
Viewing 401 - 420 of 897 results

Some news for y'all · 11:49am Jan 15th, 2017

Hey guys! It's me PrinceUniversa here! Heh, sorry for not updating this story some time ago... I've been having a bit of a writer's block lately for some time. But no worries, that block is gone and now I can start this story once again! But besides that, I got some news.

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Stuck Update #9 · 11:29pm Jan 15th, 2017

Alright guys, the 6 most recent chapters of Stuck have been edited and polished! So, now, I'm gonna be finishing up the next chapter and try to post that whenever I can. THEN, I'm gonna go back and add some dialogue variation. I might ask a friend to help me out with that.

So guys, thank you so much for your patience!

Don't forget to love each other!

'til next time!



Editing Woes · 9:43am Sep 20th, 2016

Word of advice, folks: only edit when your head is clear.

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My writing has.. RETURNED!! · 8:08pm Nov 2nd, 2016

So hello all my lovely little readers!! Mr Zelda C Brony here with great news! I am working hard on my stories again! Starting with By Sword and Gauntlet! I just finished the next chapter and have sent it off to my Editor a friend at school who was willing to help me out!! I want to write another chapter for BSG before I go back to work on The Fall of Link!! Lot's of things planned I'm even working on the plot as a whole so I can better organize the flow of each chapter. It actually helped a

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Stuck Update · 12:16am Nov 25th, 2016

Alright boys and girls, chapters 1-3 of stuck have been edited and updated. Feel free to take a look at them and please, don't hesitate to leave any feedback. Any feedback helps a lot.

Thanks again guys!

Happy thanksgiving!

'Til next time!!



(Little Late) Update on Something I Edited For · 11:56pm Jun 29th, 2016

's story Applejack's Stetson Hat sports a new chapter that I helped work on. Do check it out.

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Stuck Update #5 · 1:29am Dec 5th, 2016

So guys, chapters 11 - 14 are polished, edited and revamped. I didn't make noticeable changes, but the chapters should look much better. Enjoy the edits guys.

Don't forget to love each other

'til next time!



Necessary Adjustments · 8:06pm Sep 13th, 2017

An ironic title, considering what I've just done. Namely, as per my commissioner's request, I've made a few edits on the first two chapters of A Royal Mistake. Nothing too jarring, mind you, just little things in the dialogue, small edits in the prose to reflect tone, and a couple of other things that I felt needed ironing out.

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Stuck Update #4 · 3:35am Dec 4th, 2016

So guys, chapter 10 "Lunch Time" is polished, edited, re-written, etc. Be sure to check it out and leave some constructive criticism. Enjoy the updated chapter guys.

Don't forget to love each other

'Til next time!



Nightmare Chaper what do? · 4:46am Jan 27th, 2018

I just sent it to the editor, 94 pages long and 32K words. I can't believe I would even consider writing that much in a single chapter much less asking someone to help edit it.
What should I do? Should I find another editor and split it between them? Should I ask others to help? I feel bad asking Hitomi to do this much at once.


Editing · 7:03am Jan 11th, 2018

As you all know I make a lot of stories and I try to stay consistent. Funnily enough the only story I have an editor for is Replicated Wanderer and that is one of my main focuses alongside Locksmith. Locksmith chapter is coming but I'm trying to convey a good ending for the Ori world so it fits the tone of the story and finishes up being a retread of the story already presented. So that's coming up.

New chapter of Replicated Wanderer tomorrow. Or at least by midnight.

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Blog post 1: New story coming · 7:53am Aug 28th, 2017

Hey there all you pony fiction lovers out there I'm writing a new story featuring the soft spoken but totally amazing mare Fluttershy featuring Pinkie Pie the precociously pretty and pink party pony who is positively ready for the featured events of Flutter's evening. This would be my first work of fiction ever posted to the site; and I want to make it a multi-chapter multi-story saga. I hope it is well received by the community.

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Sleep is for the dead · 6:41am Jan 25th, 2016

Stayed up until 5AM to complete the draft. Got 900ish words into following chapter. Completed revisions 19 hours later.

Self-loathing never felt so good.


First Chapter Got Edited! · 2:37am Jul 17th, 2020

Hey there everyone who have Criminally Stupendous in their library! This does notify if I tag the story right? IDK.

Anyways, the first chapter got edited by a cool dude, BeardedRedMane. And he had given some polish to it, and I for one am impressed. So how about you all go and see the edited version right here -->Click Me! .


Edited RPG Stuff · 8:55pm Apr 15th, 2021

You know, sometimes I run tabletop RPGS. And sometimes they're so good that one of the players wants to start an overly edited series about it. What follows is the start of that brilliant nonsense.

-GM, master of Epithet Erased.


So What's Next? · 7:27pm Feb 4th, 2021

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Not too long ago, I have just finished writing "Discord Teaches Philosophy: On Love." I confess I didn't imagine that it would take me about six months to complete it, but I'm happy that I was able to pull it off. So by now, I assume some of you are wondering what I'm planning on doing next.

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Back in the proverbial saddle. · 8:11pm Jul 11th, 2021

This morning, I wrote a little under 500 words of pony story.

This is the most pony story I've written all year. Other projects (plus, you know, Real Life Bidness) have been keeping me busy, but for whatever reason inspiration struck, and ... here we are. Of course, 500 words do not a pony story make. Heck, what I've written so far isn't even a complete scene, but hey. Baby steps.

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Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition, free on Humble · 9:19pm May 16th, 2019

Great title with a lot of heart and style. Not bad at all combat, either. And the Mexican myth themeing is just superb.

Highly recommended if you haven't played it yet. One of the best metroidvania's of resent years. Were it not for Hollow Knight and its frankly ludicrus degrees of polish, I might have even called it the outright best I've played in recent years.

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Ya'll Already Know What Day It Is · 6:37pm Sep 21st, 2022

Edit: 8:47am 9/22/22
I completely forgot about someone's birthday!
Happy Birthday Rick May! You are still missed dearly; We miss you Soldier:pinkiesad2:


Gdoc extension things. · 1:54pm Jul 11th, 2022

Had a convo recently about google docs, and I'm surprised at the amount of people that don't use grammar/writing extensions. Unless I'm mistaken, it is the primary writing platform used by authors on here. Likely even fanfiction as whole. As per recommendation by a fellow respected author, I am inclined to post the ones I use, although I don't expect this blog to actually be seen.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 897 results