
Viewing 361 - 380 of 947 results

CONTEST!!! · 6:48am Dec 29th, 2015

"The Gun Pointed At The Head of the Universe"

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Losing enthusiasm: Enth-lose-iasm · 1:51am Jan 4th, 2017


Remember when I said my stories would get updates by the end of the month back in OCTOBER?

And then pushed them back to November...


Happy New Year.

Okay, so you all deserve SOME sort of update. I've made some slow progress on Homeric Epic, while trying to wrap my head around how to rewrite How I Remembered, while also trying to kickstart other ideas sloshing around in my thinking soup.

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Thirty more blogs!!! · 8:02pm Jul 16th, 2017

Allow me to share my thoughts with you. Thoughts on what, you might ask? Well... many things. Remember Simon's Exodus? That was supposed to be the story of HOW Simon became an adventurer, which begins at the end of the story with Simon meeting Eveline, the love of his life, who showed him that magic really does exist and it must be used to banish the darkness that threatens her kingdom... and realizing that this is what he was destined for: Saving the Kingdom of

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Snow it begins · 12:10am Jan 7th, 2017

As I write this, we are gearing up for "The Worst Winter Storm" of the decade.

I wish I could use hyperbole like weathermen. It'd make my stuff sound 20% cooler.

But in the AM hours , I work at a grocery store, and I must ask you.

How the hell are you going to cook all that raw beef and tv dinners if the power goes out? Not everyone has gas grills and cooking ranges. Hamburger isn't like tea, where all you need is a good size candle to make hot tea.

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Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves free on Steam · 9:02pm Aug 31st, 2018

So, apparently Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves quietly went free over on Steam some time ago?

Not aged very gracefully, the voice-acting and models in particular, but it's still one of the neater and original defense games out there. And it does the werewolf theme EXTREMELY well, so that's a real bonus.

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'The Story of Dark Souls (Animated Storybook) - Video Games Retold' · 6:28pm Jun 22nd, 2018

I'm quite a fan of Dark Souls. Not sure if I've ever mentioned it, but it did take quite a few play-throughs and lore videos before I wrapped my head around the famously (intentionally) scattered and vague story.

So color me surprised, when some chap managed to boil it down to a ten minute video, and make it a damn pretty and well narrated one at that.

Naturally, spoiler warning.

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Double Update · 6:38pm Jan 31st, 2018


Update: New Job, Getting a House and More. · 12:43am Mar 15th, 2020

So the new chapter is slowly being written, I just got transferred from days to nights so most of my writing time has been thrown out the window. So i'm slowly writing more.

Some other updates, I just found out that my credit score is really really good, so if I'm frugal with my money and plan accordingly I'll be out of my father's house and into my own in two-three months. Hopefully everything works out.

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Overwatch Chapter Incoming! · 5:07pm Dec 13th, 2017

Just a heads-up, a new Overwatch chapter is coming in fast.

It's the aftermath of the Canterlot attack, and the Overwatch agents splitting into teams searching for a new threat. Plus, my other Oc will show up soon. (Fenrir.)

Just a head's up.


Newbie · 11:48am Jul 20th, 2015

Well, well, well...looky what we have here. I newbie to the ranks? before anypony asks. No, I'm not the real Spike. However much I would like to be him, I'm tragically not. I believe it's physically impossible for me to become a baby dragon over night. Not unless I borrowed one of Twilight's books and read one of the spells. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. This first blog is basically me saying 'I'm here, notice me' and all that nonsense. I hope to have some MLP stories up soon, and for some I

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Pause Time~! · 7:26am Aug 21st, 2019

Hey cuties~!

Some of you know, but I got some family stuff going on right now. It's icky and I don't wanna go into details. Because SO NOT FUN :(

Means all my stories gotta be on hold. They've been on hold for what feels like FOREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRR~! But gonna be longer. Maybe 2 more~?

I've got a totes fun commission I'm playing with when I can, plus >>2<< new Dollmare stories~! They're kinda like my relax time after a super hard day~

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Serious Updates · 8:49pm Nov 20th, 2019

Hey fimfiction. Long time, no see.

Sorry I haven’t been on to give you your usual dose of feels. I had a mental breakdown and quit my job and spent the last 9 days in the hospital.

But you guys are coming in on the middle of things. Let me tell you what happened.

Last Saturday I went out with my bestie for a night of drinks and dinner. It was great fun. I took the next day off work to get right with myself. And then I went to work on Monday.

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So do you guys like bases? · 12:53am May 15th, 2021

'Cause if that's the case, you'll love this!!

I worked on these bases as a commission for ModernSilver, and just recently we agreed to share them with the world! :raritystarry:

In the link down below you guys will find 11.psd files for MLP races in male and female variants with a bunch of parts to customize your OCs!

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Official Artwork for Experiment 101044: Artwork of the General · 9:28am Feb 7th, 2023

The big bad himself.


one of my usb flash drives corrupted, and boy am i glad that anything important i had on it i backed up looooong ago · 6:08am Aug 12th, 2022

oof ouch there goes any semblance of organization that I had for my current ongoing tech project though


Rating bump! · 2:06am May 5th, 2019

So, I noticed something off about "Take Me to Your Liter."

The thing was rated T for Tactless-has-a-safety-kink. That whore. How incoherent was I when I made the damn thing if I'm still finding mistakes like that lmfao.

Goddamn, day drinking is a nightmare kids. Don't do it, it'll fuck up your shit.

Anyway, updated to show that red ol' M for Matriarchy-is-a-better-kink!

For, uh, obvious reasons as per my previous blogs


Yay, hard drive problems · 5:49am Sep 15th, 2021

My blogs are always about computer problems, aren't they?

The computer most of them have been about is fine. I've got several computers, though. The one that had all the motherboard issues was the main desktop.

The other personal computer I use a lot is a laptop. It's a thinkpad that has in it not only a 240 GB SSD, but a 1 TB hard drive and a 500 GB hard drive.

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Jesus, what a Barn burner today for updates! · 5:14am Nov 11th, 2017


Total War: Shogun 2, free on Steam! · 3:00pm Apr 24th, 2020


Offer is going to be valid from Monday, to Friday, next week. IE, 27th to the 1st.

Man, that's a pretty big name game to giveaway. Know it's got a few years on the line now, but it's still considered one of the best in the entire Total War series. And that's not exactly a tiny, no-name series to start with, either.

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A Blog Post? · 6:44am Mar 31st, 2019

These horrible blog post names, eh?:ajsleepy:

I'm writing again yay, not as much as before, but I'm still happy! Besides, if I hadn't taken that long break from writing "the story" then it would've been not as good as it is now and who wants that?

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 947 results