
Viewing 421 - 440 of 682 results

Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series #8 and Reins, Trains, and Carts with Wheels · 12:40pm Jan 1st, 2017

Happy New Year! Let’s start it right. And by “right,” I of course mean “with trading cards.”

One could argue that I should be doing something from the main comics, but I feel the holiday special counts. Besides, this lets me delay some of the more egregiously stupid storylines for another week, which is definitely a win in my book. So, let’s take a look at two stories of friendships in trying times.

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What Really Grinds My Gears #4 · 3:59am Dec 11th, 2015

Hello, I made a thread for this yesterday but I'm desperate! My friend and I have been in this "who could get 50 followers in 1 week" competition and she has 44 and I have 37, I'll follow you back, but please help me. Also, I failed to mention that this ends on Saturday I think.... Also, any help would be appreciated.

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What Stormy would post if the Internet still existed · 10:39pm Oct 6th, 2015

For those who are unaware of what the Australian V8 Supercar race series is, it's what NASCAR could have been had they not been blinded by good-ol'-boys and only turning left.

This weekend, Aussies race on a mountain course in a 1000 kilometer (600+ mile) race. I've gone to Australia specifically to see that race before. And yes they encounter kangaroos on the track!


A Little Panic VS Flurry Heart Goes To Magic Kindergarten (by Foals Errand and PresentPerfect respectively) · 12:03pm Jun 2nd, 2016

Spoilers... (Well Duh)

Read A Little Panic Here

Read Flurry Heart Goes To Magic Kindergarten Here

Season 6 is finally here!
Season 6 has finally arrived!
And I know for absolute certain
That these fimfics are certainly fine

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Summer Ends: The Finale of Gravity Falls · 3:47am Feb 16th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

Every once in a while I get to stand an applaud as the credits roll to a television show. Futile, of course, as I'm the only one there to hear it, but I do it because it deserves to be applauded.

This evening was one of those nights.

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Possible Unpopular Opinion #1 · 6:25am May 15th, 2017

I fucking hate Demon Sunset Shimmer's hair. I think it would just look better being down on that form. I love everything else about the design, but the hair just... I just can't stand looking at it.


Come along with me, to a blog not quite about ponies… Patreon reward for Nova Quill! · 8:24pm May 28th, 2018

Heya, readers. This month’s (yes, this month’s) Patreon supported blog content of Nova Quill/Firimill’s is about a series that’s very near and dear to both mine and my daughter’s heart. Adventure Time! However, I wasn’t asked to provide my general opinion of the series,

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CliffSide | Cartoon Series Pilot · 3:40pm Aug 16th, 2018


Series-Continuation Fan-Episode Project Survey · 2:11am Oct 25th, 2019

Please Click this Survey Link!

Hey everypony! We're doing another round of surveys over on the Series-Continuation Fan-Episode Project (can't wait to move from that development title to "The Magic Continues"). This one focuses more on what people actually want to see out of us in terms of content. We use these surveys as a point of reference when making decisions, so it'd be a big help for everypony to respond and share these!

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Pink Slice of Lifes~ · 11:43pm Apr 6th, 2018

Greetings, hey, what's up, who is up? Are you still up?

Well something is up.
and that something is a story, first in a short series featuring Pinkie pie.

Strange enough it is also fitting, because the story involves those hiding away from the cold to have a party, and it is still really cold and sneaking off to a get together sounds great right now~.

Despite being slice of life it has some strong lewd and kinky aspects to it as well.

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As if the universe was apologizing to me for putting me through the Emoji Movie... · 8:26pm Jul 29th, 2017

Okay, Universe. All is forgiven


EqG Specials - A Fine Line, Pinkie-Sitting, Queen of Clubs, School of Rock · 11:56pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Let us begin the series we’ve been waiting for since 2014!

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #6 · 1:35pm Dec 4th, 2016

It’s all about pride this week, from Applejack defending the sanctity of her orchard to two of the show’s biggest egos colliding and collaborating. Let’s see if these issues have anything to be proud of.

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UHR + Idea · 4:22am Sep 24th, 2017

So, big story I've been working on for like 4 months so far. Under Her Rule, check it out! Any feedback for it would be wonderful <3 it's pretty important to me and I hope a lot of others like it! (so tell me if you are enjoying it)

There's not going to be a schedule or anything for WHEN I upload each chapter, but I am also a little impatient so probably like new chapter every 2-7 days. :P

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HOLY SHIT! · 10:46pm Dec 17th, 2017

Well the guy who nobodies/noponies ever heard of is here. I have two main projects in the works. One is called Dusty's Lyrics which is going to be a comic on Tumblr and Deviantart, but I will posting the "Book" version here. The second is going to be on Youtube, where I will be taking over StableTec Studios, to create the Fallout Equestria the Animated Series.I hope that you all have a wonderful time reading my stories, and that's about it.



Signal Boost: The Magic Continues - Batch 1 Announcement · 6:38pm Feb 13th, 2020

Anyone here like ponies? I'm sure you like Ponies. I have it on very good authority that you guys probably like ponies.

Well, just in case you do, and y'all don't remember that announcement I maybe may have forgotten to make a while ago, I'm currently involved with a little project: The Magic Continues.

We're making pony episodes.

More of them.

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Time Stands Still, Sort of? · 6:48am Mar 15th, 2019

First, a bit of music to set the mood:

Something's been bugging me all day. Don't know how many are going to read this, but maybe someone can help with this question I have.

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Looking For Peeps! · 12:37pm Mar 30th, 2019

Heyo everypony! I'm back and with some good news! 😄

It's definitely been a hell of a year, but Lucky Chances is so close to being finished that I couldn't help but wonder if anybody here who reads fanfictions out on YouTube would be interested in turning it into an audio series? 🤔

All credit goes to the user (or users if multiple people do a chapter of their choosing) who are able to turn my work into an audio series for YouTube, SoundCloud or any other source! 😄😁

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List of my favorite franchises (at the moment) · 9:07pm Feb 12th, 2022

* My Little Pony
* Transformers
* Star Wars
* My Hero Academia
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Kill la Kill
* DC
* Marvel
* Tekken
* Red vs. Blue
* Attack on Titan
* Kung Fu Panda
* Steven Universe
* Dragon Ball
* Assassin's Creed
* JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
* Hellsing
* Street Fighter
* Mortal Kombat
* Avatar: The Last Airbender
* Power Rangers
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* One Punch Man


The Disturbing Truth Behind Death Note (Complete Series Review) · 12:24pm Jul 16th, 2022

Viewing 421 - 440 of 682 results