
Viewing 401 - 420 of 903 results

Patreon Story Poll reminder · 7:52am Jun 26th, 2018

Hey guys! Since I got quite a few new followers on this site, I just wanted to re-blog the link to my June 2018 Patreon story poll:

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Just some quick updates · 7:30pm Jan 16th, 2021

First of all, I apologize for not uploading any new content for so long (both on here and on Patreon). I spent a good portion of this month writing out a massive 20K word commission, which happened to feature some things that Patreon looks down on; fortunately, that story is up on my FurAffinity and SoFurry accounts, so feel free to check it out if you're interested. ;)

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Report TheVClaw · 522 views · #NSFW #Update #Patreon #Sequel #SHP

Car Update - Unhappy Ending · 12:52am Feb 24th, 2021

I spent a good amount of money taking three different Ubers across the city, as well as paying the tow place to try and get my car out of lockup. Unfortunately, when I went to actually check on the car, well...

To quote the Dude himself:

"Well, they finally did it... They killed my fucking car."

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Report TheVClaw · 531 views · #Update #Sad #Help #Donate #Patreon

Update regarding Chapter 17 of Sacrifice · 4:04am Dec 12th, 2020

UPDATE (12/15): I have just uploaded an In-Progress link to the chapter being written for my Official Patreon Page. If you're already a Patreon, you can find the link here. If you want to help me out with this process, you can either follow me on Patreon, or donate to my PayPal to show your support!

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Report TheVClaw · 674 views · #Update #Patreon #Donations #SHP #NSFW

Patreon Support · 6:45pm Oct 7th, 2019

To everyone looking to keep up with my works I invite you to join my Patreon, there you can stay up to date on my current works and comission some for yourself, come in down!

Here is a link where I am posting all current and future works


New patreon · 6:19am May 7th, 2019

Since Patreon was a but and doing stupid things I redid my Patreon, and hope to share it with you guys


News and Updates · 6:26pm Sep 16th, 2022

All right everyone, let’s discuss the big news item first: Where is Starforge currently?

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Evil Daylight, How DARE you interrupt my writing! · 9:52pm Aug 11th, 2023

I see you, evil, approaching sun, soon to encroach upon my cool, dim sanctuary of shade. I will write until your unwelcome, burning presents invades my domain. Then I will retreat to the safety of my darkened studio.


100+ watchers and what it means for YOU · 12:47am Oct 28th, 2015

Welcome and thank you for glancing over at the very least this blog post! It's been a long road, with bumps, hiccups and breakdowns along the path of the Author. The trail is nowhere close to finish, if nothing else, it spans ever hopeful into the future. But along the way, not only has my stories have grown in popularity (Taming the Storm, No So Simple Simple Life, New Kind of Party, and Perfect Pitch all having at least 1,100 views if not more), but I now have 102 watchers. 102 people

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For the very first time, you have a chance to vote on which story I'll do next! · 4:39pm Jul 31st, 2015

That's right. For the next two weeks, voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month from now on, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on the very first one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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Status Update... and Patreon · 1:28am Jul 2nd, 2015

Soooo... Do I even have any watchers anymore? I checked my user page, and realized that the last time I uploaded anything, was back in January. :twilightoops::facehoof:. I'm sorry. I realize that I just disappeared, but between school, work, and computer problems I just couldn't find the time to upload anything. That's not to say I haven't been writing though. I currently am working on the next chapter of I'm Captain America, and I have an outline for my other two stories ready to be

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Ponderings on Writing for Da Moneys. · 7:04pm Feb 13th, 2016

Hey, all.

In light of a personal one-year anniversary, I thought I’d do a little opinion blog on something that’s been on my mind for a while.

So here’s a pondering: how do people turn hobbyist writing into income?

Let’s go over some options.

Option 1: Commissions.

You publicly announce you are doing story commissions. You charge a rate per X words, maybe extra if it contains some objectionable materials.

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April Updates · 10:46am Mar 30th, 2018

Welp... this has been quite an eventful month for me, hasn't it? Along with starting a Patreon and writing a large amount of stories (both for Fimfiction AND SoFurry), it seems that I've been getting quite the plethora of different people who want unique stories. If you told me a year ago, that I'd end up writing half the kinks or pairings I ended up making now, I probably would've assumed you were nuts. In fact, I wouldn't have expected myself to publish Sombra's Deal, which was

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Here's my April 2018 Patreon Commission Poll · 10:19am Apr 25th, 2018

For those of you who follow me on my Patreon page (or are curious to contribute and show me support), I have my official Monthly Poll up for my upcoming story in May. This poll contains prompts that I'm wanting to try myself, and prompts suggested to me by various Patrons. Here are the list of stories up for voting below:

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Preview #3: Unrelated to Anything Else · 10:10pm Dec 28th, 2017

This is the third, and final, preview of MLP writing projects in my mind. A full list of my current options will be on my Patreon on Dec. 30 for discussion and debate, and that's where my decision will be made, since I really need the income.

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Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018 · 10:28am Jan 2nd, 2018

Good morning my angels!

First of all I want to start off by saying: Happy New Year! :yay:

With the dreadful 2017 coming to a close, finally, I am ready to look forwards and move on with my life after what could only be described as a shit way to end the year.

So what's the plan here on Fimfiction? The plan is to write. And I mean write a lot.

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Drinking 101: Patreon gift for nuclearcore! · 6:37am Nov 18th, 2017

Heya readers! This instalment of reader patreon supported blogging content comes from nuclearcore who was hoping for a crash course in booze.

Hurray booze!

Now then, let’s say you’ve just recently turned 21, or maybe alcohol is something you’re curious about and you’ve never really gotten into it.

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Drinking 101.01: I forgot something. · 7:29pm Nov 18th, 2017

For anyone who missed it, I did a little-ta-mid sized post on alcohol last night.

I did forget one little thing. Another thing on the sweeter side, go put your liquor of choice (usually Tequila, Vodka is also popular) and orange juice over ice then add some grenadine. You’ve just made a (name of liquor) sunrise!

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Showing His Place 3 will be underway · 9:33am Jan 18th, 2019

Man... 2019 has barely started, and I'm already doing things I didn't expect I'd be doing. I'm not particularly upset by that or anything; I'm just a little puzzled since despite the plans I had set out, it's hard to resist the waves of approval/criticism that came with writing a sequel to my surprisingly popular fanfic last year: Showing His Place. Among the various comments, requests, and newfound followers that joined me on both Fimfiction AND Patreon, I was a little surprised at how

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Showing His Place 2 is officially completed! · 2:21pm Jan 8th, 2019

If you want to read it early, then please consider following me on Patreon to check it out early!

Just so you guys know, I'm gonna write out another friend's commission before I publish this sequel, so it might be a little while before it's on here~

Viewing 401 - 420 of 903 results