
Viewing 481 - 500 of 1,551 results

Join Woona's Army of the Night! (a.k.a. pre-readers please???) · 3:10pm May 12th, 2015

I've got a couple of stories coming up that I'd love a few pre-readers for. They're both crossovers, so familiarity with the source material would be an advantage.

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Clanless fan art by Neko-Me (aka what you guys voted on) · 10:02pm Jul 6th, 2015


Here is the fan art you guys voted for. Hope you enjoy it!


Taming of the Siren finally out! · 3:51am Jan 18th, 2016

This story has actually been sitting in unsubmitted for a long time, even though it was ready. Yeah, I don't know why XD
Huge thanks to SkycatcherEQ for the amazing coverart! :pinkiehappy:
I hope you enjoy the story!

P.S. the link is above if you missed it.


No freaking way. · 12:58am Dec 19th, 2015

So, I was lurking around on Derpibooru a few minutes ago, and I come across this:

Just... wow.

Literally the only thing that I'd change would be Soarin. He'd be more like a cousin (or possibly another sibling, though with his color scheme he'd be a tiny bit more likely to be related to Night Glider).

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New Fic on the Way - "Technicolor Domination" · 9:08pm Feb 29th, 2016

Hey, friends. I have a new fic on the way, and it's a bit different than anything I've posted before.


As the warning says, if this kind of thing doesn't sit well with you, please don't read. That being said, I think that I did a very good job with this one, and I'm hoping that you will enjoy.

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Rainbow Dash Voice Actor Needed! · 5:13am Jan 31st, 2016

The title says it all, I am in need of a voice actor for RD for an audio drama I am working on. If you are interested, send me a voice sample to my email. Plz be quick with your submissions, and this is a non-profit project, so no money is involved. You must also be willing to do this, seeing this is a three-season project, and might end up having musical numbers in it, but that's mainly for season two and possibly three.



Attempt to write a Daily update for bastards · 7:13am Dec 9th, 2016

[Witty dialogue relating to boners and ponies]
[stunning display of stupidity]
[Joke covering own self depression]

Oh feck all that nonsense! Good evening everyone and welcome to the Writing Tonight Show with your host, Overworked and Tired Irishman!

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Happy Halloween! (late, I know) · 9:59pm Nov 1st, 2016

Hope everyone had a spooky old time last night. I myself got in the spirit by writing a short story. "When Pigs Fly" a short thriller that takes place during "Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon".

Its a terrifying account of when Rainbow Dash got turned into a pig.

In sequel news, I should be getting off my duff and be writing chapters 3 and 4 for my sequel.


October Half Term Break!!! + Other News · 8:19pm Oct 19th, 2016

Hiya everypony! Guess what? I'm off school now for a week and a half!!! :yay:

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New Story on Monday, August 1st · 2:48am Aug 1st, 2016

Howdy folks.

Wow, last time I actually posted a new story was February. I've been busy as hell writing in the past 6 months, but none of it has made it to you yet. The Sunset Shipping Project has all seven stories completed, but I'm still getting them all polished up to perfection.

In the meantime, I have a new oneshot for you that I recently entered into the "End of an Era" writeoff contest. It didn't do all that well, but I've fixed up what I suspect were most of the major issues.

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28 Pranks Later · 5:36pm Aug 28th, 2016

Only just got round to watching this one. That's time I could have spent jetwashing flagstones or somesuch. Ah well. I have to ask why they felt it necessary to write this story. Have they felt guilty about condoning prankery ever since Griffon the Brush-Off graced our screens? I doubt even Hasbro could be that apologetic.

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Thoughts & Commentary on "Shift in Spectrum" · 1:32am May 25th, 2016

First things first, super big thanks to my editor and proofreader, JoshuaGrahamPony, for helping me immensely in crafting the story. Having a second opinion to spark discussion over small details is always valued and I'm glad he helped me in that regard.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead! Do not read past this point unless you feel comfortable with that!

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Seducing a Nation (New Commission!) · 11:31pm Mar 22nd, 2018

Hey, new commission out! If you're into domination, give it a go!

[Adult story embed hidden]

I imagine this one will be updating fairly soon, too! Have fun.


Pick a story, any story. · 2:48am Jun 4th, 2018

So, I'll like to try something new for my blog. I want my readers to pick the next story to see on my page, I'm going to give a choice of three, but if you want to see a sequel to a story that I didn't list and it gets enough votes. I will make it, but I'm keeping to three choices to make it simple for everyone.

I do hope everyone understands it, just pick a story out of the list of three and if a story that you love and want a sequel to it, list it below, I might write it.

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Ramble #1 (of Many): Guaranteed Failure · 4:07pm Jun 13th, 2016

So it turns out I've never actually used the blog feature before! Huh. My blog posts list is all shiny and unused, but it's time to break that mint condition and actually write something.

So hi! I'm Wanderling. I'm female, from the UK, early twenties and an absolute Twijack devotee. (That's how you introduce yourself even after being on the site for four years, right?)

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Starfleet Nemesis Prologue 2: Starla's Mommy Issues · 6:34pm Mar 14th, 2018

The second prologue of My Brave Pony: Starfleet Nemesis has been revised and updated, as Rainbow angsts, Lightning broods, Fluttershy (finally) demonstrates the inner strength that various characters insist she has but I always forgot to show on the page, and Starla gives us a charming glimpse into her feelings:

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Possable FAN ART?!?! O_O · 1:12pm Aug 10th, 2018

I came by these images from my best friend a day ago. They look exactly like the images from the series I am making as well as the Comic fan made comic its based on.

Could be a Possible Fan art from my work or the main art itself. Ether way please check these out.

All the art is made by KittyTheNerd at her Deviant art site located here.

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Scootaloo's Wish Review · 4:55am Dec 25th, 2017

Video made by Me.

Well, I've been a bit slow on reviews lately, but I'm gonna do something here for Christmas. Also, this is my 100th blog post, so, yay!

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How many years has it been!? · 3:27am Oct 14th, 2017

Dang, man. Time flies by fast.


After Watching Top Bolt · 10:35am Oct 10th, 2016

Has anyone watched Top Bolt yet? I just watched it about five minutes ago, and I have to say, this is one of my most top five fovourite episodes! It was sooo amazing. I mean, there was nothing surprisingly. It was just another kinda slice of life episode, but it was a 'funny' slice of life episode that you should not miss. I have to say, it is high recommended for every Dash and Wonderbolts' fans. Seriously, do not miss it. Dash and Spitfire were hilarious. There were so many joke around this

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Viewing 481 - 500 of 1,551 results