
Viewing 401 - 420 of 673 results

Erratic Explosion · 3:57pm Oct 20th, 2016

I never can tell what's going to get people's attention on this site.

Don't get me wrong, I am by no means complaining. The reaction to The Drop of Ambrosia has been a truly delightful surprise. It's just fascinating how this story seemed to resonate with so many. More than one person has said that I've fixed "Magical Mystery Cure," which I never felt was that broken to begin with. Still, if you're happy, I'm happy.

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So...thanks guys. · 12:33am Jun 11th, 2016

Stream was kill. Sorry folks, next Friday when people aren't having serious problems with tech and life. It's just not going to happen today.

But on another note...

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A dream come true · 6:14pm Mar 24th, 2017

Some of you may have noticed the more than a little fancy new cover art for MLAABQ. It is from viwsrasputr, and I love it dearly. Big, slobbery St Bernard-kisses. They also said that they don't mind me sending more people their way. Art is how they make a living, go give them your money.

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Review: Imposing Sovereigns Stories, Madmares · 7:47pm May 5th, 2017

We come at last to the final entry in this "Why the hell did I get myself into this? ....Oh right, it seemed like a good idea and then you all were so awesome and supportive and liked it so much no way was I not following through." Line of reviews. The Madmares! Princesses who have lost their sanity. Who have stepped over the fine line between genius and madness. Who have stared to long into the abyss and had the abyss stare back. Who looked out into The Black and were overwhelmed by the

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Serene Remembrance · 1:08pm Jan 1st, 2016

I know, I know, it's a little late for a retrospective blog. Heck, I think it's almost January 2nd just west of the International Date Line. But I wanted to write this both in 2016 and after getting a good night's sleep. Read on for a look back and a look forward, especially if you read the Friendship is Card Games series.

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Two Years Later—Natura Semper Liberi · 7:56pm Jul 24th, 2018

A quick overview of this blog: A little sentimental talk, rewrites and a possible sequel to Natura Semper Liberi. Most interesting stuff is at the end!

(Timberwolf by hinoraito)

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Well, It's Happened. · 8:40pm Sep 1st, 2015

I've been on this site for one whole year. I've come far since then, earning respect among some people, disdain among others, and developing myself in real time the whole way through. And what better way to remember it than by looking at my meta statistics?

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Still alive · 3:17am Jun 3rd, 2018

Been very busy the past few months with a new puppy and job hunting. But Fallen Twilight will be getting an update in the next few weeks. Thank you all who are keeping up with the story for waiting! I love you all.

- The Sign Painter


Update on Future Projects · 3:20am Jun 5th, 2019

So, first of all I want to thank everyone for reading my first real story and making it such a success! I don't think I've ever been so happy than when I saw that my story had been featured!

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The 50 Followers Reward · 12:17am Jun 14th, 2017

Hey everyone! Thank you so much, the votes are in! By a landslide (albeit a small one :twilightblush: ) you all want to see some chapter titles! Yay.

So down below under the Spoiler blocker I'll have all the chapters of Arc 1 listed. This includes the ones already posted, and then down to the last of the first arc. I hope you like what they tease about!

The Black Digi-Knight:
Arc 1: Canterlot Adventures Saga

And So It Begins...

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Thank you! · 2:45pm Nov 11th, 2016

Apparently my newest story "Prepared for her return" made it into the feature box. Words can't even express how happy I feel right now:pinkiehappy:. And of course the most important thing, a huge
Thank you!
to everyone who liked my story and helped to make this happen. Especially considering this was just a random idea I put into words.


The End of a Generation · 3:21am Oct 13th, 2019

And with that, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, after nine long years, has finally ended.

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MDCC-easonal Ritual · 7:24pm Dec 24th, 2019

Firstly, my customary thanks to all 1,700-plus of you who think I'm worth paying attention to you. It never gets any less gratifying to get a new watch. :twilightsmile:

Secondly, in case you missed it in Sunday's grand assault on the submission queue, my latest story has gone up, set in the Crystal War timeline we briefly glimpsed in "The Cutie Re-Mark." Read on for afterthoughts and a cut scene.

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What the fandom did for me · 3:10pm Feb 21st, 2016

Before I started writing fanfics, I was a fan of the show largely for the the fan projects that came out. I enjoyed acting and singing, and animation (though I couldn't do it myself), and was frequently involved in theatrical events in high school. When I went away for college, I found that nobody really believed in my abilities and I started to doubt myself as well. It didn't help that other freshmen were being cast in lead roles, while I was being neglected. There are few things more painful

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There! All caught up! · 10:38pm Nov 14th, 2015

As of today I have all my current fics from FF.N posted up here. Well not all of them as one can't be posted here since it's a song fic and the other is just way to long to go reformatting it all here. But there's a link to it in my first blog if you really want to look it up. And I would appreciate it if some of you guys would.

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There's Still Time... · 4:27pm Jan 5th, 2019 enter the contest to name Sunset and SciTwi's baby. For those who missed it, the details can be found here.

Due to the incredible suggestions I've received so far, I decided to do a drawing for the name. The drawing will be made in a video next Saturday night which will be posted to YouTube (and embedded on next Sunday's blog post).

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Living Situation Difficulties · 6:18pm Oct 16th, 2020

hello all

we have been wanting to wait a while before making this post because we weren't really sure of what was going on... but it seems like that doesn't matter much, so we may as well share what has been happening in our life.

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Thank You · 9:33pm Sep 30th, 2020

This is just a small love letter to you all and this community. :twilightsmile:

Call me a softy, but I just want to tell you guys thank you for the support and your patience in general. I fell in love with the community before I fell in love with the show, I liked to read the fanfictions, the videos where people read them. I really fell in love with the community and I only wish I could have joined in earlier. :ajsmug:

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Renegade Final Chapter! · 6:41pm Aug 9th, 2021

It's almost time to wrap up W/Aoi's story. Much like with Indomitable; I'm saddened to see it end but also really happy to see a shot in the dark story be praised so much, especially since Arknights isn't a super famous game. Thank you for commenting, liking, and saving. This and Journey's End may end up becoming the last stories I write on FimFiction; well, aside from maybe my two shots.

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Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. · 7:36pm Jun 22nd, 2022

Everyone... I don't know what to say.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 673 results