
Viewing 441 - 460 of 1,551 results

Rainbow Dash got new art! · 8:48pm Jun 15th, 2015

Rainbow Dash Always Dresses in Style got some new artwork! Each of the articles now has a cover photo to make it look more tabloid-like to add to the silliness.

Here's a really cute one with Scoots.


I Saw This And.... · 1:01am Jul 12th, 2015

AJ: You just had to steal from a fire breathing dragon didn't you?! :ajbemused:

Rarity: It's not my fault! I just saw the treasure lying there in an empty cave! How was I supposed to know it was a dragon's hoard?! :raritydespair:

AJ: The charred bodies and 'Do not enter' sign should have been a huge hint! :ajbemused:

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PLEASE HELP ME!...if you don't mind, that is... · 1:33pm Feb 22nd, 2017's the issue.:trixieshiftleft:

I have heard some interesting news about season 7...

Minor spoilers below:twilightsheepish:

A bit of news have confirmed that Rainbow Dash's parents will be appearing in season 7, and their names are certainly not Firefly and Rainbow Blaze.

My brain have almost exploded trying to figure this out:twilightangry2:, and I have maybe thought out a few ways to salvage this mess.:ajsleepy:

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Best Rainbow Dash and Mane Six Ship · 10:50pm Jan 19th, 2017

I ship RainbowPie. But maybe you don't. I wanna see which Dash x Mane 6 is most popular. Let me know whether you ship Flutterdash, Appledash, Raridash, Twidash, or

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About that Rainbow Dash father name change... · 4:05pm May 11th, 2017

So...remember when I changed it so that Rainbow's dad's named changed from Rainbow Blaze to Windy Blaze because of the announcement that Rainbow's real parents would show up in season 7?

Well, I just saw that episode and imagine how stupid I felt after hearing that Rainbow's canon mother's name is Windy Whistles. When I saw their names the first time, I totally missed that! :facehoof:

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Streak, An upcoming romance story. · 12:35am Dec 20th, 2016

"It was almost uncanny how she carried herself. Her sheer presence would alter the dynamic of the room almost instantly. You could honestly feel the power she wielded radiating around her like an aura. From the sparkle in those big magenta eyes, or the way her mane twinkled in the sun, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. For all intents and purposes, I was in love with her. I was in love with the Commander of the Great Equestrian Resistance."

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MLPFIM IDW #41 commentary · 2:30am Apr 15th, 2016

MLPFIM IDW #41 The cover is done like one of the classic golden books. 0-0

Also, this entire story is told in verse by Zecora. And done in 'children's book' style rather than comic panels.

And we learn ponies use the 12 month calendar like humans (I still say it's a left over from Megan William's cultural influence).

RD flies out with Tank for the new Daring Do book.

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new story · 3:04pm Oct 13th, 2016

I know this is overdue, but i was waiting until it was off the recent page, I have just posed a new story about Gilda and RD called A Better Place to Call Home, it's got a lot of sadness, family reconcilliation and junk, so please check it out if u haven't already, and this is gonna be the first in an arc of EG stories I plan on writing, so stay tuned for updates

Report MJP · 277 views · #Gilda #Rainbow dash #OC #new story

Happiness and Tears Update. >.< · 12:08am May 16th, 2016

Okay okay, I know, I haven't updated in like, forever.
But I'd appreciate it if y'all could be a teensy bit patient with the story.

It isn't like my other works, since I'm spending a lot to keep it going. The plotline, actually getting time to write, I even have a wonderful artist who's fully dedicated to the story. She and I are basically the "author's" if you'd like to put it that way. XD

But we kinda have other stuff to do besides devoting to HAT.

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Chapter 2 of Fluttershy's Secret released! · 2:24pm Sep 25th, 2016

Hey everypony!

RainbowDasher21 here, with another announcement for my current Flutterdash story - Fluttershy's Secret. Chapter 2 has now been released! :yay:

Chapter 2's Plot (Storyline)

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Patreon... again... · 7:46pm Sep 2nd, 2016

I didn't rip my trousers today for nothing!

I don't mean to be pushy but I've now done my Patreon better. I've got an intro video and a banner now! I think it's looking pretty good now.

Anyway, give it a look. Go on. You get to see my face!


I hope you're all having a good day! I did despite the ripping of my trousers in the middle of work.


If You Were Looking For a Sequel... · 3:10am Dec 7th, 2017

...Look no further!

[Adult story embed hidden]

I've tried to make this one a little more comprehensive and get into Twilight's head, let me know how I did!


Sometimes A Girl Just Has To Pamper Herself... · 8:36pm May 28th, 2016

Best line from Dash all season! ^^ XD

I swear I have to write something on this now. Soarindash related, or not! Hmf!


This makes me smile. · 2:41am Aug 12th, 2015

I'm a late bloomer when it comes to the show, but since I've been watching it I've waited with baited breath for a little more interaction between my favorite fashionista and my second favorite dare devil. Idk why, I just instantly go into shipping mode anytime I see them together... (which is rarely!!!):raritydespair:

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Time off coming for me with more free time to work. · 12:51am Jul 30th, 2018

I am getting a full week off house sitting from the 13th to the 17th of August. I will have my PC but no internet so I won't be distracted from just having a lot of free time to get down and do my stories.

I promise a lot of work will be done in that free week. I will spend every free moment to get these long overdue fics made.

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Update: The cogs are turning as the changeling world is revealed in The Fractured Unity · 3:50am Sep 3rd, 2018

Come here and see what is going on in the background as Twilight tries to figure out how the Changeling world works as she is slowly becoming a part of it. Please feel free to comment in there and tell me what you think of it.

EThe Fractured Unity
Come around and see the mixture of two stories. One were ponies start meeting changelings through the lenses of six ponies now, turned changelings, and another one of queens facing the changing of history through their eyes.
Time Reaper · 118k words  ·  32  6 · 2.5k views

And now, if you excuse me, I have an anime crossover to update.


NEW STORY: In The Code · 12:08am Mar 5th, 2019


Dash's Anxiety NSFW · 11:35pm Mar 28th, 2017

Nope, that's not a story, but this blog is brought to you because a story got my subconscious thinking, which can be dangerous... Or very interesting.

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Favorite Outfits Worn by Rainbow Dash (EG) · 12:04am Sep 7th, 2018

Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I last made a “Favorite Outfits...” post, hasn’t it?

Anyway, the next girl I decided to show you pictures of is Rainbow Dash, as well as the outfits she wears that are my favorites.

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Ranking the Rainbow Dash Episodes (From Worst to Best), Version 2 · 5:56pm Sep 21st, 2019

We're getting close to the end here, folks. And now apparently the final three episodes (for those who haven't seen it early yet) are going to air on prime time on a Saturday evening (when everyone's going to be too busy watching College Football, way to kill the ratings, Discovery Family). But whatever, that's not what we're here to talk about. We're here to evaluate Rainbow Dash's overall performance now that her focus episodes for Season 9 are done. She got a total of three, bumping her

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Viewing 441 - 460 of 1,551 results