
Viewing 361 - 380 of 1,019 results

New (completed) story is up! · 5:06pm Feb 14th, 2016

So, as promised, my Rainbow Dash x Big Mac story was published and is ready for reading!:yay:
The link to it is tagged to this blog post.

I'm fairly happy with this one, but I do feel like I rushed the end a little, or that it got a little bland, that I could have said things in a better, more articulately, saying ways that may show a deeper emphasis. Something like that.

But like I said, I'm happy with it.

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Get Hype! · 3:57am Sep 19th, 2016

The Sunset Shipping Project starts tomorrow!

I am very excited about this. Even though I spent the weekend writing original fiction for the Writeoff Association instead of doing last minute polishing.

And have I got some news for you!

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Can't get my mind out of another story I'm writing · 8:45pm Jun 14th, 2017

How does one stop thinking about another story you are writing and concentrate on the one you should be working on?

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Change of plans and looking for M/M ship suggestions · 8:07pm Aug 5th, 2020

After really thinking about what I wanna do, I've decided I'm gonna do more general M/M things so I can slowly start building an audience.
so this suggestion box website is so you can send me as many different M/M ships as you want, the more the Merrier. The kind I take is...

Canon x Canon
Rule 63 (turning M/F and F/F ships into an M/M ship)
Background ponies
Other Species

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Really?! Not even going to try and pretend to look away? · 2:42pm May 18th, 2022

When your little sister catches you totally staring...

Not Happy by ButterSprinkle

...and you don't even deny it.

"Shame? Shame is only for those, who've done something wrong."

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Rebuilding Aurora Dancer (art stuff) (Seriously, I'd really appreciate it if you read this.) · 10:28pm Jan 6th, 2017

As some of y'all might recall that Aurora Dancer is based on the good ole unreliable (top heavy) Cleveland Class Cruiser. You might know that is a light cruiser. Y’all might also recall that she is classified as a Heavy Cruiser.

This is because….

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uninspired stuff ho! · 11:33am Oct 4th, 2017

Prepare for a wave of random story ideas being flooded onto my page while I struggle to get my imaginative juices pumping.
Many of these stories are just random ideas I have had ranging from when I first joined Fimfic to today. Many of which were not bothered with as they are clop, but to hell with dignity, lets write some pone words.

*Fluttershy is famous for her Stare. An ability allowing her to tame any animal...But can it tame a magical Pony?

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Gauntlet of Replacement Goldfish: Episode Analysis, Shipping, and Pav Overanalysing · 3:17am Apr 19th, 2016

Okay, so, this all originated on another blogpost wherein the latest episode Gauntlet of Fire was being discussed (spoi larz btw) and the topic of shipping inevitably came up, like ya do. Naturally, as a Professor of Shipology, I felt the need to butt in at that point with a post that started off analyzing some shipping elements of the episode, but segued into

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7ds x MLP shipping · 4:10pm May 6th, 2021

I’ve already shipped a few of the four archangels from the 7ds sins series with mlp characters (the holy brother with the royal sisters). But I don’t know what to do with the other two, Sariel and Tarmiel. It doesn’t just have to be those two, if you have any ships of characters from these two series, canon or not, I would be glad to hear it.


Signal Boost — Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest! · 10:27pm Mar 9th, 2021


I am the 1% · 11:44pm Sep 23rd, 2016

I have now passed 1000 followers.

I expect my customary monogrammed bath robe, fine Cuban cigars, top shelf brandy, and my black robe and hood for the secret council meetings to be delivered promptly.

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Season 6 Shipping [SPOILERS!!] · 10:37pm Mar 26th, 2016

StarBurst is best ship. It's got the best ship name, Starlight and Sunburst have very complementary skills (crazy magic power + crazy magic knowledge), and they would be a totally OP couple.

TLDR: Best ship is best ship because bestness.

I'll fight anyone who thinks otherwise.

Oh, and PS: Celestia and Luna confirmed for not having been born alicorns.

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Much better shipname than SunsetSparkle/TwilightShimmer · 6:20pm Jun 22nd, 2015

Don't worry that's haybacon... I believe. I think Sunset was confirmed a vegetarian in the second movie? (for obvi reasons)


My thoughts on Episode 100 (S5E09) [SPOILERS] · 9:32pm Jun 13th, 2015

1: Doctor Whooves is now canon.
2: Lyra x BonBon is now canon.
3: BonBon is canonically some sort of secret agent.
4: 2, 3 and Lyra's style of sitting at the wedding together could very well add up to Heartstrings by TriteBristle being canon.
5: That argument between Celestia and Luna and how they made up during the ceremony feels like Princest being canon to me. I ain't even mad.

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**UPDATES** · 2:32am Nov 8th, 2018

Hi Everypony!

I know it's been a while since I've done something on here, sorry about that.

I have a few announcements I'd like to make:

Number One:

I am yet to watch any of the latest season of MLP (At least at the time of writing this), so if I write something that doesn't match up don't tell me. Please avoid telling me anything either, I'm hoping Netflix gets the new season soon so I can get caught up.

Number Two:

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New fics · 10:56pm May 23rd, 2020

Been busy writing stories, which is kinda funny since I keep getting more and more ideas. It's getting to the point that if a singular image inspires me, I write something fast (if I get their permission to use the image for the cover).

Anyway, newest story is entitled 'Passing Afternoon', which goes to my love of Spike and Apple Bloom. Kind of a throwback to my early writing of those cuties.

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OC/Rainbow Dash story I promised is up! · 2:49pm Sep 1st, 2016

I decided to charge boldly and post the story right now.

Love Dashed Into Life is up and ready for reading, folks! :rainbowdetermined2:

(Be warned, the story is M-rated.)


Uh oh. · 10:46pm Jul 17th, 2016

So like,
Just from like stray comment in the comment section, just wondering....
How many of you have a ScootalooxNopony going on in your head?


The Book of Life · 9:25am Nov 26th, 2015

Lately I've been really loving this film.

The style of animation is a little weird, but once you get used to it, you see it's got its own special beauty to it. The music is great; a blend of songs written for the film with modern pop songs, rearranged in a more classical Latin American style.

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Of Coke bottles and contests · 4:21pm Aug 18th, 2015

A little while back, I noticed an informal little contest being held by a Viking named Erik, who was having a wee bit of trouble finding a personalized Coke bottle.

As luck would have it, I happened upon the Coke bottle in question mere hours later and won myself a free fic. By our powers combined, we bring you a short story of two white-coated ponies, one wingy and one horny:

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 1,019 results