
Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,012 results

Statistics #5: Friendliest Fleet · 9:05am Mar 22nd, 2019

Well, not statistics per se, but mathematics. With some unexpected conclusions.

It started yesterday, when Fylifa, who had been asking me to figure out a way to compare the popularity of different ships based on the Fimfarchive dataset – something that remains a puzzle, because FimFiction does not have shipping tags, and figuring out which ships a particular story espouses from text alone is nontrivial – came up with one herself.

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Does a shipfic mean, "I ship these characters!" or is a shipfic just about "What if these characters had a relationship?" (I think there's room for different points of view on this.) · 7:12pm Mar 21st, 2023

I THEORY, a shipfic could be...

(1) Positive. Some people write shipfics because (1) they fervently believe a set of characters (say, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash) should be in a serious romantic relationship, or at least that the relationship would be a good thing.

(2) Neutral? Some people might write a shipfic because (2) they think a relationship between the characters would be ENTERTAINING, but maybe not an entirely GOOD thing for the characters in it.

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Season 6 Shipping [SPOILERS!!] · 10:37pm Mar 26th, 2016

StarBurst is best ship. It's got the best ship name, Starlight and Sunburst have very complementary skills (crazy magic power + crazy magic knowledge), and they would be a totally OP couple.

TLDR: Best ship is best ship because bestness.

I'll fight anyone who thinks otherwise.

Oh, and PS: Celestia and Luna confirmed for not having been born alicorns.

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Much better shipname than SunsetSparkle/TwilightShimmer · 6:20pm Jun 22nd, 2015

Don't worry that's haybacon... I believe. I think Sunset was confirmed a vegetarian in the second movie? (for obvi reasons)


My thoughts on Episode 100 (S5E09) [SPOILERS] · 9:32pm Jun 13th, 2015

1: Doctor Whooves is now canon.
2: Lyra x BonBon is now canon.
3: BonBon is canonically some sort of secret agent.
4: 2, 3 and Lyra's style of sitting at the wedding together could very well add up to Heartstrings by TriteBristle being canon.
5: That argument between Celestia and Luna and how they made up during the ceremony feels like Princest being canon to me. I ain't even mad.

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**UPDATES** · 2:32am Nov 8th, 2018

Hi Everypony!

I know it's been a while since I've done something on here, sorry about that.

I have a few announcements I'd like to make:

Number One:

I am yet to watch any of the latest season of MLP (At least at the time of writing this), so if I write something that doesn't match up don't tell me. Please avoid telling me anything either, I'm hoping Netflix gets the new season soon so I can get caught up.

Number Two:

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New fics · 10:56pm May 23rd, 2020

Been busy writing stories, which is kinda funny since I keep getting more and more ideas. It's getting to the point that if a singular image inspires me, I write something fast (if I get their permission to use the image for the cover).

Anyway, newest story is entitled 'Passing Afternoon', which goes to my love of Spike and Apple Bloom. Kind of a throwback to my early writing of those cuties.

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OC/Rainbow Dash story I promised is up! · 2:49pm Sep 1st, 2016

I decided to charge boldly and post the story right now.

Love Dashed Into Life is up and ready for reading, folks! :rainbowdetermined2:

(Be warned, the story is M-rated.)


Uh oh. · 10:46pm Jul 17th, 2016

So like,
Just from like stray comment in the comment section, just wondering....
How many of you have a ScootalooxNopony going on in your head?


The Book of Life · 9:25am Nov 26th, 2015

Lately I've been really loving this film.

The style of animation is a little weird, but once you get used to it, you see it's got its own special beauty to it. The music is great; a blend of songs written for the film with modern pop songs, rearranged in a more classical Latin American style.

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Of Coke bottles and contests · 4:21pm Aug 18th, 2015

A little while back, I noticed an informal little contest being held by a Viking named Erik, who was having a wee bit of trouble finding a personalized Coke bottle.

As luck would have it, I happened upon the Coke bottle in question mere hours later and won myself a free fic. By our powers combined, we bring you a short story of two white-coated ponies, one wingy and one horny:

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Want to make a "Next Gen"? · 6:21pm Sep 26th, 2015

So I have a few different fan-foals for different things ... but I want to officially make my own next gen (When I get the time)

So, asking the tough questions, I want you guys to take a vote/suggest ships. I've done some of the work, because I can haha.

Definate Ships: MacinDash (Colt), SoainJack (Colt)
Other ships that won't have foals will include; FeatherLoo, RumbleBloom and SpikeBelle

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Top 5 ships · 4:25am Jun 7th, 2016

Hi guys im bored. So I made this list of my favorite ships here we go

Number #5

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This Weeks Episode: Hearthbreakers A.K.A. Seriously? Holiday Special BEFORE Even Thanksgiving? · 2:48am Oct 25th, 2015

I know I'm late as hell, IN MY DEFENSE! I was at work... And I know I didn't tell you guys but yeah, I'm working now... Anyway, PINKIE PIE EPISODE AWAY!... Applejack too, but PINKIE!

So it starts with a bit more insight into Hearthwarming, and by that I mean you put dolls above the fireplace.

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A loose Timeline for Homecoming's Continuity · 5:00pm Feb 8th, 2017

For those wondering - and those not wondering but are bored - There is an established timeline for my Homecoming series, and some stories are concurrent with others, happening either during or later than another. I'll list them down as I have it plotted all the way through Chaos Theory and a little beyond (*tentative titles) and links for all as of the posting of this blog:

Equestria Girls - Fall Semester, early
Rainbow Rocks - Fall Semester, late ?

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Livestreaming · 12:51am Jul 25th, 2015

I'll be live streaming here for a while since I'm free today. If you want to watch, come on down and watch or chat. I'll just be browsing and drawing; mostly drawing (with music).


I'm so proud of this · 10:29pm Jul 6th, 2015

Obscure shipping family! :derpytongue2: :rainbowlaugh: I even wrote the story behind it!

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TwiLuna · 3:00am Jun 14th, 2015

Made a thing.

It'll involve curious Twilight and discovering Luna.

Check out, I guess.



The new Big Mac episode... Why bother with shipping when the Miller/Vogel/Haber alliance is willing to throw all ships out of the window at a moment's notice and say "NO! THIS is Big Mac's FIRST CRUSH EVER!"? · 8:01pm May 13th, 2017

Not only that, but to say Big Mac has a crush on Sugar Belle, the bootleg fourth-rate Pinkie Pie knockoff from Glimmertown? The pony he has no way of meeting, no way of knowing about, no reason to love, and no reason to like?


Good news and bad news. · 3:10am Mar 23rd, 2018

The good news is that in the next 3 days to 2 weeks, Amazon is most likely going to get me right to work on a job. The bad news is I still need gas money until I start getting paid. And like, I'm not even getting paid to write these fanfics. I know it's been slow lately but come on, I've entertained with my body of work, I just need some help. Or if you could, share my gofundme with people who will donate. Or if not, then I still got my ko-fi. Anything helps and thanks ahead of time for people

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,012 results