
Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,551 results

12 hours remain · 5:05pm Sep 9th, 2018

Reminder that deadline tonight is midnight, Central Daylight Time

I've still got like, 2 scenes to write in my own, vanity contest entry. I can beat my own deadline, I swear.

If you're a first time author and have to submit your story through the approval queue, as long as it's submitted before the deadline than it'll still count, regardless of when it makes it onto the site. I've got friends on the mod team who can check.


Rare-B-Here · 8:36pm Apr 14th, 2018

Update on A British Gentleman's contest: The prompt is still Woman in Equestria, but the perspective can also be first-person. Furthermore, he's made a group for contests with rarely occurring prompts! The group can be found here, with the updated contest in its forum.


I made a contest! · 1:42am Mar 20th, 2017

OC Villains Contest.

It closes on New Year's Eve 2019, so you have no excuse not to enter it.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 278 views · #oc #contest #villains #story

The Ultimate Crackshipping Contest · 10:03pm Dec 21st, 2018

This is a special time of year. A time where people gather around the fire with their loved ones, sharing in the warmth and closeness with their family and friends. The spirit of the holidays. Or, if you’re me, time to hunker down in your parents’ basement and play video games. It’s also a time where not many people are writing new stories here on Fimfiction, save random Hearth’s Warming fluff. Recently, though, I had an epiphany, thanks to all those things. A most glorious idea, for a

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This story of mine just won the writing contest! · 8:40pm Mar 26th, 2020

You know that writing contest I entered with my story?

TAlicorn Princess
Your memories make you who you are. But what’s left of you when they are stolen?
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  71  23 · 2.7k views

I won!


It's been awhile. · 12:19am Jul 5th, 2018

Hi, remember me?

Yeah, I have a hard time talking about myself. And I've been busy with a lot of thing; finding a better paying job, finding some sort of joy in my life, working on other projects (like a Star Trek opening for a convention contest...

...and lost), and of course writing.

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Report Amereep · 311 views · #story progress #contest

I've Decided to Open it Anyway - CONTEST TIME! · 9:54pm May 23rd, 2019

Okay because of the Equestria Daily post and we're only 18 upvotes away from the 300 now, I'm going to open up the contest NOW!

This will be a memory that hits Sunrise in the coming chapters and I will use several of them.
There are actual physical prizes ranging from prints, posters, to pony merch from cons, and even a signed copy of V2 when it comes out in printed form.

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Depth in Innocence contest: one month remains! · 11:49am Jun 1st, 2020

Those of you who have signed up for the Depth in Innocence contest, this is for you.

It is currently June 1st, as of writing this post. The deadline for this contest is July 1st. You have exactly one month to finish your stories and submit them to the group. It's not quite crunch time, but you might wanna start thinking about hurrying your submissions.

-GM, master of THE MONTH.

Report GMSeskii · 275 views · #contest #deadline #month #fun

Caught Partying #1 · 4:14pm Aug 19th, 2018

Here's the first entry for the OC contest.

The answers for all three entries will be in one of the following stories:
Twilight's Night
Sunset's Shindig
Rainbows Rave
Two Horny Mares

Now for the excerpt:

A worried look appeared on Rarity's face as she decided on receiving a dare.

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Report pabrony · 230 views · #Chapter 3 contest

Incoming!!! · 10:27pm Apr 20th, 2021

Yeah, distracted. Totally new story posting soon. Meanwhile, read The Runaway Bodyguard.

Note: The background of the images in this story is licensed from PIXTA. #11315199 is copyrighted by Yoc-chan Hiss.


The Contest is Extended! · 4:21am Feb 26th, 2019

So should I be doing a blog about how my first day at work went... probably. But I'm not going to. :rainbowwild:

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Report Robipony · 185 views · #hybrid #monster #mare #contest

1000 Views! Featured Story! Cutie Mark Contest Over, No Winner :( · 8:26am Jan 10th, 2020

Yes, it is quite the mixed bag this evening! Thank you, every last one of you for reading my story. The fact that I have seen such audience growth in such a short time is very humbling. I am already working on part 8 chapter 5 as we speak, where i will hopefully be introducing our first antagonistic force as well as getting some...exciting events going.

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OC contest! · 7:44pm Aug 9th, 2016

Pass this blog around to anypony you know who might be interested. I would love to see lots of people enter.

The Contest: Write a two paragraph intro story for your OC
The prize: The winning OC gets featured in 1-2 chapters of PVFD


1)Two paragraphs and two only, no more.
2)You must own the rights to the OC

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An Original Fiction Contest (in Honor of Our Lord and Savior Corona-chan) · 6:23pm Mar 18th, 2020

It's been a few months since I posted horse words on here, but whenever I do post horse words, it's because of my affiliation with the folks at the Writeoff Association. Pretty much every horse fic I've published over the past year was originally a piece I wrote for a Writeoff contest. Sometimes we also have contests for original fiction, and an event I'll be hosting very soon will be much in that vein.

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Contest Rules · 5:29pm Nov 2nd, 2017

For anyone who wishes to participate in the title and cover art contest please look below for the rules to each contest and their repective rewards.

Title Contest Rules:
1. Must be posted in the comment section of the fic.
2. You must explain why you think that title would fit well with this fic.
3. You must state in the comment that the title idea you have is for this contest or it won't be entered.

Title Contest Reward:

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Endings is closed. · 5:49am Sep 16th, 2019

The story submission folder has been closed.

If you submitted the story to the site and forgot to add it to the folder, pm me.

If you're one of the new authors who's stories still need manual approval, don't worry, we'll get it taken care of in the morning.

Go read my vanity entry to the contest.
And also everyone else's, I guess.

I have a lot of judging to do.


Gen. 5 Writing Contest! · 6:16pm Feb 2nd, 2020

I have created a writing contest for generation 5! For more information, please go to the group Gen. 5 Writing Contest!
Thank you,
-My Sister Tia


I'm Inspired... · 9:06pm Jul 25th, 2022

In case anyone is unaware, there's a new NSFW writing contest going on organized by Dezmos. Considering the grand prize available, I'm VERY curious to participate in this competition myself! Because of that, I wanted you ask y'all what kind of story would work best for this contest.

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Leondude's Dilemma · 7:04pm May 23rd, 2021

Note: Listen to this while reading this blog post:

Me: *finds out there is a competition to write a Doctor Who adventure for Big Finish*

*reads rules for competition*

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Report Leondude · 144 views · #contest #doctor who

Destiny Contest Submission · 1:52am Jul 24th, 2015

So I submitted some art to Bungie for their destiny year one contest. While it would be great to get the Taken King collectors edition what I really want to try to get is to be within the top 50 winners to get the Blacksmith shader.

Thus I need your help to vote for my image: Taking on Oryx.

Link here:

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,551 results