
Viewing 421 - 440 of 673 results

One Week's Success - Thanks! · 8:44pm Sep 22nd, 2019

Wow! It has been an amazing week since I released EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad. Absolutely amazing~! Thanks! Keep reading. Keep enjoying it. It won't be hard. Tuesday is right around the corner. Episode 6 - Bullbous Bow!


Four Years On · 9:51am Aug 18th, 2021

I'm publishing this a day early due to the fact I'm working tomorrow so that sucks. So, allow me to say thank you for putting up with my creations. Considering I started with several stories that while great, and I can't give my praise to those who supported my old work, they weren't... something that left me wanting to return to write more.

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Update: Equestria Chronicle descriptions updated and (hopefully) finalized, and a new chapter. · 7:02pm May 9th, 2023

Hi all, as the title says, I updated the Equestria Chronicle's: Journey Through The Crystal Mountains, and The Gallop Through Griffonia's long and short descriptions. To both make these fics more approachable to new readers and clarify some continuity questions for current readers. Keep your eyes peeled for a new chapter update in the coming weeks, and have a great day!


New Equestrian Chronicles Chapter Date Confirmed For 4/23/23! · 4:49am Apr 19th, 2023

The chapter is fully complete and now needs to be edited. The only reason I haven't edited now is that my Grammarly premium ran out and lost the billing info I had, and I can't get my premium until I get paid this week and when I have free time, bah! It's all very mundane, but I wanted to thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy the latest addition to the story. Get ready for a big shift in these four upcoming chapters!


100 Followers! · 7:41am Nov 9th, 2023

I feel like I should do something for this momentous occasion. I dunno. I've been a little busy with life.

The screws in my head are a bit loose. I have a lot to figure out.

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Happy New Year! · 10:31pm Jan 1st, 2016

Happy New Year to all of our followers and readers! Lightning and I had a very good 2015, and hope to have an even better 2016. In 2015, we started our writing together on this website in early March, posting A Dazzling Reformation. We may not have a large follower base, but we are extremely grateful for the ones we do have. In 2016, we hope to post more stories, become more organized with our work schedules, and overall,

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About "WtW?" · 8:19pm Apr 8th, 2017

A few days ago,I tagged "When's the Wedding?" as complete, despite my intentions to add on to it and update.

I believe I need to explain myself.

While I could say that "life is rough" or "I don't have the time for it," it's not the case. Sure I've had changes to my schedule, but my life still has room for writting stories. And I do, just not for Rumbaloo anymore.

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50 Followers! · 8:40pm May 5th, 2017

Just a "thank you" from me personally. This is a big milestone for me, as you could imagine. :twilightsheepish:

I really don't have anything planned for 50, mostly 'cause I'd never thought I'd get 10, so I've been caught quite off-guard.

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Let's Talk About "JKA!" · 1:16am Apr 11th, 2016

Good Mythical Morning everybody-

Wait, wrong time.

All jokes aside, I want to discuss "JKA!" or "Just Kiss Already!" a bit.

Just to let you all know. The story's almost over. It's coming to forty chapters, and I think it's been going on for long enough. We're in April and I started that story in January.

But for those of you who may be wondering, I'm doing a sequel, I can't just end it right then and there. I've grown attached to this series, and I don't want to end it so quickly.

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two new pieces of fanart · 1:41pm Jul 6th, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, I love you all.

Seriously, I think that needs to be said.

After all, one can't really get by without the fans and I think it's sometimes the greatest joy in the world to know someone out there has made a fanart of your stuff. is some more.

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Discord Teaches Philosophy... as a Subsitute Teacher? (For Real this Time) · 12:59am Apr 3rd, 2018

In case you're wondering why I'm posting this again, it's because this was due to bad timing on my part. I guess the reason why hardly anybody commented or gave me suggestions of something that I was serious about might have been the fact that it was posted on April 1st. April Fools day. So to get around this, I'm going to try posting this a second time to see if anyone could give me some good ideas for this continuation.

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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One Year · 8:00am Dec 24th, 2017

Hey Guys!

Happy Holidays! Its been one year since Friendship Is Monsters was first uploaded, and I just want to thank everyone for their support and interest in this project! My editors Blazeblast4 and Ladrian, Ajvasquezbrony28 for his readings, and all you reading and/or reviewing who inspire me to keep going!

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Dear princess Celestia-1000 Likes · 9:56pm Jul 15th, 2018

So, A few years ago... I was in a very bad place... I'm going to get into some deep personal stuff so page break

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A New Plotline · 2:47am Mar 16th, 2018

To begin with, I'd like to make a brief correction. In my prior blog post, I said that I could probably publish one chapter of Lost Crusades or two of Growing Pains every week. As it turns out, no I can't. I'm about midway through the next chapter of LC at the moment, but there is no way I'll be able to have it done by the end of the week. So, sorry about that. Have a blog post!

Here are some things I've been doing instead of writing the next chapter:

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Survey for those participating in the OC story, Updates, Small good news! · 6:08pm Apr 1st, 2020

Hello everyone! If you read my last update you know I have limited access to upload my fics; thankfully, the local library was kind enough to let me use their wi-fi, so I can update with a brand new story and another chapter update for Depths of Oblivion! (The two finished pieces I have on hand, otherwise I'd love to upload more, but nothing else is anywhere near ready for publishing!) Expect to see the mystery story soon, unrelated to anything else I've written.

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O Where O Where Has My SciFiPony Gone? · 4:51am Jul 1st, 2016

It has been over two weeks since I cracked a 100 followers. Woohoo! I have to say it: "Thank you. Thank you, everypony!"

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100 FOLLOWERS! · 10:52pm Jan 7th, 2019

This is a few days late, but...


Thank you guys so much. It really means a lot to me that you guys like my stuff enough to follow me. It really means the world to me when you like my stuff, and read it. Your reviews, your comments, everything is just awesome. I can't thank you enough for all of the awesomeness you all bring to my life. You rock.

Much Love,


Followers Tripled · 12:13am Feb 12th, 2020

Just noticed that I've hit 300 followers.

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Goodbye for now · 1:03am Jun 19th, 2019

My story is on hiatus, I lose internet soon.
I'll be back as soon as I can. I have lots more done and want to post it, but that's going to be a while. Internet is important, but it's not a priority so this could take me a while. I look forward to coming back and seeing you all again. And seeing all of the stories that are posted during my absence. (And getting to my read later list when I’m not panicked.)
A few specific goodbyes right now.

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Easter blog!!!!!!! · 2:29am Apr 17th, 2017

A bunny dressed as a bunny? :rainbowhuh:

here's more cute pics

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Viewing 421 - 440 of 673 results