
Viewing 401 - 420 of 937 results

I am still alive and also at AnthrOhio · 12:06am May 27th, 2023

Sorry for disappearing. Ironically the thing I wanna talk about is the thing that keeps me from being here at FF or getting anything done. :facehoof:

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A Random Fluffbit · 4:06am Oct 17th, 2021

Fizzle: *Peeks head into cave* Umm.. G-Garble

Garble: Yeah?

Fizzle: Timidly lowers ears, giving a sheepish smile I may sorta, kinda need your hel-

Garble: There’s a cockroach in your cave again, isn't there?

Fizzle: Hugs and gazes with big eyes P-Please go smash it?

Garble: Rolls eyes Uggh fine, but one of these days you gotta learn to man up and do it yourself. Walks out, inwardly mumbling You’re lucky your cute.


Welcome To (A) Rimworld · 3:33am May 30th

Relevant Links: Ko-Fi, Discord server
Currently planning to have the first get-together on Saturday, June 1st to do the four episodes of Rimworld: Gymbro
If I get another 65 CAD in tips by the end of May, we'll be able to do the entirety of Rimworld: Blood Feast in June after Gymbro and Anomaly.

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Fallout 4 kills NaNoWriMo · 4:37pm Nov 9th, 2015

A few of you may be aware that November is "National Novel Writing Month", in which aspiring writers practice writing quickly by writing 50,000 words in one month. I won't lie, I tried to do this, and failed miserably. The combination of exams and upcoming Fo4 has dug (and will dig) a lot of time out of writing.

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Happy Nightmare Night! · 9:10pm Oct 31st, 2015

Given that MLP got into the spirit of things this week, I figured I had to make a post as well.

Namely, making sure that everyone remembers the rules about trading Halloween candy, which are totally legit:

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I'm alive · 2:46am Aug 11th, 2015

I'm alive! I live! I exist in a physical sense of the word! Rejoice!

Who the hell are you and why am I getting this in my feed?

I ... what? I write stories, one about a blue colt guy stuck in Equestria ... ?

Blue colt - wait, that's not cancelled?

What, NO! No, I was having trouble and-

I thought I removed that from my bookshelf.

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Season 5, Episode 10, "Princess Spike" Is The WORST Episode of FiM. · 3:35am Jun 21st, 2015

Derpy, mate, there's a far worse episode than Slice of Life now. This episode is the absolute WORST since Rainbow Falls! Almost NOTHING ABOUT IT WORKS! The comedy? Flat. The characters? Aside from Fancy Pants, completely awful. Moral? Interesting, but gets ruined by the bullshit ending. It is ungodly contrived. Yes, more contrived than Vinyl having a dubstep car, because that was at least amusing to me. This is flat-out NOT CARING. At least the only problem with A. Most Wanted

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Episode review: "Every Little Thing She Does" · 4:29pm Sep 28th, 2016

Earlier this season, "Newbie Dash" caused a lot of controversy for a number of reasons. I myself was disappointed by it, and yet, I have been completely unable to stop thinking about it since. I predict the same will be true of "Every Little Thing She Does," an interesting episode with a lot going on beneath the surface. It confirms Starlight Glimmer as an interesting character - but, unfortunately, it struggles with making her likeable, and despite a satisfying ending, has pacing issues

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Madness? THIS! IS! CLOUDSDALE! · 9:56pm Nov 25th, 2016

Extrapolations of the early Greek feel of aspects of pegasi culture aside, this is another thing I promise faithfully not to write...

...however convenient it might be to kick cloudwalking-spell-using emissaries off the edge of your sky city, if you're Commander Hurricane.


A song I'd like to share · 9:13pm Aug 20th, 2016

Guildies, you know this one!
Explicit hand gesture near the end.

And I would love if you shared this, because it is really important.


Crackshipping and Crossovers · 9:28pm Aug 21st, 2016

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well, staying classy and all that. Just a quick thing, but the latest Crackshipping story I've posted, you might notice, stars Aria. Pretty much the same Aria that is in Dazzling Sunset(which is why that story is tagged in this blog). The crackshipping story, if it were strictly canon to Dazzling Sunset, would take place after the end of that story, and therefore is a touch spoilery.

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Things I Have Been Reading: A Shower of Stars by Caerdwyn · 9:21pm Jan 28th, 2016

So, I like talking about things I've been reading. I actually care a lot about pony-fiction. I like to talk about what works, what doesn't. I also like recommending other works that I feel are worthy of at least discussion. Despite being a successful author here from the get go by most sane standards, I know what it's like to publish a fic from the heart and have no one to give a crap. Hence the appeal of signal-boosting fics I like to my friends. The fact is though, very often I find I don't

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Line in the Sand · 5:44am Jul 7th, 2017

"Nopony will think less of you if you choose not to stay and fight. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you. But I promise you this: I'm not going anywhere. Whether alone, or with you all at my back, I'll stand and fight for Ponyville."

-Pony Gear Solid-


Good Shows from the past that might be getting over looked now · 5:46pm Sep 10th, 2016

So yeah, I tried introducing a friend to the series Reboot by sending him a link to the first episode, and he said he didn't even make it five minutes in because of the CG, I encouraged him to try looking at more than the CG. Yes, it's early 90's CG, at least the first 2 seasons are, seasons 3 and 4 are more of a case of early 2000s CG. For those of you don't know Reboot was the world's first fully CG animated series and began its initial run on television in 1994, and as stated above ran for 4

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We are bruised, we are broken, but we are Goddess-blessed works of art · 6:41pm Nov 13th, 2018

Now I am two - myself, and this other you call 'my lady'. For she is here as truly as I am now, though once she was only a veil over me. She walks in the castle, she dresses herself, she takes her meals, and she thinks her own thoughts. If she has no power to heal, or to quiet, still she has another magic. - from Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn

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My next project? · 2:53am Jan 11th, 2018

Sooooo, I just learned The Black Library just put out an open call for submissions based on Games Workshop IP. 'Official' fanfic, basically.

And hey, I'm kind of good at fanfic.

The kicker is, I'm fairly certain they won't let me write Ciaphas Cain-- not right off the bat, at least. More's the pity. Still, Games Workshop's got a pretty deep sandbox to play in, so that's a plus.

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Two Background Ponies Quickie: "It isn't the Mane Thing About You" Aftermath · 12:26am Sep 22nd, 2017

"...And I said, 'I don't really care how big or small the fans are. I'm just wondering what you're plugging them into. Don't tell me those things run off of gas lines.' Do we even have gas lines in Ponyville? For that matter, do we need them? You can pretty much see in broad daylight even in the middle of the night. Come to think of it, when's the last time we haven't had a full-"

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Hunt: Showdown is like a 1890s Monster Hunter International Game · 6:30pm Oct 11th, 2017


What does this OC name make you think of? · 7:15pm Feb 24th, 2017

I recently just came up with a new personal OC (by personal I mean It's my rp ponysona and going to be a big focus of mine) called: Wiz-a-majig Dodda-bobble... or Wizzy for short.

And I'm curious to see what type of pony you think would have a name like that? I already have the character planned out out I'm just withholding it till I can doddle up an image of them.

Anywho, be as creative in your responses as you wish, this is all just for shits and giggles.


The Only Pony Alignmeny Chart That Really Matters. · 8:58pm Jan 3rd, 2018

Yes this was totally a productive use of my time. Shut up.\

Note bi-ish flag behind Luna. Totally accidental. :trollestia:

Viewing 401 - 420 of 937 results