
Viewing 441 - 460 of 682 results

Survey · 10:21pm Sep 5th, 2019

Without giving any context, I'm just gonna leave this here...
Survey about some community project


Still Not Dead · 1:33am Aug 17th, 2015

Alternative title: I'm Super Jealous of Everyone Who got to Meet up with Each Other at Bronycon but You Guys Probably Don't Want to Hear Me Bellyaching a Bunch.

Anyway, no I'm not dead, and things have actually been quite productive, all things considered. I've written about 10,000 words...they just...err...happen to be for multiple stories, so the work really isn't too visible unless you chat with me via Skype, Steam, Facebook, etc and/or have access to the Google docs.

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CP006 - Gradient practice · 4:37am Jan 7th, 2017

Been reading up on using color pencils in ways other than like a 3-year-old.

Now I just gotta stop sticking them up my nose


January 14th, 2017 Update: Equestrian Redemption Launch! · 4:24am Jan 15th, 2017

It's official! My Little Pony: Equestrian Redemption is finally here! We hope you enjoy the pilot and look forward to what else we have to come! It's been a long ride since November, but we're back with our official submission to the NaPoWriMo Challenge! Many of our other fiction plans will be delayed further as there's still much work to be done on this fiction, but everything will be done in time. We apologize once again for the inconveniences.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #2 · 12:08pm Oct 30th, 2016

Welcome to the sixth interseasonal hiatus, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you joining me since the second half of Season 6, I’ve long since run through the backlog of past pony episodes (easily findable through the archive here,) so I’m making my way through the comics. This week, it’s side comics, with Rainbow Dash’s micro-series issue and the CMC/Discord team-up. Let’s take a look.

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Friendship is Card Games: How Rarity Got Her Groovy Back and Friends Forever #3 · 12:39pm Nov 6th, 2016

We’re sticking with the side stories for a bit to bring things to some semblance of parity. As such, this week, we have Rarity on a commune and a team-up between two of the most important people in Twilight Sparkle’s life.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #4 · 1:15pm Nov 13th, 2016

Two more weeks of side comics before we cut back to the main storyline. Right now, we have an art competition and a haunting to look into.

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The Hat Man Reviews! [The "Negotiations" Series] · 9:16pm Sep 5th, 2016

Ah, "The Conversion Bureau." Along with the "Displaced" genre and "Anon" stories, Conversion Bureau stories are a type of story I generally dislike. There are exceptions, but they're pretty few and far between. As in I've read exactly one story in each of these categories where I've had neutral to positive feelings about. The subject of this review is less of a Conversion Bureau story and more of a so-called "deconstruction" of the genre. Fillies and gentlecolts, ladies and gents, I give

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Let's Talk the Equestria Girls Digital Series Timeline (Part 1 of ?) · 2:21pm May 4th, 2018

So, as I've been watching the various new EG shorts on both YouTube and the Discovery Family Go app, I've discovered something in the dialogue here and there which has convinced me of something: We're not seeing this series in chronological order.

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Let's Talk Timelines! (Part 2) · 1:02am Feb 13th, 2018

Punk Rock Prom Queen brought up a good point in response to the first part of this timeline. Namely that, no matter how you massage it, Anon-A-Miss just doesn't work in the timeline of events of EG. The idea that after helping defeat the Sirens that the entire school would turn on Sunset that fast seems utterly ridiculous.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #1 · 12:06pm Jul 17th, 2016

Hello, all. I'm deviating from the main series this week to at least start the other comic lines; the first issues of both the single-character-focused micro-series and the two-character-focused Friends Forever line. Let's see where this takes us.

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Calling it now · 4:36pm May 8th, 2019

Cozy Glow comes from the future, where Grogar's alliance won and the ponies are enslaved to his will. Her contacting Tirek and getting thrown in Tartarus was all to win not only Tirek's friendship, but Grogar's attention. Now that she's in Grogar's inner circle, she's gonna try to win over Tirek and Chrysalis and pit them against Grogar.


Status Update for November · 9:17pm Nov 4th, 2018

Life’s failures are what contribute to a person’s growth the most. As long as you don’t let it defeat you, one can learn what works, what doesn’t work, and augment future attempts based upon those results. That being said, it’s time for me to try this new schedule out. Ready for some big announcements?

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The Magic Continues - Batch 1 Announcement · 11:11pm Feb 11th, 2020

Hey everypony, this is a few days old, but I was getting ready for HarmonyCon when it finally dropped, so in case y'all haven't seen... Have some news on The Magic Continues!

The Magic Continues - first 6 episodes announced!

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New Chapter of Sea Story, Upcoming changes? · 11:20pm Aug 18th, 2017

And would you look at that, the story from last week continues this week.
Would have preferred to put them in separate stories for individual descriptions, but this should work fine.

It still means we have a tonne of filthy stuff to follow up from last week, the flood will flow from the cauldron~.
And that you can read in the story, conveniently tagged in this post.
I may be changing my prices

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Happy 3rd Anniversary to The Last Problem! · 5:06pm Oct 12th, 2022

It's ironic that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic would end on this day, two days and nine years after it was released, closing the story of Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six. Many thanks to the cast and creators for giving us an awesome show with many great lessons about friendship!


Seelie Saga: Legends of Agartha book series coming soon! · 5:18pm Apr 17th, 2023

I’ve chosen to delete my outdated Seelie Saga/MystiKnights blogs because, well, they were outdated and I doubted anyone was really all that interested. I was still getting my footing on the story and what I wanted it to be. As of now, I am currently in the process of writing chapter 15 and have been working almost around the clock writing down notes, sketching and making original art pieces for the series.

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Behind the Story: A Series of Letters · 12:37am May 29th, 2020

Yes, ThePinkedWonder does stuff like this. That’s exactly why I’m doing this. I’ll probably be doing this for future stories, as well.

It’s a good idea, what can I say? You might want to read the story before this though, because there’s a lot of spoliers.

So, for the 7 people who read the whole story through, whoever you are, let’s talk about this story.

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Pinkamena 7.5 - "A Noble Shadow" Update · 4:06am Dec 27th, 2020

So that fic that explained where Twilight was that NightSoul and I RP'd on Skype a decade ago is essentially cancelled on his account but he has given me full permission to write it on my own. I will be editing our RP into chapters and adding scenes of my own to ensure that as much of NightSoul's voice and ideas as possible are salvaged and kept in the story. Not sure when I'll get around to this. I may work on this in the background as I bounce ideas off NightSoul and

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New Year's Begun, Old Story's Done · 10:47pm January 12th

I've been aware of this for over a month now, but I wanted to bring the series finale rewrite to completion before I drew extra attention to it, because I was waiting for it to represent the story in it's finished form. As I mentioned in passing in the epilogue's Author's Notes, somebody out there created a TV Tropes page for The End of an Era to freely edit! I am humbled to see this exists. While it's not the only fan

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Viewing 441 - 460 of 682 results