
Viewing 461 - 480 of 641 results

So about S6... · 2:18pm Oct 23rd, 2016

At the start of S6 I wrote a blog discussing how S6 would impact my writing. As many of you know from reading any of my main writing - collectively known as the Iceverse - I don't follow any canon other than the show (and sometimes EqG). I have never adapted anything from the comics or novels regarding the show except bits of Cady's backstory. The AU tag upon my works usually just indicated that there was lots of lore but nothing major.

Until now.

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Random Ramblings CLXXVII · 7:15am May 10th, 2017


Takka Takka Takka: May 2017 Word Counts and My First Fanart! · 5:08am Jun 1st, 2017


Posted · 1:32am Sep 26th, 2017

My New Story should be out and ready to look over if not right this second, then soon™. Hopefully it'll have been worth the wait, and if not, ah well, can't win 'em all. At least I got the monkey off my back and also remembered that fimfic doesn't do indentions in stories so I ate up like an hour and a half of editing because I'm retarded and forgot.

But yeah, hope you all enjoy, updates on it should be every Friday, if not sooner.


Release Schedule News · 4:45am Nov 6th, 2017

Nothing big is going to change, and I'm not going to extend the schedule at all, so don't freak out or anything. The thing is that I work a night shift, and when I post my chapters, it's on my long weekend off. I generally go to sleep Monday morning after forgetting to post a new chapter for A Thief's Tale, so new chapters are going to be released Sunday night/Monday morning at twelve o'clock midnight.

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State of the Author: March, I guess · 3:19am Mar 5th, 2020

State of the Author: January February March

Last time I wrote one of these I was all braggy about managing to do a SotA two months in a row. And I was going to do a post for New Year, and . . . aw, what the heck, it’s not too late yet.


Contractual obligation ☑

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New Story/Chapter: "Consuming Darkness" (Guest Chapter) · 4:49pm Jul 15th, 2020

My pal Zontan over at "Quills and Sofas Speedwriting" wrote a cute, very funny story. As a challenge, I wrote a continuation! He loved it and decided to publish it (with my permission of course)! If you like my comedic, feelsy writing, I'm sure it'll be up your alley. (Also, check out Zon's other stories when you get a chance, like Truth or Dare or his darker story The

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Small update and Anniversary! · 6:28pm Dec 12th, 2016

In the ending of the first chapter, I made a small mistake in terms of Lowly's character. I had written down that she runs out of her room looking for a stallion to have intercourse with. This was something that didn't really occur to me at the time, but because of Lowly's meek side(thanks to Lord Armor) she would never go out of her way to look for sex. She is a submissive maid that follows orders, not give them or try to force herself onto anyone. :twilightoops: Oops!

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Ponyfest 2.0 Highlights · 1:15am Apr 27th, 2020

Basically Every Ponyfest Panel, April 25th, 2020 (Colorized)

(( And yes, that is Amy Keating Rodgers's pony and that is based on true events. ))

- Fuf
- Despite a disaster day at work, and a lunch consisting of two fistfulls of Pringles and half an energy drink I made it to my first convention panel ever almost on time!

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mlet biansel teim agin, :) · 8:03am Mar 20th, 2021

EThe Disastrous Adventures of Crew-T
A decidedly unprofessional team of weirdos yoinked out of their comfort zone crashes through fanfic worlds and beyond, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Link your story in the comments and see what happens!
TheMajorTechie · 15k words  ·  29  7 · 501 views

Continued riffing on NicLove's story at his request. He asked for the last 50% of chapter 2, so I gave him the last 50% of the last two sentences of that chapter. I ain't reading 14k words right after I finish a midterm, dangit.


It's fall, y'all! · 7:50pm Sep 23rd, 2019

Bring on the apples and pumpkins and let's raise our ciders in salute to the season's anthem!

Now, bring on the cold weather, the changes of the leaves, and the prospect of an early sno--

Oh, wait... I live in Florida...

So, I guess... ?

Sigh... I can't wait for when I can move back north.


You've STILL never heard of these Minecraft versions. (AlphaVer Part 2) · 3:04am Mar 29th, 2023


Why You Should STILL Read Berserk · 3:08am Apr 3rd, 2022


School (Yayyyyyy) · 6:02am Aug 24th, 2015

Ughhhhhh. That is literally my entire opinion. So school started on Wednesday and then my computer crashed but now it's working and I am so not looking forward to this year but oh well. Just a heads-up, I'm probably only going to be on a couple times a week, because I have a whole lot more to do this year than last year, so... just saying. I'll try to keep up, but no promises. Also, no more writing on the one-shot, because I realized that I have written myself into a corner yet again and then I

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Dum dum, has to give gum gum (how old is that by the way?) · 10:12pm Aug 27th, 2015

soooo ya, apparently im an idiot and didn't notice the reply button for something and instead replied directly on someone's homepage. perhaps I've been drinking too much. . . oh well whatever can you do? still working on lucky and the search for friends BTW, its just going very slowly cause life sucks alooooot of the time (damn you entropy)

anyway's ya, i suppose i have to give gum gum now don't i?

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Ebon Quill's First Story is Live! Go Read It! · 12:20am Mar 19th, 2017

Ebon Quill, one of the main reasons why my stories are so much better than my first drafts, has got his new story up! Stop what you're doing right now and go read it.

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Review: Imposing Sovereigns Stories, Warrior pt 2 · 12:58am Apr 4th, 2017

Alright, so that first batch of reviews went done amazingly well, let's keep this train moving and get to the second set of Warrior Princess fics to review. Now, while I'm not in on any judging for this contest, might as well give my thoughts on who I'd pick because, why not? Out of the first five, should be obvious which I like the most, Principle's just an all around well written story with a very good idea. The only qualm I might have is the sort of tenuous link to the whole 'warrior'

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MLAABQ distant future preview · 10:53am Sep 10th, 2016

Alright, the poll is in with 33% against the idea and 66% in favor. So here we are, a blog-post with some-things-that-MLAABQ-is-probably-gonna-end-up-containing-and-some-things-that's-less-certain.

At first I was thinking that it might be a bit like a trailer, but a trailer is usually cobbled together from an almost finished product, so it might be more like one of those concept-trailers that game-devs put together so that everyone involved has a clearer image of what they should aim for.

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To Forget... - A new one-shot Sad Fic! · 8:26pm Aug 17th, 2016

Short Description: Twilight Sparkle has lived a long life. Maybe too long. Now Twilight realizes that all things must come to an end... And that some ponies are too important to be forgotten.

Long Description: Twilight Sparkle just wanted to forget...

Yet all she did was remember.

Written for the F*** THIS PROMPT #13 contest.

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Well, Shit. · 9:07pm Sep 17th, 2015

Ok, so, good news and bad news. Good news is, I can get back to writing! Bad news is, my old computer has pretty much all but crapped out and died, and I just used nearly $400 to buy an emergency one.

I don't know how good it is, because it is refurbished, but I do know that I'm going to stress test the living hell out of it for the next couple days to make sure it can keep up with the worst of it. I'm currently re-downloading a bunch of things I'll need in the future, in fact.

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 641 results