
Viewing 401 - 420 of 714 results

Fallout Equestria Parody: Prologue is DONE!!!! · 10:43am Oct 24th, 2016

Oh, Gawd!! I'm soooooooooo tired! It's 5:30 in the morning and I've been writing for... I think... 15 hours?!? But the prologue is finally done. I just need to edit and spell check and I'll have this thing posted by my deadline. Here's the stats I have for it so far:

24,400 words
134kb file
Over two hours of Text-To-Speech reading

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Purple Weed Cosmopolitan - New Story Tonight! · 11:23pm Sep 16th, 2017


As promised, please enjoy the results of my latest commission work. I am now officially caught up on all of my Bronycon promises, and I had a good time writing this. If it's your speed, please enjoy your night with it :raritywink:

(Yes, I know, most of the time I do my own cover images. But this particular TSSSF number by Pixel just fits the story entirely too well. Couldn't pass it up!)



Site Post » Phaoray's "Complex Apartments" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:49pm Jun 1st, 2018

Today's story drives home the difficulties of odd roommate choices.

Complex Apartments
[Equestria Girls] [Drama] [Romance] [Sad] • 9,829 words

Choosing an apartment to live in is important and requires good planning. Location, needs, cost, a lot must be taken into account when looking.

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Site Post » Lost + Found Features: "Decisions" / "The Unicorn and the Crow" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:26pm Nov 30th, 2018

From time to time, despite our best efforts, we don't have a feature ready to post come Friday—but that doesn't mean we can't recommend some reading material! We keep track of the stories which passed our approval process but whose authors have proven impossible to contact. We'd like to give these stories their time in the spotlight too, so read on for two RCL-approved tales for your reading pleasure.

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Poneographic · 3:46am Jan 5th, 2018

I have been working tirelessly on several writing projects and I fear two of them may never be completed.


Twitter, Equestria style.

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Sugarcube in the Corner - Audio Equestria Daily mention! · 3:22pm Feb 23rd, 2017

Hello everypony-

The audio adaptation of Sugarcube in the Corner was recently included in a Nightly Roundup post on Equestria Daily. Give it a look if you're so inclined!

:yay: - (...yay...!)


Site Post » J Carp's "It Turns Out They're Windmills" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:28pm Feb 15th, 2019

Turn to today's story for some cross-dimensional drama with heart.

It Turns Out They're Windmills
[Equestria Girls] [Romance] [Comedy] [Drama] • 64,228 words

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Site Post » Novel-Idea's "Spectrum of Gray" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:30pm Mar 1st, 2019

We hope our appreciation for today's story colors your expectations.

Spectrum of Gray
[Romance] [Drama] • 17,470 words

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have cherished the years gone by at one another’s side, but beneath the wear of time, the fuel that is love can turn to ash and smother the flames they hold dear.

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Site Post » AstralMouse's "Twenty-eight Boulders" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 12:25pm Mar 22nd, 2019

There are any number of reasons to read today's story.

Twenty-eight Boulders
[Dark] [Drama] [Sad] • 2,038 words

Queen Chrysalis has spent years in hiding. She has been very careful to avoid being caught, but her time spent alone and in constant fear has worn away her sanity.

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Fallout Equestria: Legend of the Earthbound · 5:13pm Oct 31st, 2016

The first part of my first posted story is now approved and ready for reading. A couple of people have been saying that this intro is too long. Well, true. It's long. However, you don't have to read the whole thing in one go. I thought about chopping it up but it didn't feel right to me. And I wanted to make sure the main character(s) was/were in the proper time frame and location before the actual first chapter.
So take your time and enjoy the read. No need to rush.

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Site Post » Freglz's "Nothing Left to Lose" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:36pm May 15th, 2020

Don't lose out on today's story.

Nothing Left to Lose
[Drama] [Sad] • 6,367 words

Some things can't be changed.

Starlight believes otherwise.

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Theme Song · 7:31am Oct 6th, 2020

So when I write a new chapter for this story I can't help but think about what kind of theme song it would have.

I think I have found the one that I think most reflect the theme I want to hit with my story. War, love, loss, friendships. A dark past in the field of battle, yet finds new life in the light of the apple orchard.

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No One to Remember - Chapter Four Today! · 4:30pm Dec 9th, 2017

Hello Everypony,

Please enjoy chapter four of No One to Remember entitled, "The Form of a Question". Twilight's going straight to the top to get to the bottom of things, with a visit to her dear old mentor. But not everypony believes that anything is wrong at all - the quest for answers can sometimes lead to even more mind-boggling questions. I'll take chapter four for 100 bits, Alex!

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Tag Wars! · 10:02pm Apr 27th, 2020

Despite advice, I'm probably publishing a story with just the first chapter done.

But, a question: it's an epic detective story, so, "Comedy Drama Mystery," or "Comedy Drama Adventure"? :rainbowhuh:


Luna's Cuddle Dungeon: The Audio Drama · 4:24am Dec 12th, 2020

A new AUDIO DRAMA OF LUNA'S CUDDLE DUNGEON (Chapter 1) IS AVAILABLE HERE. It was created by the amazing TheWingman from VAs he recruited online; and they all did a great job! I'm looking forward to the next chapters!

Everyone go, take a listen, and leave a nice little note!


New story! The Carrot Before the Storm. · 5:10am Mar 1st, 2018

This is a one-shot staring Raindrops and Carrot Top. I've been wanting to do a story staring Raindrops for a very long time. She's one of my most favorite members of the Luna 6. I wanted to write a story that addressed Carrot Top growing problem with her anger and the best pony to help her would be Raindrops. I don't think it would have worked well with the other members of the Luna 6. Can you imagine Trixie trying to confront CT about her anger issues? Total disaster. Funny, but I wanted to

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New Story! "A Tempest Tossed" Is Now Available · 4:51am Jun 25th, 2018

I hope you enjoy the start of my new story, "A Tempest Tossed."
Read it here:

I will be working to update this once a week. For those of you who are not familiar with the main character, Violet Tempest, and wish to learn about her before reading this story, I recommend the following stories:

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Upcoming Stories · 9:25pm Jan 29th, 2019

Without giving anything away, I created a list of upcoming stories I’m planning on making. Most of them don’t have proper titles so I won’t be using titles here.

- A “Why Do We Make Rainbows?” sequel that will pick up where the original left off and hopefully expand upon it

- A horror/thriller story that slightly references the Sweetie Bot meme

- An OC story that revolves around mental and phycological struggles

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Thank you to everyone who has supported A Dazzling World along the way! · 4:20am Jan 4th, 2022

Hello, everypony!
I wanted to make a more serious blog post this time around. Honestly, I have not been thanking the people who have favorited my story, despite it being my first time and common courtesy on this website. I've been really busy and I didn't think of thanking people, but all the favorites and other bookshelves people added my story to has really made me happy and made me inspired to keep going with this story. :twilightsmile:

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Fallout Equestria Parody Story Update! · 5:23am Oct 12th, 2016

It's late at night and I've been working all day and yesterday. But I found time to do some writing. I'm happy to announce that the intro prologue of my first story is so far currently up to 7600 words. And I expect I'm only about 70% finished. I just need to complete the current act, close out some issues, and make story links to "Chapter One" where the real story begins.

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 714 results