
Viewing 461 - 480 of 898 results

Edits on A New Lease on Life · 3:41am Nov 27th, 2016

After reading the first chapters I realized that it was going to take a lot more editing than I originally thought. So, I will be taking down A New Lease on Life until I do. I will re-post the chapters as I finish them. It shouldn't take more than a few days.

Thank you all for reading and I promise that I will get it back up as soon as I can.


Stuck Update #3 · 12:19am Nov 28th, 2016

Alright fackbois, chapters 7 - 9 have been updated and polished. They should look more decent now. Don't expect this to be a daily thing though. I'm doing these at work, and business is slow at the moment. Tomorrow is Monday and throughout the week, I'll be up to my eyeballs in assignments and other things. But hey, during the past week, I was able to polish up and improve the first nine chapters. Feeling really good about these edits. Enjoy guys!

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Hours Loom - Fully Edited · 2:46pm Jul 9th, 2016

Huzzah! The last chapter has been fully updated and an Epilogue has been added. If you don't have a weak stomach, feel free to check it out! I know death and gore isn't for everyone.

I'll be doing a "changelog" next week's blog post to go over what changed from the original, besides the obvious grammar and spelling horrors that plagued it. Figured I'd give it a week that away I don't spoil anything right after updating it. :twilightsheepish:



Downtime · 3:12pm Sep 1st, 2016

I've spent my free period going through Let's Try This Again and The Roses of Success, just to click the down arrow and the enter key a few hundred times. Double-spaced text is so much less touble to look at. I'm also gonna do this to Changelings: A Summary, when I have the time.
EDIT: Done with that too.


ME:C A word of gratitude. · 4:23am May 23rd, 2017

Ok, I've been working on fixing up the latest chapter (Back and Forth) I can't believe I posted what I did in the state it currently is. I do want to give a thank you to everyone who left a comment and didn't chew me out for the mess I gave you. Since you all have been waiting for an update for so long.

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Finding the Time · 3:29am May 30th, 2016


Dear EA · 11:50am May 11th, 2018

After uninstalling Battlefront II, I bought a 13-year old game of yours for full price because it's still one of the best arcade racers around and isn't infested with microtransactions.

Just wanted to remind you of a time when EA wasn't complete shit.


Slowly but surely · 8:04am Dec 8th, 2015

I'm slowly working on fixing up the fabrics I have going. If you see any small changes to the stories, then that's because the really need to be edited and I'm working on it.

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Burgerbelle · 4:42am Sep 2nd, 2018

Oh hey sweet, another EQUESTRIA GIRLS! (the parody series) video! This should be great! Can't wait to see what silly shenanigans the Flats get up to on their bizarre home universe an-

She has... a name.

A name that isn't Sweetie Belle. ...Or Sweetie Burger.

She is... ...Burgerbelle.


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FimFiction Feghoot Festival: Let's Meet the Editors! · 6:43pm Jun 7th, 2019

FimFiction Feghoot Festival: Let's Meet the Editors!

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Its Coming Along Slooooowly · 11:17pm Sep 2nd, 2017

Chapter 1 of Ruby is almost fully edited. Now if my mom would stop stopping the prosess then it would be done by Monday.... Welp! I make no more promises... :fluttershysad:


Chapter 15 is on its way! · 2:40pm Oct 28th, 2019

Finished the latest chapter last night and handed it off my industrious proofreader. It’s a dark one, unless you’re a bit different, in which case you might find it funny.

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Edited Rainbow Factory now live! · 10:26pm Feb 17th, 2021

The edited version of Rainbow Factory is live!

Hoo-ee, what a mess that was. There's been a couple minor changes made to align canon with later Pegasus Device-established lore, but the bulk of it remains true to the original. What is different though are hundreds of grammatical and spelling corrections, as well as clarified and rephrased sentences. I'm serious. There were almost 400 identified issues in the original 8250 word document.

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Swimming Lessons Renovations complete · 9:27pm Jan 27th, 2020

Hi, guys. It took me a bit, and I took a few days off in between, but I finished going over and polishing up Swimming Lessons. Ultimately, this is how it went down:

Chapter 1: A 62-word drop in Microsoft Word (Fimfiction says 74 for some reason)

Chapter 2: A 48-word drop in Microsoft Word (Fimfiction says 64 for some reason. Honestly, the vast majority of what I did in this chapter was combining paragraphs)

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UPDATE: Rewrite In Progress Completed · 8:09pm Nov 28th, 2020

Hey, y'all.

I hope you're all doing well because I've been pumped. I can't even describe how excited I am to get started on the new chapter for Throes of Winter, because let me tell you. Going back to editing every chapter thus far to a higher standard (not by much) has been a real trip.

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Collaboration Spots still open! · 6:33pm Jun 18th, 2016

Hey everyone!

We've got a great collaboration group set up and we're still in the brainstorming process. Right now we're sitting at a total of four authors, with a fifth interested. We'd love to have more people involved!

If you'd like to join as an author (or an editor, if you are so inclined), then shoot me a PM!


The latest chapter of Pony-Me has been edited to clear up some confusion. · 4:31pm Feb 26th, 2018

Based off of a comment I received on a blog post, I've modified the latest chapter of Pony-Me to distance the story from the probably-overused Friendship is Optimal trope. I didn't intend to steer the story in that direction at all, nor did I want to turn away readers with the mention of certain elements of FiO. I was originally planning on further elaborating on the backstories with a follow-up chapter that

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Blog Number One Hundred Twenty-Two · 10:04pm Jun 7th, 2019

Hey everyone,

Grad school is finally done, and while I'm looking for work, I've started rejoining various Discord servers and becoming more active on Fimfiction than I've been in the last year. I'd forgotten how much I missed reading fiction.

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Update · 8:39pm Jul 29th, 2016

So, a couple things to go over here.

The Harmony League
I admit it. I messed up. I completely forgot about how Chapter One ended originally, and ended up stopping the new Chapter One earlier than I should have. However, as I said in the author's note, I pushed just a little too hard to finish the new Chapter One and wound up burning myself out. When I feel the urge to continue it, that's the first thing I'll do.

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Back-Editing Book 1 again: Chapter 9 under slight renovation · 4:24pm Jan 12th, 2020

Hi, everybody. Since Book 2 chapter 4 got put up yesterday, I decided to get back to something I was working on before I even split my story in two: back-editing.

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 898 results