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To whom it may concern 2: an explanation of my recent absence from the site and plans for the future · 3:39pm Jul 6th, 2017

So, as some of you may have noticed I haven't been very active on this site as of late. In fact my page has been so dead that when I came back I was kind of taken aback by the changes on the site. Heck, I have even missed a majority of this new season of MLP.

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The occasional issues of writing · 9:52pm Feb 9th, 2017

This blog post is mostly just commentary, and a shortcut for those that already read Rising Effort Chapter 4.

To sum it up, I am largely a Discovery Writer. Every now and then, I intend to have something in a chapter and it slips my mind, but most of the time it isn't a big deal as it's just color to a scene or an interesting line I came up with.

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Been awhile · 9:06pm Aug 23rd, 2016

Writing tonight, not gonna stop till I'm done. Add in revision, and editing time, and it should be about a week. I'm notoriously lazy, so if it's not up by next week, by all means, ride my ass until it is.

As always, thank you for reading:heart:

Report Sunatta · 328 views · #writing #lazy

Recs: An even worse self insert, The making of "Spring is Dumb" · 9:48pm Sep 13th, 2017

Two recommendations:

HoofBitingActionOverload's two blog posts on how he wrote "Spring is Dumb".  (At first he said there would be 3 posts, but I believe it's finished with these two.  There's also an introductory post, which you don't need to read.)

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How to write Rainbow Dash · 2:03am Apr 7th, 2017

Step 1: Drink beers.

Step 2: Watch this music video

Step 3 (ADVANCED CLASS): Snag SHOUT! Factory's Blu-Ray release of Streets of Fire for further research.

Report Tumbleweed · 407 views · #How to Write

The List of Writing Red Flags · 8:25pm Jan 4th, 2015

Over at the TVTropes pony fanfiction thread, we have been compiling a list of "red flags" inspired by various stories around FIMfic.

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Report cleverpun · 535 views · #writing #cleverpun

Where for art thou, Scifipony? · 5:42am Jul 2nd, 2017

You may or may not have noticed that I haven’t posted any stories recently.

You may or may not have noticed that I am now posting weekly to a new group, ScifiPony’s Writers’ Training Ground. If you are a writer, go there. Seriously.

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Report scifipony · 273 views · #Writing #Delays

So I'm doing another thing... · 7:39pm Jul 13th, 2016

I am working on a fanfic that is outside my usually genre of writing. Not gonna give details on what genre in particular, because it's going to be a bit of a surprise. It's not that I don't enjoy writing humor, but the struggle to endlessly be funny might give me heart problems or something.
I am not going to have a myocardial infarction because I'm writing funny horse words.

Anywho, Hope you enjoy when it comes out.

Report midashguy · 349 views · #Nonsense #Writing

Basic · 12:12am Jan 18th, 2016

Hello there, I'm TheTimeSword.

So, I finished up Above the Fire Sky this week. I'm glad it's finally finished as I'd like to move on with writing something else. I've mostly figured out that I can write two different stories at the same time, but three or more is almost impossible. This is caused by me wanting to stick so much into a story that it deludes the inspiration pool, which in turn forces me to put limits on chapters.

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Report TheTimeSword · 269 views · #self #writing

Splitting chapter 4 · 3:08am Aug 11th, 2017

Ok, so, as I said, this is a pretty experimental fic for me.

Seeing as I keep finding all these holes and things I really should rewrite in Chapter 4, I've realized that a 15,000 word chapter is too much for me to deal with at once. So I'm cutting it down to 2 chapters and making this a 10 chapter fic. Expect a pair of chapters with (hopefully) under 8000 words each over the course of the next week, then a more regular release schedule after that.

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Write or Play Starcraft? · 11:05pm May 21st, 2019

HHmmMMMmMMKmmM :applejackconfused:


On Writing A Duel II · 3:54pm Apr 13th, 2018

Last time we talked about how duels should follow the same rules of storytelling as the rest of your story. Starting with not putting life point counters, monsters’ stats, etc. between paragraphs, as they are jarring and break the flow of the narrative.

Now, let’s talk about the action itself. Here are four examples from four different stories, which I’m not going to name because it’s not relevant to this post.

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Report Dashguy · 306 views · #writing #crossover

Roll credits. · 10:46pm Mar 22nd, 2017

So! Finished Inoculation. On the one hand, I could've kept it going longer ... but on the other, I didn't want to use jokes that people had already made in the comments. I may whip up a short epilogue in the next couple of days to cap things off, however.

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Report Tumbleweed · 190 views · #writing #inoculation

Did I mention I'm doing NaNoWriMo? As I'm doing NaNoWriMo. · 9:32pm Nov 3rd, 2019

And I'm ... kind of on track?

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Report Tumbleweed · 261 views · #writing #nanowrimo

A new story? · 11:20pm Apr 11th, 2017

Yes it's true! I've started work on a new story! It's currently sitting at a little over 1400 words and I think I'm close to - or at the point I want to make the end of the first chapter. I'm just not sure on the MC's name so that's something I'll have to settle before submitting it.

Report Rustic_King · 181 views · #story #writing

New Story Soon and Updates · 10:30pm Aug 20th, 2019

Howdy, folks!

It hasn’t been very much time at all since the last writing thing of mine went online last week, and yet I have a new story almost ready to go! This one was fun to write. The idea for it sort of congealed all at once when I was going through some notes over what I wanted to write next, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Here’s a preview of the story page.

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Report bats · 394 views · #writing update

Chapter 6 coming out sooner than expected! · 6:37pm May 13th, 2018

Hello everybody!

I've got the writing itch after so much time without being able to write... So I'll be writing chapter 6 of The Nameless Queen today!

Now, the bulk of active players have already cast their views, but I know there are a few people who haven't had the chance yet..

So this is kind of a invoice for these people! Please cast your votes as soon as possible!

(on a side note, we've reached 1953 views! Expect a 2k special chapter to celebrate soon! :yay:)


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Report AniMun · 303 views · #Writing hype!

A tip on writing/editing. In other words, my writing process in a nutshell. · 7:06am Apr 7th, 2018

Personally, while my preference is typically to self-edit with occasional help from prereaders, it is still important to have a good method of writing.

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Georg Modestly Speaks About His Past And Popularity (of which he only knows about the first) · 1:10am Sep 27th, 2019

Vren55: Yo, Georg. In your experience, did you need a big referral from a big author to get a lot of readers on this site? Doing some semi serious research for my next blog post in response to some comments I got.

The answer is too long for just an email. It starts with: Yes. No. It depends.

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Report Georg · 762 views · #Writing #Editing

Music to Write By: Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield · 8:50am Sep 16th, 2015

Hello, loyal fans! So before I start this post, here’s an update on art, life, etc. First of all, yes, I am working on chapter 18 of Of Night and Stone. I’m sorry for making you all wait, and I intended to have it finished during the same week as when I uploaded chapter 17. But y’know, stuff happened and it distracted me.

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Report Kirb · 258 views · #Music to Write By
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