
Viewing 361 - 380 of 915 results

State of the Pen · 1:46am Oct 21st, 2022

It's been 10 days since my brother died and 6 since we laid him to rest at the foot of a willow tree near a shady stream. I find myself both functional and numb. I can act, react, and do things, but anything beyond the basics is like trying to push fog with your hands. Something happens but not much. I find myself staring at a computer screen and feeling... nothing.

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Car Stolen! Asking for Help. · 11:33am Jun 28th, 2023

I...Do not have a good way of asking for help. I'm very stubborn that's my AJ side talking, but I feel like this is SOMETHING I should ask for help with.

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Asking for HELP! Stress about House and More. · 7:23pm Nov 29th, 2023

SO. I'm not good at this, but I'm going to try because I legitimately don't know what else I can do. We had a guy come look at our Furnace because the Heat wasn't working, and then just this morning finally kicked on. He told us in no un-certain terms that it won't keep working till Christmas, let alone the whole winter season.

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Finally put a name to it. · 1:11am Mar 31st, 2022

The current series I've been writing more or less revolves around a group of family and friends coming together to protect their communities and reshape the world. I've been trying to put a name to what their group would be labelled as. They're not exactly vigilantes because they don't go looking for trouble. They simply respond when it finds them. I was reminded today that civil defense is a thing in the military, but my characters are civilians with no official credentials. The best label I

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Mayor (Spoilers/Summary) · 4:44pm May 21st


My first new story in 4 years! · 6:10pm May 8th

Hey there, everypony!

I hope you're all having a splendid week so far. Last night and today, I spent some time pouring my feelings onto paper in the form of a story for your eyes and/or ears. Lately, I've been dealing with the uncertainty of life and lingering a bit too much on the past. This story tackles those feelings, and through writing it, I've learned how best to deal with what I'm going through.

I hope it's something you all enjoy.

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The Candy Maker is live! · 6:10pm Nov 3rd, 2015

"My name is Candy Cane. I live in Fillydelphia, and I make candy for a living. That's it. I'm nopony. Really.

I'm just a candy maker, and that's all.

Why can't I just be left alone?"

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One thing that I hate about FIMFiction that I feel like I really shouldn't because it's a well thought out feature. · 5:30pm Aug 31st, 2015

So, a big motivator on FIMFiction is the follower count. It validates ones existence and makes us happy when someone likes you enough to say they think you have something good or interesting to say.

But, sometimes people stop following others. In reality that's perfectly fine. People trim accounts that ween't as interesting as they thought they'd be, or people get annoyed/drift away in different direction. And when this happens, it's something that I wish FIMFiction would notify us about.

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Kind of an explanation · 4:09am Oct 6th, 2015

While I did create this for my youtube channel I thought I would post it here to for you guys as well.

Because of this I am tired and a little bit worn out. However, don't worry the Smiling Stallion will be released in time for Nightmare Night (October 31st) and I am hoping to release a youtube trailer for that soon.

Thank you all for reading. Thank you all for following me here and I hope you all have a good day.


Updated Artwork: "Sad Turing Test in a Puddle" · 12:57am Jan 6th, 2016

Back in the chapter "Electric Ladyland, Part 2," Turing Test gets rained on by a cloud enchanted by Discord. It ruins her brand new coat of paint and she experiences sadness for the first time. :fluttershysad: Well, Mr. Green has caught up on some of the artwork and we now have an illustrated version of that scene that has been added to the chapter!

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My desktop computer broke down · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2017

As the title says, my main computer has come to an end. I'm afraid this also have a huge effect on my motivation to continue writing or fixing my stories right now. I still have my laptop, but I rarely use anything but my desktop to write. It's not like I could just put the laptop on the same table and continue like nothing ever happened. To be honest, I'm quite mad because I lost a lot of stuff. Building a new PC would be really expensive and I'm not sure if I can afford that right now. It

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On a whim · 2:20am Jun 6th, 2016

So... Instead of... Ya know...writing a new chapter in one of my many already featured stories I decided to write a nice side story to one of them. Yup I wrote a side story to Sunset Helpers. It'll take place at sometime in the future from where the current storyline is, specifically during the Summer. However im not entirely sure it'll stay canon to the main story. One thing is for sure though it'll definitely not spoil anything that's to come. Not the thing with Discord and Gilda, not

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Guess who DIDN'T get Monster Hunter Generations for his Birthday! · 4:24pm Aug 2nd, 2016


They're back... · 10:50pm Apr 18th, 2017

The voices are back,I'm in a big down from the bipolar disorder,and I'm cold,I just want to lay down and cry,I feel useless...A complete trash...
Luckily,I don't got class this week...
And sorry if I'm being a burden to you all, I just needed to tell someone...


New Berry Punch Story · 9:39pm Jul 2nd, 2017

It's here, if you want to read it.

Yes, it's from that same sort of series about Anon and Berry and their relationship, but it's a side story that's kind of stand-alone. No, there's no sex. There's no happy. It's.. a story of catharsis for me, focusing on Berry Punch's illness. It's not a happy fun sill story in any way, and it's just kind of depressing incarnate. Read at your own risk, it's not one that'll make you smile.

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New Release · 9:04pm Apr 14th, 2018

I thought I'd take the time to blog this one because it's a little different from my usual fare.

[Adult story embed hidden]

You'll notice the 'sad' tag on your way in, if that isn't your cup of tea, you may want to give this one a miss. Otherwise, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. It was quite the experience to write, and I'm glad to share it with all of you.


Writing Hiatus May Begin Shortly · 8:02pm Oct 26th, 2015

[2:52:26 PM] Curify is Soaring: Oi. Frustrated.
[2:52:47 PM] Curify is Soaring: 7 week class requires me to read 8 +300 page novels.
[2:52:53 PM] Curify is Soaring: RIP my social life.
[2:53:31 PM] RK_Striker_JK_5: That's all kinds of nutsy-insane.
[2:54:57 PM] Curify is Soaring: It's not even a full three day MFW class either.
[2:55:04 PM] Curify is Soaring: It's a two hour MW class.

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Needing to shake off the rust... · 5:41am Mar 30th, 2016

EDIT: Damn it I deleted the entire damn thing by accident! Now I have to do all of that again! Ugh, I am not happy! :twilightangry2:

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... I have something to say. · 3:18am Jul 16th, 2016

Umm... Lately, I haven't been feeling well. I have been lying about me being always happy to my friends, parents, siblings, heck even you guys. But the truth is... I'm so lonely...

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Expect a new story tomorrow. · 6:30am Sep 12th, 2017

I'm back.
It's been... a good three weeks.
And I'm fine now.
Shut up, I'm not crying, you're crying. F-fucking crybaby. Jeeze, get some self control why don't you.
Yeah, can't promise this story is going to be a silly one.


Viewing 361 - 380 of 915 results