
Viewing 361 - 380 of 674 results

Merry Christmas! We're *mostly* out of the hiatus. · 5:22pm Dec 25th, 2022

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday and if you're not celebrating I hope your weekend is going well. As some of you may have noticed, the updates to The Equestria Chronicles. In fact most of the most was dedicated to the fanfiction. Now life itself is very inconsistent, but I hope that I can provide you somewhat consistent and quality content. Keep in mind, my co-author and I are both busy people and this might change at the drop of a hat, but until then. Season's

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The Next Chapter and Thanks · 6:51pm May 5th, 2020

Hello Everybody :D

First: I would like to thank you for all the Love my first story is getting I really can't thank you guys enough

Secondly: The Next Chapter 4-The Empire will be a long one so it's going to take me more time to finish writing it as I am currently about halfway with it. BUT all is not lost if all goes well it will be up before the weeks end! WOOOOOOOOOOO

That's all I wanted to say and thank you for giving this amateur writer a chance :twilightsmile:


Now We’re Making Progress! · 8:51pm Sep 7th, 2021

I’ve just started reinstalling Windows 10 for my computer, let’s hope this works! :pinkiehappy:


A final thank you all. (also question on how people feel about patrion thing) · 4:44am Feb 20th, 2023

Holy Crap. One day and CoRRuption is magic hit basically 1k in a single day. That is insane. I Underestimated the amount of views it would have gotten from just being PuT to completed. XD

In the end it's all thanks tO you all giving it support and loviNg It.

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Five years in FiM fiction · 2:04am Jul 20th, 2022

So… this account has turned 5 years old today, being created on wednesday 19th of july 2017. 

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Farewell, Steven Universe · 1:41am Mar 28th, 2020

Rebecca Sugar and the Crewniverse, a big thank you very much for your wonderful creation that is Steven Universe. Your show has made a big and wonderful impact and has inspired a lot of people to be comfortable in their own skin and to love themselves no matter what others say.

This cartoon is considered a game-changer for:
1) It is Cartoon Network's first animated series to be created solely by a woman
2) It defied stereotypical gender norms

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100 Stories! · 8:08am Aug 26th, 2019

100 stories! :pinkiehappy:

Wow. This really such an incredible feeling. One hundred tales for me to tell, and plenty more who enjoyed them.

Thank you guys. It's such an honor to post my work for you all to read, and it means so much to me when you tell me you enjoy it. It really makes all my efforts feel worth it. By no means has this journey been an easy one, but if I hadn't taken it, I wouldn't have met some of my best friends.

I have a long list of thank you's to make.

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150 Followers! · 2:47am Mar 31st, 2019

I'm very glad to say I hit 150 followers today!

The stories I write, I write for me, but I always hope that someone else will like them, maybe relate to them in some way. I write what I do because it brings me joy and makes me happy, but to know others love it too is such a huge bonus. It makes me feel like all of my hard work is worth it. I appreciate that a lot.

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So about Kingdom Hearts RoTE.... · 6:30pm Aug 27th, 2015

Because I'm awesome like that, I have decided that this latest chapter is gonna be where I start a brief hiatus. :trollestia: U mad Bro?

lol just kidding. But I will be holding off on any new chapters until I get something done first. Now that I've reached 130,000 words I feel like, before it gets any longer, I need to take a step back and look at what I've done. Really I should have done this when I hit 100,000 words... but you know... lazy.

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Stick to What Works on EqD! · 10:52pm Aug 6th, 2015

As you may have noticed, Stick to What Works was posted on Equestria Daily! Thanks to Masked Ferret and Pascoite for helping out.

In addition, for those who read prior to the posting, the story has gone through some revisions to clean some lines up and make some of Maud's metaphors make more sense.

Thanks again for reading!


1000 Upvotes! · 2:37am Nov 25th, 2015

Hey followers/people who added Mane Makes the Mare to a bookshelf! Sorry to disturb you like this twice in one week.

I just wanted to say thank you! This morning, Mane Makes the Mare finally passed 1000 upvotes, making it my third fic to do so. Thanks to everyone who read and deigned my fic worthy enough for your praise. I find coming up with comedy ideas very hard, so I'm glad I was able to release this one.

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OH MY GOD · 7:01pm Dec 6th, 2016



Well, I'm here, I guess · 7:23pm Aug 19th, 2016

Unrelated, but cute as fuck

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Well, that makes me sound pretty silly, doesn't it? · 9:03am Aug 27th, 2016

O-oh...y-you too...

Well slap me silly and call me a twatwaffel! Ok. I'll shut up about this not being very well liked now.
I was...quite wrong. I'm a moron. Apologies.
But I'm glad you folks seem to like it.

Just...expect disgusting next time again, you've earned it.

-Pencil :heart:


New chapter of "Phantom Pony" is up · 1:50am Dec 27th, 2015

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yes, this will be the twelfth chapter now, I think (I can just barely keep track :twilightsheepish:). And I managed to get two more chapters done and ready to go, so that's pretty good news. :twilightsmile:

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I just tried to thank Carolusrex1 for a favorite · 3:33am Jan 27th, 2017

My links to his PM and comments do not work.

Thank you for your favorite on DARING DO AND THE COMPASS OF DISCORD!
I hope that you enjoy the developing tale.


Been a while! And on the edge of 250 Likes for a story!! No way! · 11:49pm Jul 20th, 2017

First off, sorry it's been so long since I've done anything guys! MY real life is pretty hectic right now with work and personal obligations and matters. And those take priority to me. Still, I have been trying to get the next chapter of Charlatan done, and am amazed to see it on the edge of getting 250 Likes! That's amazing! Thank you!

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So I got featured for once (if only for a little) · 7:17am May 10th, 2017

That made my day. Thanks. Chapter 4 is coming along slowly hope the updates come more on a weekly basis for a while. Actually have a lot of time on my hands. People will get introduced. And no there is not just vampires and demons. There are a few other supernatural clans here. But since Fluttershy is a vampire- they get the focus in this story. But yeah there's at least a lot of different stories up in this verse. I think six main stories with each different character and like three side

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Stories of Bronycon 2017 - This is Kismet · 11:12pm Aug 21st, 2017

As per the tradition that only became a tradition when I made post, I have typed up a variety of stories of my time at Bronycon this year. Some of them are funny, some are sad, but all of them had meaning to me in one way or another. I hope you all enjoy them and, if you haven’t been, are intrigued enough to come next year.

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LOVELY FAREWELL: If You Give a Little Love Postscript, Volume 1 · 5:36am Dec 4th, 2017

[Since IYGALL has been such a massively long ride, I figured there's too much for me to talk about in just one blog post. Today's is more cut-and-dry history, while tomorrow's will be more of just random thoughts I had at various points while writing. Also, just gonna warn you, I do crack some dumb jokes in this section]

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 674 results