
Viewing 481 - 500 of 525 results

Wanna vote on what'll happen next in Equestrian Human? · 2:18am Oct 28th, 2017

#1 is gonna happen no matter what's chosen though, so it's either skip straight to it, add a bit of relief to the recent burst in story progression, or a bit of explanation for those of you confused on what the crap is going on.

Choices below the break.

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CHAPTER UPDATES · 2:27pm Aug 23rd, 2015

Well the fourth chapter is out! I'm starting the next one now! I hope you guys like them and that everyone seems to fit their characters. I'm trying my best not to change them a lot. You can only change them so much before they're not really themselves anymore. :applejackunsure:

Oh and leave comment as to what I should write next:

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Spike of All Trades FORMAT POLL · 4:10pm Apr 3rd, 2020

TL;DR Please read the bold question below and comment answers on this post.

Few chapters remain! One for each remaining week of April, if we're counting the quadruple-sized Chapter 50 as just 'one' chapter, anyways. And then we'll be taking a break before I return with the second major story arc: [SPOILER TITLE REDACTED].

...Come on, you didn't think I'd be that easy eh? :raritywink:

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Back In Semi-Action · 7:51pm Oct 19th, 2015

Hey everyone! I'm back! For the most part. I had some problems that needed to be dealt with and are still being worked on. As I'm studying and looking for a job I won't be able to post too much on here. But whenever I have the time to I will :) I have ideas I just need to find the time to write them. Speaking of ideas I would like your guys' help with a pairing crisis I'm having.

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So the results are in! · 8:26pm Mar 4th, 2019

Hi guys!

The results have came in from the polls! And now I have a better understanding of what you guys want, though I wish a few more people had voted; it can't be helped. I have enough data now to see what I need to do, to hopefully make things better for you!

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Old Delays, New Plans · 10:56pm Sep 3rd, 2018

Unfortunately, friends, my work is once again delayed, although three of my stories will soon be getting updates:
Good Crusader Hunting
~Tails of Equestria, Volume 1~
My Tiny Pony: Friendship is Precious
However, I come to you now... With a new announcement.

A great journey lies ahead... One door closes, another one opens... Where there is courage, there is hope...
The Song shall soon be sung...

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So, what are your thoughts on Into Equestria and how it relates to Pony-Me so far? · 9:41am Feb 2nd, 2020

With Into Equestria being out for nearly a week now and five chapters currently published (more to come, I'm working on the 6th!), I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the sequel, and where I could potentially improve. Below the break are some things I'd personally like to hear from y'all. :twilightsmile:

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What Wouldn't You Do For 800,000 Dollars? · 1:35pm Aug 27th, 2017

What Wouldn't You Do For 800,000 Dollars?

Let's just say someone, hypothetically speaking, walked up to you and said they would give you 800,000 dollars with the condition that you would have to pass a series of 'tests' or 'challenges' to get the money. Think Fear Factor, but a lot darker (potentially).

The challenges would range from eating bugs to sleeping in a room filled with spiders to...perhaps even more sinister things.

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The "Patchwork Problem" · 1:55am Nov 7th, 2016

Writing good fiction is challenging.

Then again, writing fiction is challenging in general... but for even more reasons.

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Gonna be reyt scary · 9:42pm Oct 22nd, 2018


F/F/T3K15 9/8: The new thing and the new poll. · 4:50am Sep 10th, 2016

Due to a one-two punch of my laptop breaking and having a job that keeps me pretty late, I WAY missed the announcement. I'ma just quote Ring.

No one really commented all that much on the Zim fic, but holy shit did the editors have a horrible time getting through that one. Was quite fun to watch.

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Songs of the Spheres: CHOOSE THE ANIME GM USES! · 4:15am Mar 29th, 2018

So, I've decided that I wanted to include an anime in SotS. The PLAN is to give it an important role (starting in act 4) but after much deliberation on the discord server, I just couldn't decide. So I created a poll of the three worlds we thought would fit best with the nature of the story and fun internet culture. As of now, I have actually watched none of these all the way through, but I will devote myself to doing just that for the winner.

The options are...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

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Another Sunlit Night Sequel Update · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2015

Hello everyone! Captain Disappointment here with an update for all of you patient readers as well as those who are not going to like what I have to say next.

As you might have guessed, it is taking a while for the sequel to come out. Good news is that it has actually been started and as some of you may know, starting stories is the biggest hurdle in my race to get fics out to all of you.

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F/F/T3K15 10/8: Wrapping up "The Catch!" · 2:01am Oct 9th, 2015

The riff of "Cupcakes: Creepypasta Edition" is all finished, and it's right here. This was a good one.

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5 Good Fanfiction Ideas, which one should i write? · 7:45am Aug 26th, 2015

I always think of good fanfiction ideas randomly, but whenever i try i cannot fully capture what i'm imaging, and usually give up writing a few thousand words in. I am going to post all of the ideas that I had thought of. Please tell me which one i should try write

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Audience Demographics · 3:30am Sep 15th, 2020

Because I have over 800 followers and no idea if I have a consistent demographic beyond my readers being mostly American. Enjoy some straw polls.

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Thoughts about these g5 fic ideas? · 11:14am Jul 3rd, 2022

Haven't finished my Sprout fic yet and I'm currently writing another g5 one shot for a contest, but I'm already thinking about future fics because I'm impatient, heh :twilightblush:

The ones that tempt me the most are multi-chapter ones, which are

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Update/Stories/Sorry · 11:16am Oct 29th, 2016

Okay, first off. I want to say sorry. I did a vote for my next story to write by myself, and 'A Dragon's Nature' won [here]. Now, I tried and tried to write some of it, but I just don't have a good enough idea or enough motivation for each of the scenes. So, I will still attempt to write it, but, not alone. There's no way I can write it along, so I am going to get some friend's help. Sorry again, I did the vote because I wanted to

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BronyCon: Thank you all! · 9:11pm Aug 17th, 2017

I need to send one final recap to thank y'all for your generous horsebrutality and friendship. The con was amazing and it was a joy to spend it with everypony there. :twilightsmile:

Here you can see me cosplaying as slightly less of a dork.

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Feathered Hearts: Eros - release week complete! What would readers like me to work on next...? · 3:44pm Jun 7th, 2021

The release of Feathered Hearts: Eros is complete, and I generally couldn't be happier with how it went. The Memorial Day launch of five chapters followed by five more at the rate of one per day worked--the story not only featured after an hour in fourth place and stayed on the board for most of the day, but it pulled a slew of new readers onto the main story as well, taking it from 66 likes to knocking on the door of 100 while picking up a whopping 90 new tracks. That alone makes

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Viewing 481 - 500 of 525 results