
Viewing 421 - 440 of 2,418 results

Review of "The Bridge" ch33 artwork soon! · 11:31pm Jan 14th, 2017

Hopefully within the next 24 hours, I'll have my review video of Faith-Wolff's artwork up. Recorded the audio, now I gotta put the video itself together.


Got a little thing for y'all. Try and decode it. · 10:01pm Nov 2nd, 2019

[quote=Have a little double-encoded

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On the topic of one of the primary conflicts of Pony-Me · 7:37am Oct 13th, 2018

One of the multiple recurring conflicts throughout Pony-Me, the conflict of whether or not Twilight should return to the simulation, will be wrapping up and resolving within the next couple of chapters. In its place will be a new story arc focusing on Lisa and Samantha's lives after the simulation, which will take place at the beginning of Part 3.

Basic synopsis of Part 3 provided below the break for those eager to know.

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Pony-Me Part 2 is here! · 6:53am May 8th, 2018

What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on.
TheMajorTechie · 74k words  ·  315  15 · 6k views

Now featuring new cover art!


Powerful Bernie Sanders Speech by Killer Mike · 9:13am Feb 1st, 2020

Powerful Bernie Sanders Speech by Killer Mike

I just want to say one of my favorite writers growing up was a man named James Baldwin, and I remember Baldwin saying, "You asked my father to wait, my brother to wait, my uncle to wait. How long must I wait on freedom? How long must I wait on rights, and equality, and liberty?" And as a black child, that resonated with me because I knew I had been denied, and I personalized that.

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Under construction: putting Into Equestria under the magnifying glass · 3:22am Dec 18th, 2019

Looking at the at most lukewarm (not to mention spam-targeted) reception of Into Equestria a week into its publishing, I think I'm going to start over from scratch. I'm sorry for any of you who might've been looking forward to the story after all the teasers I posted of it.

To begin, some of the things I've pinpointed that might potentially be the causes of issue, is that:

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Helping my friend Invisible Davis (Lost loved one) · 8:39pm May 14th, 2020

A while ago, a pretty cool dude called Invisible Davis made some fun videos of the Barcast being dumb. These actually helped us kinda get on the map, and we still use them as examples of what our podcast is like. Hell, his song is still the opening music for all of our podcasts! He didn't ask for money. We didn't ask him to do it. But he did, because he's wonderful.

A few days ago, his mother passed away.

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Pony-Me ends on June 10 @ GMT 6:00 AM. · 6:38am Jun 9th, 2019

Give or take a few minutes, of course. Greenwich Mean Time is the best I can do for a universal timestamp, and GMT 6:00 AM is equivalent to MST (Mountain Time) 12:00 AM, which is typically when I tend to publish.

Thank you to all who've stuck with me for this crazy 1.5-year long journey of a story. And as always, keep reading. :twilightsmile:


Wow, I have a social life? · 7:48am Jan 20th, 2019

Things that I've done just in the past couple of days of not paying mind to anything on this site:

  • Watched a local concert for a band that my sister's friend's older brother is in. This is literally the first time I've ever gone to a concert, even if it was just in a basement.
  • Watched two movies and finally began watching "The Man in the High Castle", a series I've been wanting to watch for quite some time now
  • Was productive

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Basically My Personal Profile · 5:18am Jun 28th, 2017

So basically, you're there sitting in front of a computer or maybe using a phone somewhere reading this wonderful blog of mine...

Welp, howdy. I live with the username InfamousMystery because I'm basically a mysterious being in other people's POV. My real name's a secret. Why? Well, it's a secret, dummy!

I'm a pretty well-known man in EQD... Yeah, since I always advertise my work there... And I also am proudly a tourist in Japan and a video game reviewer, mostly into classics.

Age: 16

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Next chapter of Pony-Me coming soon! · 7:45am Jul 8th, 2018

Status update (7-8-2018_1)~~~

Outtakes has a chapter ready to be published, but will be held back until Pony-Me's chapter is complete.

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Táotuō: part 2 · 7:10pm Sep 19th, 2021

DATE: June 27th, 2044
LOCATION: Fanghai financial district, Dragon Lands.
TIME: 3:09

Both Equestrian and Neighponese forces have been pushed back to Fanghai by heavy DKLA forces, we’ve lost the battle of Beking along with many...many lives...

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About Me · 9:32pm Dec 21st, 2013

You're like half batpony with some weird fur disease and a bear trap for teeth ~Silent Shadow
Trampolines are dangerous butt fun ~Piquo Pican Pistchio Pie
I remember you. You hit me with your bat wings at BABScon. Not cool bro. ~Daniel Bergstorm
that is the worst oc i have ever seen even of the joke ones ~coolin79

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Here's the Pony-Me OC Special's prologue so far: · 6:37am Dec 19th, 2018

Not done with it yet, but I'd like a bit of feedback from you guys on how it's going so far.

Elizabeth Waters stifled a yawn, glancing up from her computer’s monitor, then at the digital clock hanging on the wall.

“Hm.” She snorted, folding her arms, “Lunch break already.”

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And another one · 6:33am Dec 2nd, 2017

Another day passes.
My phone got turned off today. I'm out of food. It's cold here.
It was a good day. I'm moving on Monday (egads that's close!) and I'm nervoucited to the max here.
I think tomorrow I'll break open my bottle of Mead. We're only twenty four days from it being aged the proper three years, and I can't think of better people to share it with than my good friend Suzanne and my roommate DJ.

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FINALLY · 12:11am Sep 4th, 2018

Your eyes do not deceive you. I have FINALLY finished and posted the next chapter. And I am, once again, SO sorry for the months-long delay.

Luckily, since I'm not taking any classes this semester while working on my Comps II project, I should be able to get at least one new chapter out before the end of the year, hopefully more. I'm thinking two, maybe three more chapters to finish this story off.

Live long, and pony on.


>tmw you write one of the final scenes of your story even though you aren't even close to halfway done with the rest of it · 8:07am Feb 14th, 2021

haha lol
at least i have a good idea of how Pony-Me's gonna be ending now


Looking back, looking forward. (Don't worry I'm not leaving) · 3:57am Jul 3rd, 2022

It's been a little while since I've done much self-reflection about my time here, hasn't it?

First of all, man. That's an old blog lol. Second off, this is also partly going to be an update blog of sorts where I ramble about stuff I'm gonna be doing.

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The Aesthetic Clinic – Anti-wrinkle Injections · 9:58am Oct 3rd, 2022

No matter how much you take care of your face, once you start to age wrinkles start to appear. There are many creams that claim to reduce wrinkles, but the easiest way to get rid of them is by taking anti-wrinkle injections. For more details, visit:


#CAKEANDCANDY · 3:22pm Oct 28th, 2019

Ask Me Anything!

Come on, you know ya wanna!

Also, today's my birthday. Anybrony wanting to send some birthday funds can go here: CAFFEINE!

Well, that's all for now. Until the next chapter, I am The Wolf Who Writes Prose.

Lupi sumus, faciemus manseris!

Viewing 421 - 440 of 2,418 results