
Viewing 381 - 400 of 726 results

My thoughts on the ongoing Kaleidoscope drama. · 2:40am Dec 1st, 2019

I feel bad for all those Kaleidoscope writers. I really do. Those people and the stories they put so much time and effort into creating deserve so much better than getting downvote-spammed. Hell, some of my most hated ponyfics of all time have better like-to-dislike ratios than that.

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Hey... · 1:20am Jan 20th, 2021

So...been a short while.

Don't rightly have much or anything to say, but I will start by saying that I do have some bad and potentially worse news.

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Anyone else excited for the Breaking Bad movie? (Blog Post #21) · 1:16pm Sep 24th, 2019

It's kind of the perfect time for this movie to come out for me, as I only started watching Breaking Bad two years(rushing through season 1 in one day because it was so captivating), and have seen every episode of Better Call Saul as well.
I am pumped for this. Expectations?

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Nefarious Volume 1: "Bad Guy's Gonna Win" Trailer · 8:18am Aug 3rd, 2017


Good News and Bad News · 11:58pm Jan 29th, 2021

Well... Sweet Arceus, this is HARD to write, but here I go...

First of all the good news: I've started the rewrite of "Diamond of Darkness", w2hich, for the time being only will be available In AO3.

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Just a News Update. Nothing Spectacular. · 9:04pm Nov 6th, 2020

So … the title says it all. This is an update on things. Nothing big. Mostly Starforge. And why I’ve been quiet this week.

Honestly? I’ve got a little list of non-writing topics I want to throw out some paragraphs on here on the site, but … This week had enough going on, I think.

How bad is it? Well, let me put it this way: Facebook refused to let me run boosts for this week’s Being a Better Writer, because it asked people to go vote.

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That New Story I Promised This Year · 10:27am Oct 24th, 2018

I promised that story would be out the same year I announced. Look who delievered on time.

On a side note, Starlight Fixes Everything is still being worked on, and I'm still a part of it, so keep a look out for season 7 in a couple weeks.

- Dat birb


My Review of Forgotten Friendship · 1:51am May 12th, 2021

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)
B- (a good episode with numerous flaws but still rewatchable)

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Chapter 30? This Month! Fanart? Right Now! · 6:39am Nov 26th, 2021

The draft is currently 12k words, and growing. Also, I've got some fanart to share! These are all drawn by Sheol, who is very cool and great. Note that though I love all these interpretations, they aren't necessarily strictly canon! I like to go light on descriptions specifically so that everyone can imagine their own version of the world, so this is just one amazing artists' idea of the story.

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Once more with feeling... · 4:08pm Sep 2nd, 2021

So, yeah, I need some financial help again. This time, however, it isn't quite as dire. I just came up short on money for my rent and a couple of bills that get automatically deducted from my bank account. I'm already halfway to my goal, so if any of you could help push it over the top, that woul dbe great. Any amount helps. Thanks.

Thank you!


Who says friendship is limited to heroes? · 2:31pm Mar 15th, 2021

Is there any stories out there where they’re are a group of villains that utilize the elements of friendship. After all friendship can happen between anyone as evil is merely a view. The show dabbled in this but because they didnt accept it was friendship they failed. I think I might dabble in this soon.


state of the Super · 5:40am Mar 12th, 2023

Friends sorry I've dropped off the face of the Earth my phone died and I've been going through a rough mental health time but I love you also much please don't give up on me please reach out if you want to chat I believe in you and love you all so much be good to yourselves and drink water

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Empress Theresa: Chapter Five Analysis · 7:35pm Apr 10th, 2023

The excitement of the nuke is behind us now, so let's see what happens in the aftermath.

With absolutely no lead in, Theresa wakes up in a hospital with Prime Minister Peter Blair standing next to her bed. She correctly guesses that the secret of HAL is out.

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Signal Boosting For Xjuggernaughtx · 3:32pm Sep 29th, 2015

Would you kindly consider helping out a friend? xjuggernaughtx has a story in the running for being featured in the Royal Canterlot Library for their second anniversary, and I'd love to see him win for his story. It's for a story he wrote called The New Crop, which he put a lot of time and effort in to, but just sadly didn't take off much in the way of views, despite being a very interesting tale. If he gets the spot, that might

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Thursday thoughts: My Princeton interview · 12:48am Jun 26th, 2015

That Princeton fan-fiction course that covered "The Magician and the Detective" finally posted my interview on their blog… 2 weeks after the course ended, so nobody read it.  But you can!  It was posted here, but no point going there.  You can’t leave comments there, and the slightly-improved version is right here:

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Small Schedule Update · 10:02pm Jul 15th, 2015

Because the rough draft took longer than expected and the final draft needs another week to cook, I'm pushing back the upload schedule.

New chapter will be up on the 26th at the latest.


Artwork by Sipioc · 10:55pm Jul 15th, 2015

The awesomely-talented Sipioc, who drew up the cover art of "Just a Bad Colt", also drew this amazingly shippy pic! In case you haven't read the fic yet, take a look; the pic is kinda spoilery. :raritywink:

Shown here is the fic's lead, Stormy Knight, and his new friend, Sunny Skies, sharing a tender hug under a tree:














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The Clopfic is Almost Done (and a question) · 1:18am Apr 30th, 2016

Hello again, everyone! You've probably all been wondering where the clopfic that I mentioned a post or two ago is? Well, you can once again sleep easy knowing that it's almost done! It currently clocks in at a little over 8k words, but when it's finished, I'm expected closer to or over 9k words. If any of you like Twilestia, I'm sure you'll get some form of enjoyment out of this (one way or another :raritywink: ).

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And Now A Cool Song From The Walking Dead Game Where Lee Slices Some Zombie Heads In · 2:27pm Feb 8th, 2016


Knee'd-ful Things (A News Post) · 6:53pm Jul 7th, 2017

Yes, that title is pungent. As was that. Gotcha looking though, I hope. Because it's time for the news update! There are a couple of things to bring up, from an injury, to new fiction, to progress on Jungle, Patreon, and info on a Rolling Sale! So keep reading!

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Viewing 381 - 400 of 726 results