
Viewing 381 - 400 of 10,591 results

Pink Persuasion · 2:20am Aug 23rd, 2023

I really like the idea of Pink Persuasion. I think it came out well, I love the ending.

Next week's story will be a comedy. I think it's pretty funny.

Fluttershy Likes Rainbow Dash now has a custom cover, made by me.


Report Silk Rose · 118 views · #Update

There · 4:16pm May 2nd

I knew exactly what the tone was going to be when I thought of the name. I liked this one a lot. I think it did pretty well for not getting featured.

Both stories for May are written and just need proofread. I'm very excited for both of them!

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Report Silk Rose · 90 views · #Update

Update to: The Alicorn Book · 8:53pm Dec 21st, 2021

Hi everyone,
Just finished and uploaded once again chapter three of my first Story

The Alicorn Book. Have fun reading. I will try to translate and improve the forth chapter before the year ends. But can't guarantee to be able to do it. AC Valhalla is still to time consuming😂

Neither which will be the case, happy Hearths Warming Eve Christmas and a Happy new Year, when the time arrives.

Report Nova Star Sparkle · 108 views · #update

Progress on Stories · 3:37pm May 8th

Hello dear followers! No, i am not dead! Just busy with my new job and college stuff and some other stories in other sites that took my attention but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the ones here! Already have a chapter for the God of Anger in the making and another of the Prodigy Emperor that I will publish both together to mark my return in making chapters in this site! Thank you all for the patience and sorry for not notifying any of you!


Report The Toaster · 235 views · #Update

Still in the game. · 6:14am June 28th

Hello, been an awful long time which wasn't intended but I had to step away from writing for a while. Long story short, I'm still here and I've been keeping up with whatever comments my stories have been garnering. I just wrapped up the rough draft for the next part of All That We Become, which is a shorter story that reunites Aurelian and his friends, begins Celestia's training under him along with some Alicorn lore expansion and sets things up to continue. Here's hoping I haven't lost my

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Report Marezinger Z · 56 views · #Update

The wonders of technology.....also updating/editing stories · 1:58am Nov 2nd, 2015

So, how do you fit all of the following into a seven year old laptop with less than 30gb left of free space...and why have they not invented a common wire to attach to everything yet?!?!

Ipad 4 (work) : 32gb
Phone (Note 4): 32gb internal + 64 gb memory card
Old phone (iphone 4): 32 gb
Very old phone (iphone 3g): 8gb
Various other very old phones (Nokia stuff): 2gb+

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Report arcanelexicon · 103 views · #update

Update · 3:43am June 22nd

Hello there!

Just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t been able to write the past couple of days so Chapter 4 of Test of Ideals will come out later than the usual, sorry about that.

It should be out by either this Monday or Tuesday. Again, sorry ‘bout this.

Report ThUndEr HoOof · 27 views · #Update

Update · 11:38pm June 25th

Hey everyone

Sorry but it looks like chapter 4 is going to have to be postponed til tomorrow. I really wanted to get it out today but life stuff came up and I don’t want to rush it. It should be out by 5p.m. CT but it could be later.

Again, sorry it’s taking so long.

Report ThUndEr HoOof · 53 views · #Update

2ND WEEK IS DONE! · 12:02am June 15th

Hello everybody! I'm both happy and sad to announce that the Are changelings ants weeks is officially over!

Starting on Sunday, a new fanfic will be in production! And I have now officially decided on the story!

Be ready on friday, since one more fanfic is gonna take up the schedule!


Rites is updating, chapter 38 · 2:27am Aug 16th, 2015

Rites is updating now. Author's notes has the bulk of what I want to say this time. Again, thank you all for sticking with me!



So...that happened. · 10:42pm May 5th, 2016

Don't expect as many updates. Long story, but my main writing method got closed off. None of my stories are cancelled, it's now that I can't get as many chapters out as I used to. So, yeah. Sorry about that.

On the bright side, I am starting a crossover with TOM CLANCY'S The Division. I think I have a good amount of knowledge of it to get one going. Still in development at the moment.

Peace out.

Report Mkchief34 · 359 views · #Updates #update #sad.

Day trip to Chicago. · 2:38pm May 28th, 2018

So, right now I'm in the process of helping my older sister move to her new place in Chicago.

So rest assured, during the drive there and back I will be writing. I have planned chapters for Star Wars, my unpublished Fire Emblem Fates story, and perhaps The Division or Halo-Rising Solace.

Just a heads-up.


The next chapter of Pony-Me is here! · 7:41am Jul 19th, 2018

The chapter takes a rather large departure from the usual elements that the story follows, launching a new story arc based around the rediscovery of Lisa's past.


Quadruple update is live! + The Day The World Exploded pending approval. · 6:02am Sep 1st, 2018

Yup, I'm fully back in the game! :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Here it is!

EThe Day The World Exploded
It was long rumored that Canterlot Mountain was an inactive volcano. For years, ponies would cast that rumor aside, call it a hoax. That all stopped when the earthquakes came. And then, the world exploded.
TheMajorTechie · 4.6k words  ·  12  3 · 478 views

Chapter Update - Do Ponies On Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:02pm Oct 25th, 2020

That’s right!!! It’s time for a new update my friends! Today’s chapter has the two madly in love bats Rounding off their little side diversion down into a nearby valley with a romantic evening together.

So what does the future have in store for our lovestruck protagonists? Guess we’ll find out!


School Daze · 11:19am Aug 11th, 2016

So, I start my sophomore year in High School today.

Expect more frequent updates, and more blogs, but expect them to be late, as my school blocks access to Fimfiction via web filters.

I will be posting chapters when I get home around 3:40 or so.

Thanks, and Ciao!


Report Mkchief34 · 180 views · #school #updates #update

End of writing hiatus (?) · 5:01am Aug 19th, 2019

Yup. So it's come to this again.

I've always tended to be more productive during the school year, no matter how counterintuitive it seems to be writing stories when there's more to do. :facehoof:


Update, New Year Ahead · 9:19pm Dec 25th, 2021

Hi!:twilightsmile: Just wanted to prove I’m still at it. Hopefully I’ll have a new story ready soon, and hopefully you will have a wonderful holiday season, a merry Christmas and a happy new year!:heart:


Splintershard arc 2|3 is now complete! · 6:20am Oct 21st, 2020

Story's gonna be on hiatus now while I plot out arc 3|1. :raritywink:


Hosptal update · 10:48pm Jul 21st, 2016

We are in another hospital now got situated a bit earlier but I needed a nap desperately. Marc has had two units of blood so far but so far his numbers haven't changed much for those interested when he got to the hospital his number were 6.6/22.4 after the first unit of blood they were 7.3/22.8 and after the second unit they were 7.8/23.7. So he definitely still bleeding out from somewhere. GI was here a few hours ago an d they are going to do a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. So i'll have more

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Report Foals Errand · 440 views · #update
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