
Viewing 401 - 420 of 845 results

New Story is #20! · 12:51pm Oct 8th, 2016

It's official:

A Sound in the Dark makes twenty stories! What do you have to say to that Flutters? See? She's excited.

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100 Followers~! Q&A Time! A.M.A.! · 6:09pm Aug 2nd, 2016

100 Followers, baby~!
Thank you all for the support I've gotten up to this point and I'm sure I will continue to have. In celebration of this hallmark, I'm hosting a long-running Q&A that will last this entire month. Go ahead. Ask me anything!



New Milestone achieved! · 7:44am May 14th, 2016

Thanks to Quillian Inkheart, I've now reached my one hundred follower milestone! :yay:

So to celebrate this moment (if any of the current followers is alive and well), I'd like to post my first Q&A! Just ask me any questions of interest and I'll see if I can try my best to answer them well! Let the questions roll away! :pinkiehappy:


Why is the FAQ so vague on things? · 7:56pm Apr 6th, 2016

I'm starting to get a little irritated with certain features of the site. I'm not sure why there's a restriction on how many people you can follow; I'm interested in a wide amount of people and ideas, and I read a ton of fic before making an account, keeping open waaaay too many tabs. So I started to follow the authors who had interesting ideas when I came back... and wham, on author 48, I started getting an error every time. Frustrated, I just started grabbing their stories to read later

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The Upcoming 666 Follower Special Info · 11:35am Aug 13th, 2017

I currently have 648 followers on this site. 18 more until 666. I figured I should do something special for the 666 Follower Special, and that is as follows:
1) Pinkamena X-TREME - An updated version of The X Series with a plot that's easier to follow. Also, the sequels plus the rest of Applejack X will be included in this fic. The singular fics, however, will be cancelled.
2) A special crossover event featuring some of my series plus a new one.

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I did it! · 10:23am Aug 31st, 2017

Or more accurately YOU did it.

Yes, you.

All of you.

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QUESTION: NEW STORY IDEA · 9:09pm Nov 5th, 2017

I watched Ink Rose's latest video today and it was a review of the MLP movie. An idea came to me after I finished the video. What if I wrote a complete rewrite of the MLP movie?

What do you guys think? Should I?

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50 Follower Belated Special Thing? · 1:13am Jan 9th, 2018

Yay! This was supposed to be I think the 30 or 40 follower special, but thank you to all you awesome people I hit 58 really quick. So now this is my 50 follower special, which since I’m at 58 this might just lead real quick to a new 60 follower special soon.

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Follower Appreciation Day Story Post · 5:04pm Mar 12th, 2020

If you remember this blog (, then I have good news for you. The story for the lucky lottery winner has been posted!

If you don't remember that blog post, well... still good news for you! I've posted a new story AND it's in the Past Sins AU.

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100 Followers · 10:29pm Dec 19th, 2018

I wanted to thank so many people for following me. I made it to 100 followers. I’m trying to write more stories but I still need an editor.


Patreon? · 6:19pm Nov 6th, 2017

Hello to my followers!

I know there may not be that many of you at the moment, but I figured I'd pose a question to you all.... if I were to get a Patreon, would anyone be interested in being a Patron? Those who would, would be able to see material earlier than everyone else, and I'd also be willing to show my creative process and outlines possibly as well. I would also be interested to see if anyone would be interested to see it for my art as well.

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And Hell Followed-Up · 6:29pm May 20th, 2021

The sheer reaction to a story I had little to no faith in is just astounding. It's got half of the total likes in 3 days that it took A Scratch on Shining Armor 4 years to get. It's just wild.

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The Followers' Poem · 1:14pm Jul 19th, 2016

Art thou truly like my art?
art thou a fan of mine?
if thy is true to heart,
i thank thee, you're too kind.

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Report D Historian · 230 views · #Random #poem #followers #idk #sad

Special 100 followers Gift to you all · 8:30pm Apr 17th, 2020

Sweet Celestia, I am at 100 followers. Wow. I-I've been waiting for this day for so long and it's here. :rainbowderp: You all are awesome and I appreciate your following me. I might not update as often as I would like to, and I know I have plenty of unfinished stories still, but you stick with me and that makes me so happy I just want to cry happy tears! :raritycry:
Thank you, all of you, for your support.

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Base story for 250-follower insanity collab: · 6:13pm Jul 21st, 2019


You see those 55 stories on my account?

Yeah, those are the base stories.

All of the base stories. :pinkiecrazy:

We're gonna have an insane collab centered around a massive crossover of epic proportions!


50 followers! · 7:04pm May 20th, 2016

Okay, so I've reached fifty followers. Thanks, you guys. I wish I could put something more here but I can't think up good speeches so this preview of what I'm working on next will have to do as a thank you:


Shining's eyes widened and he gave out a distinct groan as he heard the sound. He normally liked it, but not on today of all days as he knew it might just make his headache even worse if that were possible.

"Oh no... Don't tell me." Shining murmured.

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Revisions, Revisions... · 8:07pm Sep 26th, 2015

For anyone familiar with my work, you may remember my story, Guardian Halo. But if you're new to my work, or if you need a refresher, here's the story description:

When Starswirl the Bearded sets out to find an end to the chaos plaguing Equestria, he asks his friend Halo to accompany him. The pegasus mare has yet to earn her cutie mark, but perhaps she can find her purpose along the way...

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300 Followers! No… 301… 302…! · 4:09pm Oct 24th, 2015

I went out this morning with 296 followers and came back with 301. So decided to write this blog post and just got a notification for another follower too!

And now I've just written the above paragraph and gotten another. :pinkiegasp:

Craziness. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, I suppose it's time to do the same thing I did at 100 and 200…

Ask Me Anything!

Rather than a separate blog post to answer, I'll reply with answers in the comments.


I'm off school, so... (one-chapter-a-day goal) · 8:19am Dec 20th, 2015

To my followers:

I plan on doing at least one fanfic chapter a day every day save December 24 until my break is over. Today I added a new chapter to Bad Luck for a Bad Manager, tomorrow going into Monday I hope to finish it (including the bonus "what-if" chapter) so I can work on more of Kingdom of Avia

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Ding Dong! · 6:12pm Feb 8th, 2017

My spies inform me that my follower-count has just reached 49. Yes, the subliminal messages implanted in my writings have earned me full nine-and-forty mindless slave drones, all ready for activation.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 845 results