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Updates and Such · 4:47am May 15th

Well, as a thunderstorm rolls overhead (and hopefully doesn't knock power out), I thought I'd offer some updates on what I've been up to.

Long story short, I'm pretty much in gaming overload at the moment.

Horizon: Forbidden West (PC Version)

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Report milesprower06 · 189 views · #gaming #writing

More chapters incoming! · 2:34pm June 3rd

TEscape from Arora Ridge Quarry
Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?
Glimbursts · 73k words  ·  15  0 · 247 views

So there have been a couple of days of no new chapters on Eacape from Arora Ridge Quarry. :raritydespair:

This should change shortly as I'm getting somewhere with the next set of chapters. All being well, they should release over the rest of this week. :pinkiehappy:

As a teaser, Misty goes hoof to hoof with a Nirik. :pinkiegasp:

Report Glimbursts · 43 views · #writing #update

Sometimes it's time for a KitKat · 10:30am June 12th

Honestly, I didn't realise how much I'd enjoy writing for MLP. After completing a massive Four Part story and having gotten well into my current story I've really been really enjoying it. :raritystarry:

Every now and then though there comes a point that it's time to let the old noggin rest. Focus on something else other than writing and get a reset. :ajsleepy:

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Report Glimbursts · 62 views · #writing #update

Regarding The Ponies who Played with Fire · 4:14am Oct 3rd, 2015

After giving it much consideration, I have decided to cancel The Ponies who Played with Fire(TPwPwF).

JUST KIDDING! *chuckles* Sorry, guys. That was mean, but I just couldn't resist.

No worries, folks. I have never once considered canceling TPwPwF, and I never will.

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Report A M Shark · 461 views · #updates #on writing

Taxonomy · 10:07pm Aug 12th, 2015

The next chapter is outlined and ready to be written, but won't be up until sometime next month.

It's also much, much longer than the last one.

I've got too much on to focus on it, plus I need to pad out Eternal Chaos of the Spotless Draconequus.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and enjoying it so far though! It's totally worth slamming out 10,000 words to see some of the reactions I get in the comments. You? You are awesome.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 453 views · #writing #birds

Siiiigh · 9:39pm Jun 17th, 2015

I dunno. I may put Taxonomy on hiatus for a bit. I'm just not feeling it at the moment, and I think part of that is I'm tired of writing Romance or unrequited Romance, at least for now. Everything I'm writing feels like stuff I've written before, and that's never a good sign. Maybe when I get sick of other stuff I'll go back to it. Plus, Y'now...trying to write a believable scenario where Fluttershy loves Discord after everything he's done is...just. Let's just say it would take a LOT of words.

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Preview: Starswirl's Story · 8:03pm Jul 20th, 2015

Preview of the next chapter of Taxonomy, which involves a lot of Discord and Celestia's past.

Don't go past this point if you'd rather avoid spoilers. :ajsmug:

Note: I'm not sure if this is purely a British term but "bit of rough" is slang for "male sexual partner of a lower social class."

Are you sitting comfortably? We'll begin:

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Report Captain Wuzz · 190 views · #preview #writing

Some things and some other things · 1:21pm Jul 27th, 2015

Wow, I wrote 3 chapters and over 10,000 words in three days. I don't think I've ever managed to do that before.

What's my secret?

Being sick off work in bed. Having no obligation but to lie there stoned on painkillers meant I was free to write without guilt.

I'm back at work tomorrow so it'll be longer between the next chapters, which are monsters anyway because a lot of stuff happens in them.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 446 views · #writing #personal

Advanced Writing panel at Bronycon · 6:46pm Aug 7th, 2015

I'm on the Advanced Writing panel at Bronycon, with Wanderer D & bookplayer, today at 3PM in the Hall of the Stars. That's 15 minutes from now.

I probably shoulda said something about that sooner. :applejackunsure: Especially since there's no wireless in the convention center.

I should probably put some pants on, too.

"Handout" for the panel is at

... I got the pants on in time, but no one told me my zipper was open. :pinkiesick:

Report Bad Horse · 328 views · #bronycon #writing

Someday maybe I'll learn to estimate · 6:36am Mar 3rd, 2015

The third chapter of Last Draconequus is done and up, clocking in at almost 17000 words. I had expected 10000. Someday I will figure out how to accurately pre-estimate my word count...

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Report alarajrogers · 478 views · #writing meta

Progress Bars · 2:29am Feb 6th, 2015

I have added Progress Bars to all of my incomplete stories. They're based on my outlines and notes, so nothing about them is encoded in stone -- if I estimate there are 22 chapters to a story, it may turn out there are 25 once I write them all -- but they're based on my best estimates at this time. I also noted whether chapters were completed, tightly outlined (line by line outlining), loosely outlined (I have a paragraph description of what happens in the chapter) or not outlined (I have a

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Report alarajrogers · 560 views · #writing meta

Rape, drugs, suicide, abortion, depression and other hazardous materials · 6:36am Feb 23rd, 2017

I keep saying these should be a weekly Wednesday thing. The problem isn't that I'm unwilling to sit down and write these, but rather that I frequently lack the inspiration. However, stalking the FimFiction Discord channel's Writers' Help chat has given me an abundance of it. I'm brimming over with it, and no small amount of frustration.

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Report MrNumbers · 2,389 views · #Writing Advice

My Writing Classes · 3:35am Dec 10th, 2016

A lot of people claimed I failed my English classes based on my fiction and grammar...

No, I didn't fail them, I wouldn't have graduated High School if I HAD failed them (Where I went to school it was one of the THREE major courses MUST-PASS required to graduate.)

The things is, my ENGLISH/LITERATURE classes were not the way you'd want them to be.

We were told to write journal entries about our typical days, or things we liked or do.

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Ever think about doing a story, but not actually write them? · 4:02pm Oct 25th, 2016

Ever think about making a story, but not actually write it?

Well, that's what Bendy is doing most of the time. Doing a lot of thinking, but not much writing.

Hopefully, I can actually some thing in the near future.

Report Bendy · 416 views · #writing #thinking

The Quickest of Updates · 11:10pm Jun 4th, 2016

An early heads up to everyone: like last year, I'll be going away for a week this month (more specifically, June 18th to June 25th) on vacation with my family. We're going back to the same place we went last year, and this time around my sister's boyfriend is coming along for the ride, so that should be fun for everyone. Sadly we won't be able to take the puppy along with us this time as the condo's rules changed since last year, but we have a neighbor who is more than happy to look after him

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Report RadiantBeam · 305 views · #writing #update

Plans. · 1:51am Jul 28th, 2016

This is gonna be my last blog. I'll start blogging again on the ninth of next month if not later so that I'm not cluttering peoples stuff, and to give me a break from typing non-story stuff.

So I thought I'd let ya'll know what I have planned for my stories. The new Nyx fic is in editing currently so that leaves the cover art to be one and that might take a while so here's what I have planned.

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Report Chaos Phantasm · 309 views · #plans #writing

Commissions! · 6:41am Sep 4th, 2016

Okay so I finally got to doing my first commission! And finished it too. This sorta broke my spree of no writing because I have lacked motivation as a result of life happening. But now I am back! Somewhat. College is happening for me now, so the schedule will be a little difficult for free writing. What is coming though, is me doing commissions! I'd love to do something, and the money I get is going to be going towards my 'fun' money, since most that I get is going towards college. So please,

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Now You Need Us Chapter 4 Update · 1:32am Mar 25th, 2016

A quick update for everyone waiting for that long promised update to Now You Need Us. As of tonight, here's the word and page count for chapter 4:

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Report RadiantBeam · 335 views · #writing #update

How did YOU enter the fandom? · 12:12am Mar 31st, 2016

So, in the process of doing an English assignment about writing out a real, personal story that had taught you a valuable life lesson, I came up with this crazy idea for a writing prompt:

How did you enter the fandom?

To start it off, here's mine. (Long read ahead, I was really into it.)

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Once a week · 4:44am Mar 24th, 2016

So I'm sure you guys saw that I missed an update Tuesday (for those of you aware of my ambitious attempt at a schedule in the first place) and I think I'm going to have to slow it down to once a week. The main reason is that I've deviated from the chapters I had pre-written before even posting the story, so that means I'm writing a bunch of stuff from scratch, then kicking it over to my editor, who by the way, is super busy with his super adult life. On a personal level, I find this

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Report Nines · 198 views · #writing #update
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