
Viewing 381 - 400 of 1,299 results

Blog entry#10- Happy Thanksgiving · 3:48am Nov 22nd, 2016

ealize it's early but screw it. I've been thinking about this for some time now and I always ask myself... What am I thankful for? Well, a number of things. Family, my closest friend, my followers(even though I don't amount to much...). I realize it's not much but those are the main people in my life. I'm thankful for my family because while they can drive me crazy(although I'm not one to talk), they still love me for me and it's not often I say that. As for my friend, I'm thankful we've been

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So happy right now · 2:07am May 26th, 2017

Just proposed to my girlfriend, and she said yes, OH MY GOOOOOOD!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!
I'D SAY MORE, BUT I'M SPEECHLESS RIGHT NOW... ooops, still had caps lock on hehe *blushes*

her page, for those interested Babe


A Simple Anwer · 4:42pm Jul 29th, 2017

Some time ago, I told this one person how much I love MLP and of course other interests as well. I mentioned to them how I write fanfics and I love doing it. They would ask me, "Do you get paid?" or "How much do you charge?" When I reply nothing they would ask, "Why do you waste your time writing stuff for nothing in return?"

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Happy Valentine's Day! · 3:11pm Feb 14th, 2016

If the video does not work, the link is here. :P


Happy New Year. · 6:08am Jan 1st, 2017

Hope you all have a nice new day and many more to come. :twilightsmile::ajsmug::pinkiehappy::raritywink::rainbowwild::yay:

Report Orion Light · 283 views · #Happy New Year

Happy 20th Birthday to Me · 3:51pm Feb 26th, 2018

Yep, that time of year again, and now I'm just one year away from becoming a legal adult. ...Honestly, don't feel any different at all really. Seriously, still feel like I'm nineteen, just like I still felt I was still eighteen last year.

Ah well, maybe when my 21st rolls around, something will change.

...And cue obligatory cute pony art.

Report The Bricklayer · 262 views · #Happy #20th #Birthday #to #me

Happy Fourth of July everybody! · 4:06pm Jul 4th, 2016

Well, it's that time of year again, and even though America is going through a lot a crap right now like the rest of the world I'm still feeling very proud to be part of this country. And as for those who aren't... Well, there's a certain set of lyrics in this video below that can just tell you what to do.

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Three Spirits of New Years · 3:24pm Dec 31st, 2017

I don't like to talk about myself much.

To properly wrap up 2017, I'll reveal a little, just this once. Here's my past, present, and future

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Report hazeyhooves · 320 views · #Happy New Year

FamousLastWords · 4:45am Oct 6th, 2017

Hey guys, NickyD here! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Life and all that, you know how it is. But, I come here today for something different. Today, is my good friend, FamousLastWords', birthday. Guys, if you can, go to his page and give him some love.


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Happy Nightmare Night! · 7:45pm Oct 31st, 2015

We art here to wish thou all a happy Nightmare Night! 'Tis been a good day, but shall be an even greater night! I even managed to get both chapters done for today, so check them out if thou hast not yet, or Nightmare Moon shall haunt thy dreams! Actually, she'll probably do it anyway... Hey, fun fact, I got 31 views on October the 31:st, yeah, I know! Well, I got nothing more to say, so go out there and make Luna proud! Thy Princess commands it! ... Yeah, I'll stop...


Merry Christmas · 5:50pm Dec 25th, 2016

and happy Hanukkah! I hope everyone has a wonderful set of holidays as we end the final week of December. Let's hope to 2017 being better! :twilightsmile:



State of the Author: 12/25/17 · 3:43pm Dec 25th, 2017

Well... Honestly nothing to say here really except just Happy Holidays to you all and I hope you have a great new year!


Sunny Sunday #2: Where Does Negative Self Talk Originate? · 1:58am Dec 4th, 2017

Hello readers! Crysis Commander here, returning for another Sunny Sunday. Yes, when I said this was going to be a weekly series, I was serious. Last week I mentioned that happiness overall is a choice as it simply a way we can react to various stimuli, whether in our favor or not. Today we'll look at the ways people fall into negative thinking and self talk. The first step in adjusting an issue to know the root of it. Let's get started.

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Happy New Years! · 5:36am Jan 1st, 2018

Yes! A new year has been made!!!!

Let this year be as epic as an action movie!:pinkiehappy:

Happy New Years to all of my 112 followers and counting, whether you follow me because of my stories, ideals or just because you're just awesome like that, let us head into this new year together and on to the next!


Happy Halloween / Nightmare Night, Everyone · 5:41pm Oct 31st, 2018

Just wanted to say, that if any of you all have plans to celebrate the holiday, have fun!

Whether you're handing out candy to trick-or-treaters (which is mostly what I'll be doing with my dad - he loves Halloween :twilightsmile:), watching some scary movies, going to a party or attraction of some sort...

Be safe and have fun, all right? ^_^

And, just for the heck of it, here's one of my favorite MLP comic dubs pertaining to spooky stuff.

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Happy Birthday.... · 1:23am Mar 13th, 2018

.....I make this blog to celebrate a life cut short far too soon. Today would've been her 24th birthday...Happy Birbdai Spoop!:

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Feather Note's Birthday · 6:07pm Aug 17th, 2016

Hey there, everypony! It's Feather Note here! Just wanted to take a bit of time and say that today is my twentieth birthday!

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So This Is Christmas · 9:06pm Dec 26th, 2018

Now that I've made the obligatory reference to some kind of Christmas song...

I hope you all had a good day on the twenty-fifth of December, and the other related days too. :twilightsmile: It only comes once a year, as they say.

On my end, it's been a pretty good time. My aunt came down to visit us and it's been nice to have her. My dad and I went to our church's Christmas Eve service, which has a candlelit portion that I absolutely love.

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Happy New Years - 2018 - Plans · 2:27am Jan 2nd, 2018

Hello, everybody! A new year has come in place of 2017. Last year was... interesting. It still is going to be a little awkward now that my parent's divorce has finally gone through. I'm sure it's something I'll get used to with time. But let's not spend our time thinking about that sad scenario. Let's get on with the positives. A new year. A fresh start.

To begin I would like to say Happy New Years to everybody!

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Song Requests pt. 3 · 8:30pm Mar 15th, 2016

Yes! Once again I am taking lyric requests from any user. If interested, state the name of the song you want down below and I'll try to find the lyrics!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiesmile:

That's all for now!


Viewing 381 - 400 of 1,299 results