
Viewing 461 - 480 of 1,246 results

Delays in updates....divorce. · 7:59pm Sep 27th, 2022

So, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm going to get a divorce. Caught my wife having done certain things on her electronic devices and among other things she's done in the past. She's trying to make my life hell while I'm deployed. It's ruining my concentration sadly, so updates will be slow. I'm a bit mad that it's almost two months since I last updated my stories.

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A Pegasus Promise Update · 9:27pm Feb 12th, 2021

Hi everyone!

Keep an eye out for two new chapters of A Pegasus Promise coming february 15th.

One of them will come with an illustration by the incredible FoxInShadow. Be sure to check his art here: (Careful there's NSFW things on his page)

Here's a link to the first two pictures he made for the story.

Picture 1:

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Tiny Update · 6:52pm Oct 4th, 2021

Just wanted to give you guys a tiny update.

So far I've been keeping my word, and written 500 words minimum on the newest chapter. This is likely to become a big chapter, as there is a lot to cover, maybe I even get the whole Rarity thing into this chapter as well, as I feel it would fit pretty well.

So far the chapter is 3.000 words, and I'm not half way yet.

So I hope you guys will enjoy it when it comes out.

Thank you for your patience. :twilightsmile:


3rd Rarity Rocking Out meme · 1:21am Jun 15th, 2021

Hello again,

I remade my Rarity Rocking Out meme again:

I used music from the Pokemon Rumble spin-off again, but this time, I broke off from the other two in regards to lighting and speed to be closer to the context of Kyurem being an ice-type.


When Gems Break Chapter 3 and 4 Status Update · 4:03am Sep 7th, 2021

Chapter 3 is nearing completion and should be up within the next day or so. And chapter 4 should hopefully be up quickly after it because both chapters are going to be relatively shorter than previous chapters. Despite this though, I still thought it necessary to make chapter 3 and 4 separate chapters. Once chapter 3 is finished I will immediately begin writing chapter 4, posting it shortly there after. So, look forward to two new chapters of When Gems Break very close together and in

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When Gems Break Chapter 3 Has Released · 5:02am Sep 27th, 2021

You've read the title! Yes it's finally here, no joke I got it out. Go read it, I hope you enjoy it!:duck:
In other news my short G5 one off story should be coming out within the next few days. And chapter 4 of When Gems Break should hopefully come out before the end of September! Thanks all for the continued support, really hope you all continue enjoying my work ~ Child of Stars


Rarity learns Math by Gavier (Recommendation-style short-review - for fics I would recommend, but for flaws with the format that can be sorted with editing) · 3:38pm May 6th

ERarity learns Math
Twilight decides it's time Rarity starts learning how to teleport. That means, tutoring classes.
Gavier · 1.3k words  ·  56  2 · 1.4k views

Overall. Twilight thinks in 0s and 1s.

Rarity will show her the importance of I.Ref

Best lines:

Twilight's voice, angelical as always, danced on each sentence with practiced grace, turning the dull textbook into a show.[...]

"I could do that," voiced Rarity, not completely sure why.

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New story about to be up. And it's terrible. And I'm happy. · 7:22am Mar 2nd, 2016 has vomit in it a little. Finally, right?

It's horrible sexual humor, and involves nonconsensual gay times with a little help from Rarity. Really, I have no excuse for this fic beside tormenting Anon in every way imaginable, and some ways unimaginable. So yeah, pull up a late night drink and good luck with this one. You'll need it.


Edit: AAAAAND it's live!


Massive Update! And I really, really need your opinion [VOTE BELOW IN COMMENTS] · 12:42am Aug 13th, 2016

Role Reversal can sometimes be the hardest to write for. It's because of Rarity's voice and mannerisms. I sometimes have to stop and go "That doesn't sound right" when it's coming out of Rarity's mouth and re-do entire parts of the story. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were easy because it's easy for me to get into their head. Rarity is another pickle altogether. I had trouble with Freudian Slip and I've had trouble with Role Reversal.

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Alright guys I want your opinion · 5:22am Jun 10th, 2016

So I have three story ideas and can't decide witch one to do. So I want the readers to vote. Here are the three. Just put the number in the comment, also you can vote for more than one. Just put the numbers in the order of what you want to read first.
1. Applejack recently learned that earth ponies where a dying race. It didn't bother her, but that all changed when she was visited by nature itself. Now she has been given the tools to save her race. Lots of clop by the way.

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Miss Koi Reviews "Spice Up Your Life" · 11:48pm Jun 11th, 2016

Awww, the last episode before the Season 6 break hiatus:( Please tell me it isn't so?:( Aww, I hope this hiatus isn't too long:( I heard that the hiatus is suppose to last till Fall.

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Carousel Chain [SPOILERS-ISH] · 2:55am Sep 14th, 2015

I liked this episode. It started slow, and Twilight's clunky dialogue when everypony was getting off the train put me off a bit, but everything else... fantastic!

5 Princess Dresses out of 5.


Operation: Sunny Day · 1:52am Oct 14th, 2015

For those who remember my "SunnyQ Curse" blog, this is for you! The rest... Well, no need to look for it, this is self explanatory.

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Because I Love You All · 4:33am Aug 20th, 2015

So my forays into the realm of writing original fiction are going quite well. I'm making significant progress on one novel series and good progress on planning several others. I'm looking into short stories, normally my bane, and I'm going to be seriously hunting down publishers and agents (if anyone knows anything about this process or anyone in it, let me know!)

But the one thing that I thought wouldn't happen has happened. I've written a bit more of Pirene.

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Dark Lands Story... · 10:27am Jun 24th, 2017

The story, Dark Lands, is needing the support of it's readers in the vote mentioned in the author's note of it's, currently, only chapter.

I tend to wing it with my stories tending to make them up as I go to make the situations more realistic, but since this story is being based off of a game, I'm going to need a character to be picked, by the 'player', i.e. you.

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Won My First Contest! · 5:52am Sep 2nd, 2017

I am SUPER stoked, because today I learned that my story, Thankfulness and High Society won the Poniverse Summerpalooza 3.0 Contest!

It's my first contest victory and I'm super happy to have won- now I just need to think about what I want done in the art that I won! :pinkiehappy:


WWBP: Sacrifice · 9:47am Oct 4th, 2017

So there was a competition called "Rarity is Trash" and it gave you five thousand words to refute the statement. Obviously I took umbrage to that, so I swore a lot and mashed a keyboard for three weeks to quadruple that word limit and write "The Price of Happily Ever After".

It's not getting many comments, but the reception seems to be pretty positive, so I guess I'll talk about some important themes writing it. Spoilers, obviously, after this line.

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Rarity · 8:34pm Feb 16th, 2018

Continuing with our favorite overdramatic fashionista.


Age: 16-17

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Author's Notes on Whispers · 3:19am Sep 21st, 2018

Hello and thank you for reading my latest story. I really don't know how much I can say about this one. But I may as well attempt to explain it past the jump. I hope you enjoyed it. I did in fact enjoy writing it.

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What did I think about S5 E14: Canterlot Boutique? **Probably Spoilers** · 6:20am Sep 13th, 2015

It was a Rarity episode. I admit to being biased against Rarity, as she's not a character I click with.

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 1,246 results