
Viewing 421 - 440 of 918 results

It's weird the things you remember. (Concerning Adam West) · 6:51pm Jun 10th, 2017

When I was very little, probably five, I would run home every day to watch Adam West's batman on public TV. I didn't have cable when I was very very little, but Batman was something I never missed. Every time, it would sign off: "Same bat time, same bat channel." I was incredibly and obsessively involved with this show, to the point where I would shout at the screen to try to help Batman or warn him of things. Oddly enough, from all my memories from that age, one sticks out in my mind

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Goodnight, Somepony Page 9 is Out! · 9:16pm Dec 8th, 2016


I just don't know what went wrong. · 7:12pm May 22nd, 2017

Kinda lost my desire to write, and started doing vector art. Not sure when I'll get back to writing. Humanity has been too caustic, I developed a heart condition, and with minimal means of income; it tend to weigh on me. Maybe I should vent a particularly grimdark story. Yeah, something with Scootaloo and Flurry Heart. Or something light-hearted with plenty of heroine.


It might be hard to believe · 12:40am Sep 5th, 2017

but today marks 11 years since "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin died during the filming of one of his documentaries.

I really miss the guy his videos were fun to watch when I was growing up, still makes me sad that he's gone, but at lest his doughter is doing okay.

I'm actually a day late in making this blog :(


My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today. · 11:07pm Feb 29th, 2020

I've been unable to do much of anything over the past week. Our beloved Roxy passed away on Tuesday.

Jewel blames himself unfairly for her death. It's been a huge struggle for him, so my concern has been more for him than anything, but I do miss her dearly.

We love you Roxy. Au revoir. :fluttercry:


Just Published This Outta Nowhere · 8:49pm Sep 8th, 2017

In the mood for a light introspective, in which we see Rainbow Dash's reaction to being idolised?

EThe Confuzzling Commendation of Sir Rainbow Dash
After being a hero once more and saving hundreds of lives, Rainbow Dash battles with an unexpected foe: Fame and appreciation.
All Art Is Quite Useless · 6.8k words  ·  101  3 · 2.2k views

Look no further!



Strangers · 11:55am Sep 6th, 2018

I love this song... it reminds me of an old friend. I wonder if she misses me too.


Sharing a few words · 6:19am Jan 17th, 2019

So originally I thought I would come home and provide an update for the next chapter of Ask Roseate Grimsbane (maybe tomorrow), however after some consideration, I think I'll just talk a bit about Grandmipony to you all. Partially because I also want to organize my thoughts for the words I'm going to say at her memorial in two days.

So here goes.:pinkiesad2:

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Depressed... · 2:47am Aug 8th, 2017

Although this depends on how long it takes for me to sow my heart back together, the next chapter might be delayed.

Yeah... I got dumped.

I'd go into more detail, but I doubt any of you'd care to listen.


Songs! Songs everywhere! · 1:50am Aug 3rd, 2017


I Know I'm Asking For Shit With The Title... · 9:19pm Oct 10th, 2017

TJunkie Mac
Junkie Mac lived in a torrent of tobacco ash, surrounded by pizza crusts and empty bottles in his rancid flat. Follow me as I narrate the life of Macintosh, who got his wings and horn and traded them for open vein depositories. (Poetry.)
All Art Is Quite Useless · 1.4k words  ·  16  23 · 614 views

But I promise it's not actually anything offensive.

Ah well, it'll probably still piss a few people off.

Enjoy! It's actually a vaguely structured poem, so if you're into that sort of thing, you should have a good time with it!



You made me force my hand... · 4:04pm Dec 1st, 2020

You made me do this... I know I watched it and I could easily punked out but I'm a man. And I so regret being one. I watched Boku No Pico and I regret it so... oh so much... I can hear the sounds. IT WON'T GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!! THE DOG TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE WAS THREE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The end is near, my friends... · 2:24pm Oct 11th, 2019


''It's better to burn out than to fade away'' · 8:21pm May 24th, 2018

It's Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away
By FireRain

Applause sounds more like a disease the more I hear it,
Claps of thunder and appraisal scream as they cheer and chant my name.
That is the price of fame: recognition.
It comes in the form of a storm and it shakes the world around you like the wind blows a leaf.
Shock caused me to stand stock-still when it first happened, sometimes even now.

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Collab project completed · 8:12pm Dec 30th, 2017

I was part of a collab that is now done! It's fun, sad, serious, not a comedy and... I wrote about Berry Punch for it. Yes. My Berry Punch.
Give it a read if ya could? A lot of writers worked really hard on this.


Requiem of Solace · 6:11pm Apr 18th, 2018

A short poem written by bronyprophet, for the loss of a beloved mother. When you read this think of the epic sacrifice, your mother endured for your sake, to bring you into this world. If you haven't spoken to her in awhile, call her, because she may not be around forever, so make sure you make the most of the time you share together. Say "thank you for bringing me into this world." although this world is broken. She believed you were worth her sacrifice, remember that. Show her that you

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NEW Nailah content · 11:49pm Sep 4th, 2021

TRaindrops and Lollipops
The storm is coming and the rain will be clear.
Nailah · 5.1k words  ·  22  1 · 284 views

Life has been busy, and I've been keeping this in my back pocket but it's time I stopped doubting myself. I can write, and I will.


Practicing my sad story writing skills. · 6:53pm Jul 11th, 2020

The story 'A Dire Mistake' is just a test story to test my skills with sad and drama-filled plot. I can tell if I'm doing a good job or not by its like rating. I'm giving it until July 15th to give people time to read it. By then, whether it did good or not, it will be deleted.

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I'm sorry I suck :c · 7:27pm May 28th, 2020

Hi all I am alive. SOrry for the inactivity. Between writing stuff for a creepypasta cookoff last year, failing my studies so need to find a way to redo them after the current crisis is over, being lazy and kinda depressed about stuff and making a game in RPGmaker kinda let my writing REALLY fall to the wayside, which sucks because my AU REALLY should have been progressed more than it had. I'm sorry for making you all wait and possibly worry about me (I worry about all of you too).

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Bad news · 10:36pm Dec 17th, 2022

Whelp frick out main line is clogged and they may have to tear up our basement floor or outside the front yard, and the basement could cost at least 3500 and outside yard as much as 7k and I'm like shessh... So until further notice we can't use any water and only can flush if we have to. This freaking sucks hard. x-x.

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Report Nailah · 127 views · #sad #plumbing #mlp #disaster #trouble #UGH
Viewing 421 - 440 of 918 results