
Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,326 results

New story I've helped on — Pinkie's First Cupcake · 10:58pm Jun 17th, 2015

My friend billymorph is celebrating his first full year on this site, and have written a small slice of life slash comedy short-story to celebrate.

Before Pinkie Pie could become a master party planner, she first had to sell a single cupcake.

Short but sweet at ~3 K, so do go take a look and say 'congratulations' on quite the first year to him. :twilightsmile:


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Progress · 3:14pm Jan 14th, 2016

Just a quick update on my progress, I am currently working on another story chapter that I promised another used on this site. I have also been planning another story, a Warhammer Crossover featuring the Tomb Kings, which I intend to write once the plan is complete. Finally I want to finish Fall of Gallopfrey, but still cant find the time due to work, studies and the fact I wull be moving house in the near future.

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Shout Out: Shimmer Shy · 9:34am Jul 27th, 2016

Shimmer Shy has 99 followers… so very close!

Go read her story There's Only Room For One Of Us On This Sidewalk, and if you like it, follow her. If you don't, well, it's a short story, so it won't have taken up much of your time.


Empowered World Delay Update: 7/30/16 · 2:18pm Jul 30th, 2016

Still working on it, am getting through with the intermediate section and will be working on the final part soon.

I do have some more information to share on it, to titillate and confuse a bit.


Pinkie will discover an unsettling truth on Canadian Geese

Pinkie will make two references to Nathan Drake

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Strange Notions · 4:38am Feb 13th, 2017


I was listening to some audio adaptations of a few fimfics on youtube the other day. It got me to thinking - I already have a comic adaptation of one of my stories. It sure would be nifty to hear somebody read one of them aloud.

Then I thought to myself, you know what? Heck with it. Why not do it myself?

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My headcanon 1 · 4:28am Jan 3rd, 2016

Don't you find it odd that Pinkie seems to be the odd mare out in her family. Not just in her personality but also in her appearance. Conpared to the other Pies who's colors are very dull she bright pink. So I believe that maybe her mother. Cloudy Quartz has a sister who not only shares her pink coloring but also, just maybe her bombastic persanaly. What is this hypothetical aunt's name be? The only name appropriate for a pink pony in a family who names there children after rocks, Rose Quartz.

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Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie attend the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna · 10:42pm May 3rd, 2014

At a long wooden table outside a gasthaus in the Leopoldstadt district of the Austrian Capital, four friends sat excitedly chatting and drinking beer.

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Anon-a-Miss... in the sense I actually MISSED somethings. · 4:08pm May 25th, 2018

I was reminded that I meant to make a bit of a point somewhere in the writing that got lost in the shuffle of writing the last to chapters.

Rather than make those who've read it already go through the penultimate chapter again to find the few lines, I'll post it here:

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Becoming the Rainbow · 3:51pm Jul 25th, 2018

Pinkie Pie is prone to depression. You might not know it to look at her, or to talk to her, or to attend one of her parties, but Pinkie’s exuberance? It’s fragile.

It always has been.

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Finally! A Crossover I Can Get Behind. · 4:06am Jul 28th, 2015




Changing Seasons Time! · 5:44am Sep 1st, 2017

Hi everyone! So I wrote another thing for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping contest! The story is called Sweet and Sour and to the surprise of nobody it is about shipping Sunset Shimmer because those were the rules and darnit, I can follow at least that much!

I think it's cute. I definitely had fun writing it and now I get to unleash it upon the world! Enjoy, I hope!


The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows · 6:07am Oct 20th, 2015

OMG. I loved this episode so much, I had to watch it twice, back to back, and I'm sure I still missed things because my girlfriend and I were too busy squeeing.

First off, I noticed the writer. Gillian M. Berrow. Gee. I wonder who that is. :ajbemused: No, I'm excited about it, really. She deserves it.

Secondly, Shining Armor and Cadance are finally having a baby! How long has their baby been out in stores? :ajbemused:

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Important Writing Update · 11:37pm Dec 27th, 2017

Work on Night of Nightmares will be postponed (or, post'pone'd) until, at the latest, the second half of February.


Because i've entered the Pinkie Pie Group Collab and will be focusing all writing attention on my chapter for the deadline.

Check out the group and the story though- it's gonna be a wild ride!

i'd like to state again that, even though i'm aware it has been a long time, NoN will not be cancelled.

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Welp. I did this. · 4:26am Sep 20th, 2017

Priest and I wrote a thing. Here it is. It's legit TERRIBLE. Like. Zero redeeming qualities.
But by god, it was so much fun to write. I'm only like, a little ashamed. It was that fun.

Enjoy or don't, I'm happy either way. Just don't blame Priest if you hate it, was definitely not his fault.
...okay, like 10% his fault.



Some funny gifs · 12:21pm May 23rd, 2018

They must be related! :rainbowlaugh:


"Maud Couple" thoughts · 10:45pm Apr 4th, 2018

I should preface this that I saw the pisode yesterday during the graveyard hours of my job. It certainly helped to kill time.

To start, I'm reallyy digging into the new intro. It definetely signals me that MLP is still going to be around and standing strong. (Just please don't let this be another steven universe. :pinkiesick:)

Let's talk about Pinkie Pie. Oh jeez. I can't tell you how many times I either said:

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Chapter 6 is coming · 11:25am Sep 11th, 2018

I saw a dream last night that I was writing a blog post about the next chapter and how I yet again managed to take my time and post it late. Well, I'm sorry. I'll post it later tonight. Maybe I'll finally feel the pressure to start writing the rest of the story as well when I don't have more complete chapters in store. And with that, I'll post this super cute picture of Pinkie Pie I found.


2020! · 2:01am Dec 26th, 2019

So, this latest chapter for Eidolons of Harmony is turned out to be a rather large one, ~5000 words.

I'm just getting into the editing process and am having Sedentary Vagabond look it over before I finally post it, which means I won't probably be doing so until after the new year. This one is a real doozie for Pinkie Pie!

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The Gift of the Maud Pie · 12:16am Apr 5th, 2016

Before I watched the episode, I knew from the title that it was a reference to the classic Christmas short story "The Gift of the Magi". If you're familiar with the story, then you can pretty much guess the plot.

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Highlights from BronyCon 2018: The Ponies’ Court · 1:25am Nov 19th, 2018

Previous Highlight: Family Feud

In which Twilight Sparkle takes a vacation diplomatic voyage, Starlight Glimmer gains her first foray as a judge, and son_of_heaven176 learns that even a JD isn’t enough to get ahold of sense when Pinkie Pie is involved.

Sunday, July 29, 2018: Last Day of BronyCon 2018

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Viewing 421 - 440 of 1,326 results