
Viewing 21 - 40 of 137 results

It is time for a REVAMP... and explanations · 6:36pm Sep 30th, 2023

Hey, everyone! Long time no see, aye? Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

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An explanation · 9:22pm Jul 4th, 2018

To start off I know that the Holiday Comic featuring Anon-A-Miss took place sometime after the second movie and that in my fanfic that it happens sometime between the fall formal and the second film. There is a reason for this.

1. I read somewhere that the writer of the comic had written it to be sometime after the events of the first film but before the second one...Only to forget that Sunset didn't have the journal that connected her to Twilight until the second film.

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Important! · 6:14pm Dec 8th, 2020


My apologies · 10:32pm Dec 5th, 2020


I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 3 · 2:50pm Jan 23rd, 2020

CHAPTER 3: For Ages 3+ Does not include Figurines

Have you ever noticed how most toys don't contain the figurines? You always have to buy them separately. This chapter's title also references the fact that Rainbow is noticing more background ponies or 'extras'. 3+ is the usual age marking on the boxes for kids' toys.

It's an old joke about where the other half of the cockroach is when you find half a cockroach in your meal. Noodles in this case, because China.

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I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 4 · 11:27am Jan 24th, 2020

CHAPTER 4: You buy One you get One Free

The chapter title comes, again, from a well-known British advert; this time from Safestyle Windows, who were infamous for their wacky product advisers who screamed the mantra 'You buy One, you get One Free!' multiple times in the advert.

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I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 1 · 2:03pm Jan 23rd, 2020

The story is actually based on my thoughts after seeing a fic use the colour-swapped Rainbow Dash pony picture. Not sure what I'd been eating that day, but it must've been good.

CHAPTER 1: 9/10 Customers can't tell the Difference

The chapter title is a reference to old British adverts that stated that 8 out of 10 cats preferred Whiskas.

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Understanding my limits, and an explanation for those that'd like to know · 9:15pm Dec 29th, 2023

Unsure if anyone really reads these things, but I'll write one just for the sake of it. If nothing else it might help me look back on things in the future, hopefully wiser.

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Explanation · 5:25pm March 6th

Hello everyone, Dragon-In-Black here, I just wanted to apologise for not being active this year. As of late, I have been focusing on my second book/novel which has taken up a lot of my time and I hurt myself yesterday with a razor. I was thinking about something else and forgot to press the button on the razor to make it pop off, but my mind was somewhere else at the time so I skinned my index finger. I can still write, but if I make any grammatical errors (more) than usual, then you know why.

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My Own Worst Enemy · 7:47pm Sep 19th, 2016

The next chapter of New Tricks is being written, and it's almost ready to be published from an objective standpoint. There's just one problem: it's clinical, cold and efficient. It's got no soul and no heart of which to speak, just a tangled mess of wires and electrodes that keep it going steadily in one direction with no heed for the wellbeing of individuals who have fallen to the left or right in pursuit of a place in the narrative.

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Explanation · 5:05pm Jul 13th, 2018

So some people have been curious about my story Changling 13.789, so I thought I'd explain a few things.

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Mein Gott, My God, Dio Mio, Dios Mío, Mon Dieu... · 3:26am Oct 19th, 2020

I've finally finished writing the 1st part of the 3rd chapter. Tomorrow, at Monday - 7 am - (Mexican Timetable), it will be released.


The realization that I likely made a (story related) mistake... · 10:50am Sep 23rd, 2022

Well... I'm not very happy that it happened... but as the post's title conveys, I've been thinking about it, and I've realized that I likely made a story-related mistake with one of my fics.

Namely, with the idea of making the revamp of the first Equestria Girls movie that is part of Chapters of a Revamped Tome.

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Blonde Moments Is Done · 11:10pm May 10th, 2018

Oh, my gosh, guys. I actually did it.

After almost a year of work and 110k words, Blonde Moments is complete. I'm literally almost in tears.

I never thought I'd be able to complete a project like this. Whether it be time, energy, work, whatever... I just never thought I had it in me to finish a story of this size. But I did it.

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I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 10 · 5:23pm Jan 29th, 2020

CHAPTER 10: The Last Stage of the Process is Fulfilment

The title references the fact that this is the last chapter, as well as fulfilment being the part where manufacturers send out their products to paying customers. Some commenters felt that the story could've gone on further and with more emphasis on the Chinese side of rift influence, but I couldn't see how that wouldn't take the story out of comedy and into some serious effects. Also I only wanted to write a 10 chapter short.

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I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 2 · 2:22pm Jan 23rd, 2020

CHAPTER 2: Thesaurus? I thought Dinosaurs were Extinct

A thesaurus may be useful in the translation efforts, but the title makes fun of the similarity of the word thesaurus to the common ending used in most dinosaur names.

Anyone who has worked in an office building knows about 'Power Managers' and the suits they like to wear.

No-one can indeed wield a chaise-longue (or 'fainting couch') like Rarity as seen in the show on many an occasion.

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I Think It's Called Ponytown... Story Notes | Chapter 9 · 4:04pm Jan 29th, 2020

CHAPTER 9 Police State the Nature of the (Interdimensional) Emergency

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Why my stories are down · 7:04am Oct 27th, 2019

So I took all my stories down. The reason is there's been a lot of bad stuff happening lately, and I don't know what the laws are here. I can't really find any info. But my mother is going through some hard stuff and the last thing she needs is something bad coming out of this, so sorry if you wanted to re-read them. I just don't want to cause anything right now and I really can't figure out if my stories are legal or not


Would That I Could/The Mechanics of Magic, Heart, and Soul · 1:26am Feb 1st, 2018

I seem to have gotten a bit hung up in terms of the Hero Souls trilogy. Nothing's coming to me, and I think I may need to spend some time away from it. I didn't even realized I needed to do that until I finished Magic, Heart, and Soul. I promptly went, "Wait, I did what?"

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On the subject of Prominence · 2:01am Aug 13th, 2017

So I put up a blog post about an upcoming story (then took it down shortly after cuz it's probably too early to be talking about that story) and in that post, I mentioned that I know what I want to do with Prominence, but each time I sit down at my computer to work on it, nothing comes out. I don't feel joy or motivation, I just feel pressure and a desire to move on to something more fun for me to work on.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 137 results