
Viewing 421 - 440 of 4,900 results

[no title] · 9:54pm Sep 1st, 2016

I am looking for an editor for my stories .I'm working on a one shot story .please message me or comment those interested


Update: On My Personal Life and Chapter Updates · 11:37pm Jun 28th, 2019

Usually, I don't like to talk about my personal life, but this is getting to a point where it affects what I do here and I need to explain more how what happens in my life affects my activities on this website, as well as the why I am desperately asking for donations/waiting on Commissions on Ko-FI.

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Report Time Reaper · 308 views · #Donations #Writing

What've I been doing? · 5:54pm Sep 4th, 2016

So, we all know that I can't survive a full week without touching my keyboard. So, why haven't I published anything new this week?
Well, aside from school, I've only written about two thousand words in the last two days, and nothing else during the week.
"What were those words a part of?" you may reasonably ask.

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Writing team · 12:19am Jun 25th, 2016

I decided I wanted to make a writing team so I made group on fim fiction to help with it.

All members must have access to gmail or an email account so we can work in Gdoc.

If you wish to join PM me.


In Regard to Headcanon Posts · 5:46am Jan 7th, 2019

It's been a fair couple of months since I last shared headcanons on anything. Which kind of bums me out to be honest, I quite enjoyed writing them up and also seeing some of the responses to them.

I still have plans for them though. I want to do more with the Equestria Girls headcanons I started this off with, in particular by writing up my headcanons pertaining to Sunset Shimmer (as daunting as that is, seeing as almost everyone who likes EG has their own take on her past and such).

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On Writing a Duel V · 7:37pm Oct 24th, 2018

I’ve mentioned before that one of the advantages of writing a duel is that you have total control over the “randomized” aspect of the game. Cards and combos that are useless, impractical or very difficult to play in real life become perfectly viable here. And with fifteen thousand cards and counting there’s plenty to choose from.

However, you should be mindful of the cards you use. Let me give you an example:

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Report Dashguy · 382 views · #writing #crossover

Making friends with failure · 6:04am Mar 21st, 2016

I think every writer struggles with the fear of failure. How do we defeat this villain? The same way we beat every villain in MLP, of course: we make friends with it.

Report DawnPaladin · 297 views · #writing #creativity

On Writing A Duel III · 5:45pm Aug 30th, 2018

We have already talked about not inserting certain information in the middle of your story, such as life points and number of cards in hand, as it comes off as jarring and breaks the flow of the narrative. We have also talked about toning down your characters explaining every effect and play they make and letting the narrative do the job. Now, let's talk about what makes for a good duel.

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Report Dashguy · 251 views · #writing #crossover

About Event Horizon's Prologue · 5:51pm Dec 1st, 2019

So, in the mental fog of last night, I thought the prologue defeated nearly all tension in the early chapters. From the standpoint, I deleted it, but then after a quick re-reading of it and some convincing, I put it back. Sorry for the confusion folks, and to any future readers (which I'm certain there will be), the prologue was not added after the first few chapters, it was there first.

Report RubyDubious · 175 views · #whoops #writing

Troubles w/ Writing · 7:46am Feb 10th, 2021

I have a lot of stories on the back burner of my account, yet I can't seem to find myself able to finish or post any. I am constantly critiquing my writing, I end up re-writing the entirety of my stories because I don't feel like they are worthy of being posted.

Do any of you have that problem, if so what are your experiences with it?


On writing: Run fishy, Run! · 9:33am Nov 13th, 2021

As a writer, I’m well aware of my weaknesses; but I fail to fix it in my writing, and thus I’m stuck as a lousy writer with pitiful prose.

I know the mistakes are in there, but with a direct access to the source (my vivid imagination) while I’m editing; I see my story as I imagined it, instead of how I’ve written it.

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Report Zalmax · 184 views · #writing #biography

Editing my story PT.1 · 11:44am May 3rd, 2023

Because of this, the next chapter will be delayed by a few days. Atleast not that many.

Report Swordfighter125 · 72 views · #story #writing

Opinion Time--Help Me Decide on my Next Series · 10:56pm Nov 15th, 2021

Okay in all honesty, that sounds pretty vague, but hear me out! i am planning on writing a series of one-shots involving the simple premise: A day in the life of a pony and their pet. Now the only issue is that I have no idea who I should start with?!? These are my current options:

1. Rainbow Dash and Tank
2. Fluttershy and Angel
3. Rarity and Opalescence
4. Pinkie Pie and Gummy
5. Applejack and Winona
6. Twilight Sparkle and Owlowiscious
7. OC and pet

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Mistakes When Writing Essays · 11:46am Aug 11th, 2021

Unlike tests, essays do not assume a multiple-choice format.
multiple-choice format). Writing an essay is not limited in time, you
You can rewrite it many times, ask your friends to read your essay.
Take advantage of all the opportunities and try to avoid common
1. Bad checking.
Don't think that you can limit yourself to spell-checking.
Reread your essays and make sure there aren't any
ambiguous expressions, unfortunate turns, etc. Examples that
not to "take note" of:

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Report RyanHell · 136 views · #writing #review

At Last · 7:16pm Jun 14th, 2016

Finished a very rough draft of Chapter 21 for What They Expect to Give. Sent it to Editor Man. Once I get the notes and finalize those, the chapter will go up. Before Sunday if we can manage it. It's been too long!

Report Nines · 236 views · #writing #update

New Job! · 10:49pm Oct 21st, 2019

REAL LIFE UPDATE: I am still living with my dad right now, which is so-so right now, but could be a lot better. However I got a new job, that I'm starting tomorrow. It's only part time and as long as I do well, I'll have a job for the future beyond just seasonal work. Also still single. :raritycry:
But yeah that's basically my real life update.

Now for what you are all probably hear for.

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Report Nailah · 159 views · #writing #mlp

I'M BACK · 11:24pm Jun 5th, 2016

That's right I am back and better than before. Got my wifi back and can now read, watch and ,as of for a little while, writing. That's right, I'm going to give writing a try and see if I'm any good. Just done expect anything soon or at all because this is a trial to see if I can

Report RBronyReader446 · 194 views · #return #writing

Opening Writing Commissions (Again!) · 9:38am Apr 1st, 2022

Edit: Updated pricing to reflect how much effort goes into my work, from £15 to £20

Hello! Recently, due to upcoming plans and a mix of events I have decided to reopen writing commissions! I'm not desperate or in dire straits right now, but thought it would be best to do something to supplement my income.

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Bridge Troll Fourth Sample Chapter and Character Introductions · 4:14am Jun 12th, 2022

There’s one problem you’re going to hit face-first with any story that doesn’t involve previously existing characters such as My Little Pony where the reader already knows who is who for the most part. How do you introduce characters individually so they don’t get lumped together in the reader’s mind?

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Report Georg · 574 views · #BridgeTroll #Writing

Having the Right Dissertation Writing Can Help You Alot · 2:07pm Nov 28th, 2022

Having the right dissertation online thesis writing service is an important part of a graduate school education. Dissertations should follow certain standards, be well-written and informative, regardless of the topic. You can get funding for your education if you have the right dissertation writing.


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Report aidenryan · 53 views · #writing #thesishelp
Viewing 421 - 440 of 4,900 results