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Discord · 7:28pm Feb 27th, 2018

Okay, as some of you know, I accidentally created a Discord server while intoxicated. That being said, I managed to fuck up a lot of the settings in the process and nothing was working properly. I've decided NOT to delete the server and instead reset the entire thing (kinda, I'm still learning how to use it)

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I made another stuffed animal! · 2:21am Sep 25th, 2016


WOOHOO SUMMER!!! · 11:35pm May 26th, 2016

I just finished my hardest year of high school! I'm meeting people soon so I painted my nails pink! Just another week until PRIDE MONTH!!! So many fun things to do!:pinkiehappy: The only downside is that I got my period and I get the most gut wrenching cramps:pinkiesick: I guess that's also a good thing though. Now that school is over, I can post those craft blogs without having to worry about plagiarizing my own shit! WHO WANTS TO BUILD A FLOWER

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A Look into the Macabre: What makes something scary? · 3:53am Mar 8th, 2019

This isn't a guide so much as it is me gushing over this show I started watching because holy shitballs is it good.

"The Promised Neverland," AKA, "oh my god what the fuck," is easily the best thriller anime I've seen in a very long time.

Without spoiling too much, here's the synopsis for the story:

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Friendship is Merchandising and Spoiler for S6E3 – The Gift of Maud · 8:44pm Apr 4th, 2016

If you haven't seen this weekend's MLP episode and don't want to be spoiled, beware!

Tale Weaver pointed out something rather amusing this morning. Hasbro has this stupid toy swan boat they've been shoving down our throats in endless commercials, right? We were looking for it and, big surprise, they only show it the actual episode for a FEW SECONDS.

And worse, Pinkie WASN'T IN IT!

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Musicians that I hate and why I hate them · 1:26pm May 16th, 2020

Justin Bieber - Each and every anti-Bieber can relate to this. He only makes songs about girls, girls, and girls, he's famous for causing a lot of legal issues, he's a bad influence to the younger generation, he has the most disliked song on YouTube, and he's the most annoying celebrity in the world.

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Ever Have One of Those Days? · 6:47am Jul 1st, 2021

I am. Every day. I get on my computer, see the open text documents, go "I need to write something today," and basically Nope on it.

I'm sure that there's at least a few of you who's done that.

I'm stuck on writing. There are too many things I want to write, on top of myself suddenly jumping off into the deep end of the Ace Attorney fics and franchise. Now I wanna write two, maybe three, stories with that as a crossover.

Of course only one of them's going to be readable here.

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happy darfday · 2:50pm May 14th

Hello all. It's my birthday today. Currently I don't have the money for a cake or any birthday meal (or much else), so if anyone is feeling generous, even something small would help a lot.


WTFIWWY-More Than Meets The Eye · 5:24pm May 19th

This week's life lessons learned:

-Don't steal a tractor. Definitely don't steal one with the intent to go to a college campus to kill 2 people and then go on a vehicular rampage. GTA is not a LARP. Also: Great work in reinforcing that negative stereotype.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 633 results