
Viewing 401 - 420 of 914 results

A Song for Twi-Lightning · 7:19pm May 14th, 2018

So, one of the minor things that Legendbringer accomplished with Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship was to introduce me to RWBY, something that hadn't been on my radar previously.

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New Original Story! :yay: · 4:08pm Jul 22nd, 2017

I have another new short story up, and this one's not even a contest entry (gasp). Enjoy!


What if you knew when disaster would strike?

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About The Apocalypse · 8:40am Apr 7th, 2017

What the hell am I doing wrong. I want this story to be great...but unfortunately it is hated.
Can I ask an honest question? Do people hate my guts and just like to spam my stories with dislikes?


Sad, Romantic-ish Stuff · 9:23pm Jun 10th, 2017

Heyo, once more!

So, in keeping in tune with what I've been doing, I've written another story!

This one goes back to my roots a bit with a Sparity themed romance, but I shake it up with some sad thrown in there. It's gotten great reviews from my proofreaders and editors, so you might like it!

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Obligatory Sad Sack Post · 3:57am Feb 23rd, 2016

Where can't you blog? Seriously? I like italics.

I haven't made a sad sack-ish post here yet, and it's something of a tradition. You wouldn't know that. Or wouldn't have; prior to my having said it only a couple of sentences ago.

When you try your best and things don't work out, that's disappointing. When you don't (italics) try your best and things, unsurprisingly, don't work out, that's a whole level above disappointing. Or below. Beyond?

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No Horror Contests Going On... · 9:10am Oct 13th, 2020

I've checked blogs, groups, and I even went to the fimfiction discord to ask if any horror contests are going on and it seems there is not a single horror fic contest going on at all. It shouldn't upset me as much as it is but i'm super disappointed.

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I Changed my Profile Pic · 4:44pm Dec 5th, 2018

The reason behind this is that this is Union Pacific 4141 painted to honor George H W Bush and this is done out of respect for the former president of the USA though I wasn’t alive then. Plus I like the look of the locomotive


A rant of mine, both meaningless, and pathetic at the same time. · 4:25am Feb 15th, 2019

I hate these sorts of days.
The ones that are just shitty.
Nothing needs to happen, in fact, if something does happen, it is less shit.
But you just get reminded of how seriously fucked some people are.
And then you just feel sad. Depressed even, as you look at those you care most about and wallow in knowing that there isn't anything you can do to help.

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A Mother's Love Audio Reading · 9:24pm Aug 26th, 2018


Life Might be Changing... · 12:26am Dec 14th, 2020

It is possible that by the end of this week I will no longer have a job (or at least have a better idea if I will be keeping it or not). Despite my hard efforts, according to my supervisor I am not meeting the minimum standard quota with my work and that I have this next week to turn it around.

The problem is, that I've actually been doing my best and striving to improve, yet despite that my work hasn't been improving.

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Report Robipony · 181 views · #sad #anxious #depressed #tired #work #job

Carnivore! · 6:21pm Oct 28th, 2018

It’s out!

Also, SOMEBODY was practically sitting on that dislike button, if I do say so, myself, considering this story was approved less than twenty minutes ago, as of this writing. <.<

Let’s see what kind of reaction I get, over the next little while, shall we?


This sucks · 9:27pm Dec 22nd, 2022

So, if you have been following me, you'll know we had some plumbing issues at the house, and while I wish I had better news, this is the news I got. It's kind of mostly suck, but with slight good news, and an eventual place where things will be good for a long time.

Our pipe broke in the basement, and while they thought they could fix that altogether, it turnt out to be worse then they thought.

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She is in a better place now... · 10:01pm Jan 12th, 2019

So yesterday day, a few hours after I gave my post-birthday update (which has some stuff you should totally go read) I received word that Grandmipony had passed away on the 10th.

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Helping a Pet to Die · 11:40pm Dec 2nd, 2017

This is a sad post, so if you don't want to deal with that sort of thing I encourage you to skip it.

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So good news and bad news · 8:47am Jun 7th, 2018

As the title says I bring you good news and bad news.

First up the bad news. My desk top died. The writing program and my custom dictionary all gone and I cant get them back. This means a significant though temporary detriment to my writing.

Good news: I had just saved all my notes and such on both The Alter Accords and My Little Tactics which means I can continue writing.

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Second Yom HaShoah Post. Some Family HIstory · 2:28pm Apr 28th, 2022


Today's a sad day for me, and for all Jewish people around the world. I thought I could honor the memories of those we lost by sharing some stories of courage and bravery.

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Hiatus · 10:38pm Jan 10th, 2016

I have a tendency to depart when I've overstayed my welcome. I do this in all sorts of places: real life, webcomic forums, social media connections, etc. This is partly because I feel like I'm either unwelcome, or might be welcome when I shouldn't be.

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Wow I just realized how sad this entire story is in context.... · 4:38am Dec 5th, 2015

Kids reading From Savage to Civil, if there are any- Awwww poor Timber looks sad. I don't like it when he's sad.

Teen/Adults reading From Savage to Civil- A colt only about ten years old is beginning to realize that everything he thought was for his entire short life was a lie.

Dang. :fluttercry::raritycry:


I need a hug and a drink.... · 2:31am Jan 8th, 2017

Can anybody talk to me? I hit the wall Friday night... I don't care if I'm under age, my boyfriend is lost in the cold because he can't grow up nor think reasonably and I need to drown myself in alcohol.... I'll drink a nasty bottle of beer!! I DON'T CARE!!! Just please, can someone make this fear and depression go the hell away!? I'm serious!! ... Help... :fluttershyouch:


It's weird the things you remember. (Concerning Adam West) · 6:51pm Jun 10th, 2017

When I was very little, probably five, I would run home every day to watch Adam West's batman on public TV. I didn't have cable when I was very very little, but Batman was something I never missed. Every time, it would sign off: "Same bat time, same bat channel." I was incredibly and obsessively involved with this show, to the point where I would shout at the screen to try to help Batman or warn him of things. Oddly enough, from all my memories from that age, one sticks out in my mind

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 914 results