
Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,081 results

Short stories are easy · 7:47am Jul 4th, 2015

Short stories are easy. Plus when you write them for someone in a chat it makes it even easier. So easy.

Thus there's another new story coming up that's short (before you complain: shut up, I'm busy, long stories take a long time).



My Predictions for "Where the Apple Lies" · 4:29am Oct 3rd, 2016

I never did a blog post about Viva Las Pegasus. But two things in that episode that happened were what I predicted would happen. (As a side note, the day that episode aired was the same day as I left on a trip to Las Vegas. And the hotel featured in the episode resembles Hotel Circus Circus, the same hotel I stayed at. Hotel Circus Circus is known for it's indoor amusement park.) Anyway, the two things that happened that i predicted were that the episode would actually act as a redemption story

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Applejack's Parents Episode · 5:47am Jun 22nd, 2017

I just want to say that I cried really hard.

I want to be in a loving relationship like they had but since I am doomed to spend the foreseeable future alone I guess it's time to crack open some cold ones.


Dark Lands Story... · 10:27am Jun 24th, 2017

The story, Dark Lands, is needing the support of it's readers in the vote mentioned in the author's note of it's, currently, only chapter.

I tend to wing it with my stories tending to make them up as I go to make the situations more realistic, but since this story is being based off of a game, I'm going to need a character to be picked, by the 'player', i.e. you.

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I'm back (never really left) · 9:57pm Jun 24th, 2017

Howdy, hey, hi. How is everyone? I've finally finished with school and exams and all the shebang so I'm getting back to writing.

I got inspired when watching Equestria Girls 'Movie Magic' and my story is going to be based around a scene that happens in that, but as most people haven't seen it yet, I won't actually post the story until after the US airing next Saturday (July 1st), also I haven't actually started writing it so I can't exactly post it now anyway :twilightoops:)

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New Story · 12:43am Oct 20th, 2017

Hi everyone, how are you all?

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Night Shift - Sacred and Wild Part 2 · 11:12am Jan 24th, 2017

Finally, after months of distractions, writing and editing around college work, I have completed part 2/3 of "Sacred & Wild"! I wish I could guarantee that the next chapter won't take three months to complete, but alas, my creativity tends to be a bit sporadic. I have a few ideas for a new short story in the meantime, but I can at least assure my (admittedly tiny) audience that I know how to finish at least one of my longer stories!

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Story update #2 · 11:46pm Apr 12th, 2017

Hey everybody!
I'm currently planning a new story which I hope to get up by the end of the weekend and it'll be a new instalment to my My Little Pee-ny series.

I'm aware that not everyone is interested or likes the themes in my stories, but I don't care, this is my page and I will write what I want to write. I get hate for writing about the things I write about, but if you don't like the theme, simply don't read it, I give clear warnings.

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Honest Apple · 2:27am May 22nd, 2017

Friendship is Magic first impressions review: Honest Apple (s07e09)
by Obake


Rarity chooses Applejack as one of the judges for her latest fashion contest. That last sentence sounds ridiculous, but the episode offers a reasonable excuse: Applejack has a keen eye for practicality, something regular judges tend to lack. When she finally accepts the offer, it is believable. The setup is quickly established, and everyone is in character. The first few scenes are great.

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Now we know what happened to Derpy's eyes! · 11:52pm Oct 8th, 2016


17:46 You can see Derpy with bandages around her eyes! Poor thing!:derpyderp1: I wonder what happened... I bet there'll be a lot of fanfiction about this coming.

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Holiday Wrap-up - New Story Today! · 4:11pm Dec 31st, 2017

Hello there Everypony!

Happy New Year! Please enjoy a little something I threw together to wrap-up the season. It's entitled "What are you Doing New Year's Eve?" and features my favorite holiday song of the same name. A brief, emotional tale about two nags with a score to settle, and some unsaid words that need to be said.

At any rate, enjoy the holidays, and have a great time~:heart:

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Applejack and the genius of the hole. · 8:29am Jun 29th, 2019

You can try running away from the problems you caused, but you'll end up running in circles. Sooner or later, you'll make a mistake and fall back down to the same hole you were trying to escape from, only the hole's grown deeper. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. Applejack's about to learn that the hard way...

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

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Teen Fanfic In The Works: Rarity’s Kissing Spree · 5:53pm May 4th, 2019


The winner of the poll is · 4:48pm Dec 31st, 2020

The winner of the poll is... The Dragon!! So in the next chapter we shall have Ember appearing in the chapter and a consolation the Minotaur shall also appear, now before you ask why Ember? Why not Spike? well I got a cameo of Spike coming to mind later on that you might have a chuckle at. Though for the time being you get a nice sexy Ember coming about, as for who plays the minotaur, well I was originally going to have a couple of choices one of them maybe being Applejack, or Derpy, or even

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Two blog posts in one day? And they're both polls? Just don't ask... · 5:28am Feb 24th, 2017

For a random story I'm working on, I need an Applejack ship.

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Update: Starting to write a new Chapter, the hurdles begin · 5:01am Apr 6th, 2017

Hello Everyone!

I'm writing this Blog to announce you that I'm starting to write the next chapter of Legacy of Kain: Harmony's Rise and I think I have a good idea of where to go with this story.

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Theories Theories #1 · 2:44am Oct 12th, 2017

So, got some ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a while. Theories, I guess you would call them.

Sometimes I put my theories into stories, base that story on that idea, but here in this blog and many more to come. I'm gonna be straightforward and just speak my mind about them.

Here's the first: How old are the mane six?

Well, everyone who's said they're in their 30's or 20's, you're wrong, sorry to break it to you.

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April 16th, 2016 Update! - New Book Covers! · 2:23am Apr 16th, 2016

I was doing a bit of "weekend editing" and found that some of the covers I made needed some. . . improvements. All covers have been redone and are ready to be presented.

:ajsmug: -R.P.


PRAISE THE SUN! · 5:33am Aug 25th, 2015


New Major Project!!! · 10:40pm Jan 3rd, 2016

Hey, guys! I'm just here to let y'all know that I'm working on a brand new story that's going to take a lot of time to finish. It's a several chapter Appledash romance and adventure story! I'll put a quick screencap below.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 1,081 results