
Viewing 421 - 440 of 897 results

Now Offering Free Proofreading/Editing · 10:13pm Dec 16th, 2021

Hey everypony!
I've been a part of this community for many years now, and I'd like to give back however I can. To that end, I'm now offering my services as a proofreader to whoever needs them.

The services that I'm confident offering include:

  • Spotting typos, including those that word processors would miss (e.g. there, their, they're; sight, site; breath, breathe)
  • Spotting awkward sentences and helping to reshape them into something that flows more naturally

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Not Sure If Anyone's Still Up To See This, But · 5:12am Sep 18th, 2021

I made some edits to Change of Place, adding some more stuff into a few places and things like that. I'm too tired to go into immense detail at the moment so if you're interested, just read the story when you have the time. That's all I had to say, so bye I guess


TV tropes · 1:04pm Nov 26th, 2023

Hey guys so I was looking through the internet when I suddenly had a thought, see there’s a site called TV tropes where you can find things called Tropes which are things that describe a person/Group/work and so on, I currently go by the name comet9 on the site and had made a TV tropes page about

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My First Collab: What I learned and Lessons for Next Time · 11:27pm Nov 29th, 2017

Well, the collab I cobbled together is finally fully posted. I want to say thank you to everyone who participated; thanks not just for participating, for putting up with my blunt and occasionally obtuse criticisms, but also for sticking it through and finishing it. I never expected the response I got, and I think that, together, we made a story greater than a single author could have.

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Almost There on the Marble Chapter... · 10:44pm Jan 27th, 2020

...but I'm sick, so I'm going to read it again tomorrow, because I know I'm missing something.

Have a scary picture of Marble with a sweet story attached.

Story at Sauce

After that mare order is Maud, Pinkie, and then ensemble again.


SweetieMash tweaks. · 4:02am Sep 1st, 2015

Tired Old Man was kind enough to help edit the latest chapter and point out a few plot gaps. I've tweaked the later half of the chapter to address them. If you've already read the chapter, you're not missing much but maybe it's worth reading if parts had you scratching your head (besides Discord's mischief that is).

Thanks again to Tired Old Man and thanks to everyone else for reading! :twilightsmile:


Freshly edited chapter. · 9:15pm Jan 31st, 2016

Yup, that's right. Fresh outta the oven and shiner than Rarity's coiffed mane.

Get your chapter here!

You know you want too~


WHERE DID YOU GO?! |News and Updates| · 7:41pm Jan 23rd, 2017

H-Hello, everypony. Aelthya here and I'm sure you have a million and one questions for me right now, so I'm going to attempt to answer a few. I know I've been gone for goddess only knows how long, and I want to apologize. There are a million and ones things to apologize and explain, but I will do my best to answer everything here. You are also welcomed to ask me anything in the comments and I will do my best to reply.

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things to cum... · 6:17am Nov 21st, 2016

Someone else has to have used that pun already I'm sure.

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Update For Next Chapter · 10:55pm Jan 21st, 2016

Hey everyone, Kablam here with an update. So, I know I haven't posted up a chapter in a long while and I bet some of you are patiently waiting for the next chapter to come out for 'The Games We are Forced to Play'. I just want to let you all know that I haven't given up on the story and am still working on the next chapter right now.

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Age of Empires Definitive Edition · 1:03pm Jun 15th, 2017

Have you guys heard?

Microsoft is remastering Age of Empires 1. Unfortunately, it's not on Steam, but I'm still buying this for sure.

Not out yet, but soon. Look for Age of Empires Definitive Edition on Microsoft Store when it's up.


Reprogramming - In Editing · 1:14pm Jun 24th, 2017

Thank you all for being so patient!

Reprogramming is currently in editing, so hopefully it will be out soon. Thank you so much to those that reached out to help offer to edit this, it really helps!

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The spell-checker program I wrote is now on GitHub · 7:55pm Jun 4th, 2018

You know about my spell-check program, right?

You should if you care about the quality of your stories.

Feel free to download or edit the TextSeparatorSpellChecker project here:

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Stuck Update #8 · 3:18am Jan 15th, 2017

So after that last blog post, I found my inspiration to re-edit once more. The writing inspiration, I am unsure about, but it's a step in the right direction.

So, I finished editing "Exercise is Fun" up to "Stuck". Then there's six more chapters to edit, then I got to go back and re edit once more to add some variation because the story lacks some of that.

Well guys, I'm slowly getting back into it! I'll let you know of the next update when it happens!

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Hmm. · 8:35am Aug 31st, 2017

Well, in a relatively short time I will find out how my contest entries fared.

Don't really care if I win, just want to see objectively where I fall in comparison.

So, Updates:

Very soon you will be seeing a weekly ( hopefully) Update posting as I start going through my stories and fix continuity errors (which are real continuity errors and not plot hooks for later) and updating the content to make it better.

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Story will be edited soon · 2:47pm May 23rd, 2018

Thanks to G33kySt3v3 the story is being edited. So lets give him our thanks for his kind offer. :pinkiehappy:

chapter 1 is already fix too. :yay:

edit: chapter 2 is up now too :yay:

*On a side note the new chapter (or chapters cause I like double releases) will be ready in 3 weeks. :twilightsmile:

Also, what you guys think about side chapters? like an Owlowiscious POV short chapter. Let me know.

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It's done · 6:27am Oct 14th, 2017

Chapter One is done.

But on my end its also one am. So I'm going to spend a bit editing any weird mistakes. But also releasing it like when I wake up.

I wrote 4k words in a day.

For me that's almost impossibly prolific.

Be back soon.

It got a little weird and a bit dark at the end but it is also a story where a super oldschool sci fi idea happens.

So now the two ponies will happily fix each other's lives by doing their routine and also being a different pony than normal.

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Update: National Pony Writing Month 2017 Editing in Progress - Need Proofreader · 1:08pm Nov 19th, 2017


In Need Of A Few Editors · 7:18pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Hello everyone, I have decided to finally come back and do some writing. I am making a lot of progress of my story which I renamed 'The Sun's Damage', but I am in need of some editors. I want to start publishing stories again, I am finally getting my spark back. I will need editors for either teen rated stories or mature rated stories. Just drop me a message if you think you are up for it, or if you know of anyone who is willing. I have two more chapters written and are ready to be given a look.


Jungle Beta Coming Soon! · 7:21pm Aug 30th, 2019

Okay, so the bad news is there’s no normal weekend post today.

But that’s because I’m hard at work on finishing the Jungle Alpha. There are only a couple of chapters left, and then I’ll make the final blitz pass on Monday to finish off any loose ends (ie areas that I fixed that were awaiting feedback that got it, I just had already moved on to another chapter, etc). Once that is done …

Well, I’ll start uploading chapters for Beta. Beta invites will go out.

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Viewing 421 - 440 of 897 results