
Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,012 results

Lucahjin tweeted me! · 2:07am Apr 5th, 2017

I said I'd send her something in the mail... (truthfully, as I do have a gift prepared) and she gave me her address... on Twitter! The fangasm is real!


Since I can't figure out what to write · 9:09pm Oct 8th, 2017

I decided to see what other people might be interested in seeing

so I made this straw poll and made it so you can pick as many as you want, just to see what would interest people the most on the list and if you have your own idea I didn't put here you can always box "other" as well and comment your idea here or under the poll I'll see it regardless,so yeah please vote it would help a lot

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Report Larrydog · 277 views · #poll #voting #Shipping #help #ideas #yaoi

Statistics #5.2: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping · 1:34am Mar 25th, 2019

I didn’t expect this project would run on for three posts, yet here it is, the next installment! Continuing on from Modernized Friendliest Fleet I can now offer you a complete listing of all known pony (and some not so pony) pairing ships, (with caveats) rated by upvotes-per-day. (with caveats…)

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Statistics #5.3: Revised Lloyd’s Register of Shipping · 11:00am Mar 25th, 2019

Continuing from Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, now with fewer caveats!

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I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!! · 7:00am Sep 9th, 2018

So, raise your hand all of you who know about Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest Part 2? I knew, and that's why... I FINALLY DID A THING!


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New Story: Spike and Treehugger are Joint at the Hip · 8:00pm Apr 22nd, 2018

TJoint at the Hip
Spike and Treehugger spend some quality time together.
TheWraithWriter · 1k words  ·  50  7 · 1.9k views

A collab between me and FamousLastWords, because there weren't any Spike x Treehugger fics on the site.


The Ramblings of an Optimistic Yet Admittedly Disappointed Beauty and the Beast Fangirl · 6:41am Jun 22nd, 2017

So, I saw the live-action Beauty and the Beast remake a few days ago with my family, and I want to say that I totally loved it and that it’s the best live-action remake to come out of Disney so far, but I can’t.  Look, as a diehard fan of the original animated movie and a fan of the Cinderella remake, I wanted to love, love, love this movie so bad.  I wanted to be impressed.  I wanted to be floored.  I wanted to be totally blown away.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t.  Sad to say but I

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Stances and Scheduled Stories · 6:09pm Feb 7th, 2018

So, now that I seem to have acquired a few more followers since "A Matter of Credit" was featured, I figure this is a good time to put up a blog post.

First off, upcoming stories and status updates on existing stories.

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Some people make themselves very, very unhappy · 9:40pm Dec 17th, 2017

Haven't been around much, but then, you knew that. Busyness, health issues, and frankly a whole lot of depression. Even ponies weren't interesting me very much anymore. I had a ticket to go to EQLA and a party that same weekend, and I did not go to either.

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What the buck · 3:20pm Oct 29th, 2016

There's this website that gives you plot idea for stories. Apparently all you gotta do is give it some basic information and it'll weave a story.

I did, I gave it some names among other stuff.... And well.
The result was pretty hilarious.

Twilight Sparkle suspected something was a little off when her Wise mother tried to kiss her when she was just six years old. Nevertheless, she lived a relatively normal life among other humans.

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Ship Making · 5:09am Aug 21st, 2015

Okay so on I'm making a history book to go with two major story lines I've come up with.
(I'll add the stories here later)

I'm having trouble deciding on couples though.
Here are the ones I know I want to keep as couples:

Twilight x Flash Sentry
Rainbow Dash x Soarin
Fluttershy x Big Macintosh
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Celestia x Discord
Cadance x shining Armor
Nurse Redheart x Donut Joe
Derpy x Doctor Whooves

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New Year's extra update! · 7:34pm Jan 1st, 2019

BREEZIE FANS! I bring you a new update of To be a Breezie for the start of the new year, completely extra, you'll still get another chapter this Saturday. Have fun not tapping in Spidernets ^^

To be a Breezie


Stories on deck! · 4:44am Aug 4th, 2019

I know I know I said I would take a break but I just had these stories sitting in my "To be posted" folder and thought? Why the Hell not? You guys might like em and ask me for more chapters if I give you a taste of what I have been working on instead of just hording it and waiting for it to be perfect. I've been trying to be happy writing again and I think i've found my groove again. Keep up the support cause it really...really does help. Thank you all and I hope to keep entertaining you with

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Celestia’s New Ship! · 9:45pm Aug 1st, 2020

Hey all! I have my new story up, featuring the shipping of Celestia and Sunburst! Check it out if you have the time!


Story Suggestions · 5:00am Jul 30th, 2019

Hello everyone, it's Friendsforever here, I wanted to write a story about the married life of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. I needed suggestions on their filly or colt's name. I am welcome to all your suggestions. Please leave them in the comments. I also needed names of the children of Starlight's friends.


Nailah's Shipping Contest. · 9:58pm Apr 11th, 2021


What is it with this odd shipping? · 3:49pm Jan 31st, 2020

Can I ask you a little something that's been on my mind for a bit now?

What's with this pairing of Gallus and Sandbar as intimate partners? I've seen it quite a lot recently and wondered where all of this stuff is coming from. This fandom is strange and unpredictable, but...what?

Seriously, answer my mind-melting conundrum, won't you, please? (introduce me to a lump of cheddar cheese.)


possible upcoming Stories 1. Slice of Life · 12:46am Oct 11th, 2020

So I've been thinking and I'm gonna try a new challenge for myself where I pick a theme and pick 10 ships I think fits that theme and do what I can to write them (with a Bonus 11 one that is super indulgent) and once there all done pick a new theme and start all over again. Since this is the first one of hopefully many I went with Slice of life Romance (with a dash of Drama) and most of these ships are my favorite and comfort ones. have not decided if any will be nsfw yet or not and some of

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The Collab Duo's Back! · 6:31am May 6th, 2020

Wrote some Spike shipping content with the real FamousLastWords. We tackled a cool shipping pairing of Spike and Flitter. If you're interested, you can participate in the scavenger hunt here.

Hope you all are having a good day/night! I'll have updates for the stories on here as soon as we finish the collab. :)


Gilda-Big Mac art for "It Takes Six" · 2:32pm Jul 28th, 2023

The wonderful KlaraPL has just completed a pic I commissioned of Big Mac and Gilda for the story. I have added it to the chapter, but because people are unlikely to notice unless they re-read the story, I'm putting it in this blog too.

Check out KlaraPL's Deviant Art page!

Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,012 results