
Viewing 461 - 480 of 854 results

Thoughts on Notorious (1946) and How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) (Double Review) · 8:22pm Mar 14th, 2019

I have not been motivated to do things lately. But I saw these two movies recently, and I feel like I should talk about them anyway.

I saw Notorious first, two weeks ago, so I shall talk about that.

I thought it was pretty good.

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Well, here is some more DnD 5e Homebrew stuff. · 9:15pm Apr 17th, 2022

-Image can be found: here.

So, this is a concept I've had for a while, giving players mutations by the use of feats. Feel free to look at this and offer your advice, either on ways to improve these mutations or suggestions for mutation feats to add.

Mutations (Feats)

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Reading Reaction #1 part 11 · 7:22am Mar 14th, 2023

I present the final Reading Reaction to Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul and the ending of my first Reading Reaction.

Chapter 40: Plan set in motion

It had taken me several last pages to tear out all the letters that I needed. Nopony ever reads the author’s notes anyway, but Twilight wouldn’t know that those were the pages I had used.

I do feel like I’m one of those oddballs who actually does read the authors notes most of the time.

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The Problems with my Writing. · 7:56pm Jul 11th, 2021

I'm writing a new story based on an idea from Bad Dragon (Thank you, Bad Dragon). But before I get started, I need to know all of the problems with my writing from my previous stories and what I can do to avoid them if I want to be a better writer in the future.

You can either do a list or a series of paragraphs or just at least a few sentences if you want. Thank you and have a great day.


What if Spike had a crush on Fluttershy instead of Rarity? · 3:43am Feb 23rd, 2016

Hello, fellow MLP fans, since I'm new here I'm gonna discuss a topic that made me go thinking for awhile. Like what would happen if DHX decides to have Spike have a crush on Fluttershy instead of Rarity. Well, either way for "fillers" or story, it would be a lot of change. (Well, in case, you didn't know. the DHX production crew originality wanted Spike to have a crush on Fluttershy.)

The episodes are:
A Dog and Pony Show
Secret of My Excess
Dragon Quest
Inspiration Manifestation

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Upcoming Q and A. · 11:07pm Aug 10th, 2018

As I'm sure some of you know, I am a co-writer on the fanfic "My Little Pony: Xenoverse." We are presently planning to start a special Q and A in the future. If you have any questions you want to ask us, please put them below and maybe we'll answer them! Good luck! :twilightsheepish::pinkiehappy::scootangel::ajsmug:


My Alicorn OC, Lady Adellandra · 7:29am Aug 26th, 2017


D&D MONSTER RANKINGS - FIENDS and FACTORIO · 2:49pm Sep 16th, 2018


Video Blog?! 0.0 · 1:22pm Aug 7th, 2015

Okay, so as most of you might have noticed, I've been (or attempt ed) more active as of late. I have the 4th chapter being edited as we speak by my awesome editor (because I make way too many mistakes). Anyways, I feel obligated to release more consistent content to you all. Not just chapters but possibly my opinion on other stories l, game/movie reviews, food reviews(?), collaboration ideas, etc.

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Dragon's heart is magic · 2:42pm Jan 18th, 2022

"How can a dragon's heart be magic?" you ask.

With a new day, a new chapter is published that addresses exactly that.

TBad Dragon's Short Stories
Got a minute? It will take you even less to read one of these unrelated short stories designed for instant reader’s gratification.
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  35  39 · 1.1k views

And now you know why I'm hearthless.


Deconstruction is Magic: A My Little Pony Retrospective (S1E7) · 10:32pm Oct 17th, 2020

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreetings everypony, and welcome back to Deconstruction is Magic, my Retrospective/Review/Analysis of every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic ever. Today, we have another fandom touchstone episode, Dragonshy! Without wasting any more time, let's get on with the analysis! I am the Mage of Mind, reminding you, as always, that even a cheeseburger can be deconstructed to its source.

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"Marble's Horizon" Reviewed by Titanium Dragon! · 9:33pm Mar 24th, 2016

Just a quick post that my Scribblefest story Marble's Horizon was recently reviewed by Titanium Dragon, a well known writer and reviewer here on the site. He previously reviewed The Reality I Choose as well. He apparently found Marble's Horizon a bit more to his liking, though, so that was nice. :twilightsmile:

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Story Ideas For Season Six · 2:12pm Feb 14th, 2017

Four of them revolving around a particular set of other Equestrian species than ponies individually. For episodes six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four of AJBS's season next year, I intend on having Stardust confront four different groups of creatures. Note, title ideas among other things will change over time. Here are the planned titles and summaries thus far:

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Spike Episodes and his Nature as a Dragon · 5:05pm Jun 27th, 2015

Hello. This is my first ever blog post, so forgive me if I do it incorrectly or in a way that is unfamiliar.

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Spyro Reignited Trilogy TRAILER!! · 10:26pm Apr 5th, 2018

Twenty years ago, a purple legend was born. I encountered a demo at Best Buy, mesmerized by the tunes of Stewart Copeland and the scenery of the Stone Hill demo, and got him later that Christmas.

Twenty years later, my first video game returns in glorious HD. And I see the gray hairs reading that figure again.


The Rolling Sale - Round 2! (And Dragon Award Reminder!) · 6:53pm Jul 22nd, 2017

Of course this is from my site. Where else would it come from?

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Tenth Chapter of Letters from a Princess to a Dragon Lord is up. Go read it. · 4:36am Sep 8th, 2016

Tenth Chapter of Letters from a Princess to a Dragon Lord is up. Go read it. And it only took me a month to get it out. I blame college.


I show up in another video, also I am in need of some help... · 12:11am Jun 5th, 2018

First off, for those of you who don't know this, I love DnD 5e. Anyway here is a video and I actually show up in it for a few seconds.

At 0:21.

Isn't that cool!:pinkiehappy:

Anyway now that, that is out of the way, I need your help. Not sure if any of you will be able to help me with this but I thought I would ask.

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RPG Tips With Crimson #2: Make the PC's into Villains. · 8:07pm Jun 28th, 2018

In the beginning there was a Game Master, and over the course of seven days he created a perfect world full of intrigue, villains, heroes, and magic. Then on the seventh day he invited Players to come and create Player Characters to act as their avatars in the Game Master's perfect world. Within three hours the once perfect world was destroyed by these supposed heroes going on a murder hobo rampage. To the NPC's of this world, this was the first sign that the end was to come. To the Game

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Thoughts from the Multiverse: My Take (Dragonverse) · 10:00pm Oct 19th, 2017

One-thousand years ago, Ponykind was the greatest threat the world had ever known.

Masters of both magic and nature, controlling the land and the very weather with their bare hooves, the seemingly harmless ponies of Equestria were the most dangerous force any creature had ever seen. Lead by their dual rulers Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon they had spread across the land, subjugating every other species and land they reached and adding it to their ever-growing empire...

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 854 results